Ch 31. Its time

Sakazuki vs Kuzan

Well in the spirit of 'not fighting over whom is better because our wife will kill us', they immediately killed the planet and all living beings by creating a supernova.... RIP nazi supergirl...

Also in the same spirit, I drank everyone under the table so I could visit sups and bat.


Sneaking into Supermans house, I laid in his bed and let my tails out. When he came out of the shower, I was asleep. I was rudely awaken and accidently threw us back in time to the ice age... Immediately returning us, I smiled mischievously, "That's why I dont get woken up. Good luck figuring out what has changed."

I know nothing changed but I like fucking with him. I waved goodbye and spirited away to bats side.

He was lurking on a rooftop by some gargoyles again, watching the detective on the roof across the street. As I appeared, laying across two other gargoyles, he flinched and attacked me. I cheshire smiled and 'fell' to the ground next to the detective, "Hiya, bats a little indisposed, may I help?"

The detective put his hand on his gun, "Who are you? What did you do to batman?"

"Startled bats tend to flee and come back later after recon. Let's see if he will as well. It's okay, I'll sit and wait," I said and stretched, "Besides, I need to talk to him about a certain couple."

The detective stepped away, about to flee when bats dropped in, "What do you need detective?"

The detective threw a file to bats and just walked away. Bats looked at him oddly and looked threw the file. I yawned, "Bats, tomorrow, I'll fix that crazy couple but my husbands want to meet them first."

" what you want..." he said with a sigh.

"What about you?" I asked.

"What about me? I have work to do," he said and tried to leave.

"What if I told you a secret?" I giggled.

"What kind if secret?" he asked hesitantly.

"Hehe, not much of a secret if you dont answer as well," I said.

"Answer what?"

"Do you want to come along after you die? Become a fighting instructor for my kids, be a badass in other worlds, have a family."

"....I cant do that."

"Yes you can. When you die, call for me. I'll employ you and you have free reign on training. The men might intervene to teach their kids special skills, otherwise I dont give a fuck."

"We shall see..."

"Okay. I'll leave a card so you can call me for 1 emergency, use it wisely," I smiled and spirited off after shoving a note down his pants.


"I made breakfast," I called out.

A stampede was heard before the warehouse went silent. I giggled and floated the bowls to the counter with a thank you note to the gods and goddesses before leaving with bowls for my husbands and the guests. As I entered the dinning area, I sent the bowls to the respective person, "So who wants to meet two crazy people and help fix them?"

"Who are we meeting?" Byakuya asked curiously.

"Just a jokester and his wife," I smiled and started eating.

Everyone nodded. After eating, we dressed up in black tie outfits and went to go play in Gotham. We had lunch at a mafia owned restaurant, dinner at a 5 star restaurant and had drinks at a club, also mafia cover. Yes, we were stared at the entire time. No, we didn't care about it.

Now we are out and about, chatting with a jokester and his wife.. Well it's not really chatting but arguing. Specifically, I'm tell this bitch to get out of my face before I turn her normal.

"I ain't normal to begin with, so you cant turn me normal," she said.

My husbands shook their heads. Jokester raised an eyebrow, "Why so serious?"

I didnt say anything and looked at the man. Getting a brilliant idea, I cheshire smiled at him and captured him with chains, "Since she cant be normal, how about you?"

"No! Leave him out of this!" she yelled angrily.

"Too late!" I said and played an illusion in his mind. To him, it was years but to us it was a second. He seemed to visibly age into an old man before he blinked and just cried, not even struggling in the chains. I laid him down and let him cry for a bit before giving him an ice coffee, "You had a hard life. I know what it's like. The least I can do is give you someone who understands."

Without warning, I did the same to the girl. She laid in the guys lap and cried, begging to stay together forever.... Sengoku married them right before batman showed up and tried to fight them. I stopped bat and smiled, "They will not put up a fight. Put them in a bunker for their remaining days. They dont have long left."

Bay didnt speak but looked at the duo who looked back down and gave quiet apologies.


Bat did as I asked and let them spend the last few months in a bunker, deep below ground.

We bid our farewell and went to our house in the space.

"The next world is only for food and drink purposes. We will use all money we conned off of the past worlds to buy as much booze and snacks as humanly possible. Objections?" I asked.

"Is this the place to get spicy food?" Byakuya asked to which I nodded.

"Do you have a plan for after that?" Mihawk asked.

"Sort of. We will meet and mess with a group of people before we go.... um... somewhere?" I said and realized my lack of a plan...

"We can figure it out later then. For now let's see who can eat more spicy food without issue," Jinbei said.

"Agreed," the group said and looked at me.

"Ok....," I nodded.

[To Food Wars please...] I sent.

[Sanji is currently enrolled in Totsuki academy as a freshman. In a week, he will be apart of the fall selection. P.s. I'll let you out as the school entrance.] Galfus.

"We will see Sanji in a week," I said and asked Galfus for tickets so we could see.

The men nodded and we stepped out of the living space. I simply spirited us all over the world fo eat some spicy foods and get snacks and booze.


At the end of the week, everyone was fed up of spicy food including Byakuya. I giggled and brought us to the front gate of Totsuki and showed our passes to the guards.


Entering the venue, the place silenced and people moved out of the way. One specific person however came toward us and bowed. "Hello, it is a pleasure to see you. Can I perhaps have a bit of your time, without your guards?"

"As I dont know you, I'll have to disagree with your offer. Furthermore....," I said before being interrupted.

"Excuse me, Teacher Dojima, your wanted by the chairman," a red haired girl said.

I scoffed and walked toward the stairs before going to the ground floor, looked through the crowd. Before I could spot Sanji, a blond girl stepped in my way, "What do you think you are going down here? Spectators seats are up there, sit in them."

I glanced at the girl and raised an eyebrow, "I'll do as I please. Tell your grandfather the Tegan family said hello."

As I stepped passed the girl, an old mans voice said behind me, "The Nakari family bids a good afternoon to the Tegan family. May I ask, is there something particular you need from the stage?"

"My son would be nice," I said and glanced at the man.

"I didnt know you had a son in our school, shall I send for him?" Old man said.

"No need Mr. Nakari," I said and glanced to the side, where a few teenagers were standing, "Hello dear."

"Mom, I didn't know you were coming," Sanji said with a big smile.

"We wouldn't miss it. Here, you left this at the house," I said and handed him a special seasoning he created back in his original world.

Sanji stayed silent and shakily took it before hugging me tightly, "Thank you mom!"

"Not a problem. Who are these younglings?" I asked.

"I...I'm Alice Nakari," a white hair girl said.

"I'm Ryo...," a black haired tired looking boy said.

"I'm Takami, that's Isumi, my brother," a blond boy said before pointing to a brown haired boy.

"Its nice to meet you all. I'd wish you luck but I highly doubt you would need it," I said.

"So this is Sanji....," Byakuya said quietly to the group.

"Ah, my apologies, Sanji, this is Buakuya, Zaraki, and Sajin," I said with a smile and pointed them out.

Sanji nodded to me and stepped in front of the trio, "Nice to meet you. What do you wish I call you?"

The trio looked puzzled before Garp leaned over, "Just call them sir. They arent ready yet but soon, hehe."

"Yes father," Sanji said and smiled a bit.

"It seems we must go sit so the tournament can start. Kick ass kids," Sengoku said.

"Would you like to sit in VIP with Erina and I?" old man asked.

"No, we will sit here. Thank you for the invitation Mr. Nakari," I said and lead the group to seats next to the stage.


Sanji scored 99 out of 100. Because it was a tad bit too spicy for some people.

Anyways. We congratulated Sanji and I told him I'd make breakfast to celebrate. The men and Sanji lost their cool and partied (boozeless).


"Sanji, congratulations on winning. Your fathers and I must go and see to about meeting a spider. When your done, let us see if you are skilled enough for my recipes," I said and hugged him, "Love you baby."

"Love you too mom. Be safe out there," Sanji said and smiled before turning to the men, "Take care of her. We are watching."

I giggled as the men laughed and agreed. We talked a bit more before entering the space.


Currently, I'm laughing so hard, I'm rolling on the floor. Much to my husbands ire, I find our situation hilarious. Well, I say situation, but really its apart of being on this world with our powers.

[In order to visit my world with your powers, you have to be 12 year olds the entire time your here. No wishing will change it. In return, I'll let you do whatever you want and give you anything else you ask for (within limits)] God of ?????

Obviously, I agreed. I want to meet all the different crazies in this world so I went with it. So yeah I maybe forgot to tell the husbands before agreeing, but they are fine.. I'm not, I'm laughing too hard!

Anyway, we stepped out of the elevator right after I calmed down. All eyes landed on us, so we got our badges and went to the side to play some games. Some guy gave us juice, which we drank before Snape handed us 'antidote' apple juice. We laughed a bit at the guys 'caught' face.

"Hoo? What are you children playing? Go fish?" a jester looking guy attempted to tease us.

"Uno ten," I said and dealt the uno cards.

"Uno ten? I dont think I know that one, let me play as well," the guy said.

"But mister, the exam starts in 4 minutes and 22 seconds, the first part of the game takes at least 7 minutes..... How about after? I'll make a 'special' promise," I smiled innocently, acting 12.

"Hm... Alright kid, but you better stay alive and pass. Or I'll kill you all myself," he said and walked away.

"I like him," I stated.

"Oh? What about us?" Sakazuki said.

"I obviously love you all. I'm just saying he reminds me a bit of me," I giggled and turned back to the group, "Its a competition!"

"Woohoo!" the cheered quietly as the final group, Gon's group, arrive.

The guy in a suit kept glancing at us, probably because of my tail. However, I was curious why that is when there is a tentacle covered slime in the hunter association. So when the phase started, my group stayed half a step behind the guy and tried to talk to him.

"Hey mister," I said after we started 'running', "Why do you look at me all weirdly?"

"Because I do not know of your race," he stated.

"Oh. I'm a mix of all kinds. We all are really," I said and floated, "Hey, how about a game?"

"I thought this was a competition?" Jinbei asked.

"It is, but we can finish cards while we run. How about it?" I asked.

"Okay, but that makes you judge since your going to float," Sakazuki said.

"That's not fair!" I said.

"Then how about a mini date?" Dracul said.

"Dracul, I like that idea. I'll float with you," I smiled and went to Dracul's side, "Come here often?"

"Pft! Are you drinking?" he asked and laughed as he also floated.

"No, I'm currently in a 12 year olds body. It would be inappropriate to drink, right?" I asked, confused on it.

"No? I mean our bodies only reverted back to 12, or so I assume, so we should be okay?" Dracul said.

"Oh, right.. The god said that we get whatever we want as long as we stay 12 in body only. Our power, mind, and everything stays the same, we just look 12," I said and repeated mentally to the group.

They sighed so I went back to running with the suites man, "Hey mister, I'm sorry my hair is a beacon..."

"It cant be helped. Are you related to those kids with you?" he asked.

"They are my husbands. To be honest, we are trapped in 12 year old bodies so we need to be hunters to get the curse lifted. Nothing too bad, ya know?" I said with a smile.

"I see...." he said quietly and ran up stairs.

We followed quietly, racing eachother. I giggled as two kids tried to jump over us near the top. We just flash stepped out and stood to the side, looking away. The two kids came over and started talking, "Hey! I'm Gon, this is Killua. You guys are really fast!"

"Hehe, thanks! I'm Chloe, this is Sakazuki, Kuzan, Garp, Sengoku, Edward, Dracul, Jinbei, Severus, Sirius, Yami, Julius, Zaraki, Byakuya, and Sajin." I said and pointed everyone out.

"Nice to meet you," Gon smiles.

I smile a bit and glanced at Killua, "hiya."

Killua didnt reply so I brushed it off, going back to chatting with my husbands and Gon as the rest joined. As a blond kid and a guy in a suit join us, I smile and glance at Severus, "I'm gonna go it..."

"Dont do it...," he sighed.

"I have to do it," I smiled.

"Not now...." Sirius sighed as well.

"No fun... Carry me to the next test?" I asked.

"That's cheating," Sengoku said with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine. How about this, I'll put a mark on someone and we can flash step to them after we find a treasure. Deal?" I asked.

"Will that prevent you from doing 'that'?" Sajin asked.

I nodded. "I'm in!" they said together.

After giving them a frown, I went to bother 'big brother' Hisoka, "Can I put a soul mark on you so we can treasure hunt during the test?"

"Sure. Dont get killed," he smiled and patted my head.

I smiled, "Thanks! Now I'll teach you Uno, phase ten, and uno ten."

"Oh?" he smirked, "Sounds like a deal."

I giggled and snapped, "Now, I can forever feel your soul pressure."

As I skipped off, he tried to use nen to check out the mark I made. Unable to find one, he seemed more curious. Then the ape scene happened. Gon became wary of Hisoka but I just kept smiling, "I could have told you he was the real one. Those monkeys have trouble replicating eyes and facial features unless it's a scared face so make silly faces with your eyes open, hehe."

"Little girl, that's not true," the examiner said.

"Your loss...," I said and waited for the group to leave, "Alright. One treasure. No stealing. I put a wisp of my energy onto that guys shirt, as well as that beacon energy thing from Galfus. Can you see it?"

"Yes, it's a giant yellow light in the sky..." Yami said.

"Indeed. Let's go!" I said and ran off in one direction.


After everyone split up, I immediately found a cave with 'monkey' wine and some swords. Placed into inventory... Oh! A big jewel! Throw it.... Oh! A book! Score!....

Thirty minutes later, we all arrived at Hisokas side with grins. I glanced at everyone, "I have swords, books, jewels, alcohol, ritual stuff, pictures of ancient writing and a map to a temple."

"....I have sabers, books, jewels, alcohol, ritual stuff, pictures of weird shapes and a map to a pyramid," Garp said.

"Uh... Same but spears," Yami said.

"Yeah, I have...," the rest listed the same things but different weapons.

I frowned, "Its a tie?"

"We are the phase 2 examiners," a woman said.

I tuned out and whispered to my husbands, "Since it's not breakfast food, I'm not cooking."

"Then we wont as well," Sengoku said.

"Shes going to fail everyone anyways. Let's just put in a little effort...," I sighed along with my husbands before we left to get pigs.

Everyone failed. We were tasked with sushi. We all failed. Netero came, we were brought to spider egg canyon. I smiled and asked the examiner, "If I get eggs for others, will they pass?"

"No," she said immediately.

"Not even if it's a joint effort?" I asked.

"No helping others," she said and walked away.

"Its a competition guys, I have my egg. Your turn," I smiled.

"Got it," they said and flashed before showing me eggs.

"Hehe, piece of cake with our abilities," I smiled and the examiner angrily came over.

"That's not how your supposed to do it," she yelled angrily.

"We cant use our wits and abilities to perform the task you set?" I asked innocently.

"You cannot climb that. Nobody can," she said angrily.

"Why climb the wall? We can climb the air," I said.

The surrounding people became silent and looked at me like I was crazy. So i used moonwalk and played in the air, dropped my egg and used psychic energy to float it back up and shunpoed to the top of the ship then the ground.

"If my husbands cant do that, then I'd kick them," I smiled.

"Shes kicked us before until we learned mind reading as well...," Garp said quietly.

"And those songs..." Severus said before shutting his mouth and glancing around.

"Hehehehe.... Hey Severus..... You remind me of a babe," I said and giggled.

Severus sighed, "What babe?"

"The babe with the power!" I said mimicking Bowie.

"What power?" Severus said fed up while the examiner seemed confused.

"The power of VooDoo!" I said quickly.

"Who do?" Severus

"You do!" Cheshire smile.

"Do what?" Severus and 5 other people.

"Remind me of the babe!" I said and laughed.

"Sigh. It's better than hearing Gol D. Rogers....," White beard said with a sigh.