Ch 32. Exam

I was walking around the airship with the ex marines, the others asleep in the space. As we stopped at a large window, I sat on the rail and watched Killua and Gon approach.

"Hey Chloe, what are you guys doing?" Gon asked.

"Thinking about playing Uno ten. What about you?" I asked.

"Nothing, chatting and walking," Gon said.

"Oh okay. Do you have any family?" I asked and tilted my head.

"Yeah! I live with my aunt and grandma. My dads a hunter, but I cant remember him at all," Gon said.

"Really? That's better than my family," Killua said.

"How so?" Gon asked.

"My family are assassins," Killua said sort of playfully.

"Both your parents or just one?" Gon asked.

"You believed me?" Killua seemed surprised.

I smiled to my husbands, "See, just like I said... -whispers- stay calm."

A thick wave of killing intent washed over us. My husbands glared at the man as he approached. I glanced at him and he froze for a second before returning to normal and continuing toward us, "How about a game?"


Bored, I brushed my hair as I watched my husbands beat Netero almost to death. Sighing, I healed the group, "He said sorry. So stop or I'll never unseal your powers."

Netero flinched, "Their powers were sealed?"

"Duh. We want to be hunters, not murderers," I sighed, "Though we all have our fair share of kills.... Why didn't you use nen?"

Netero stayed silent. I shrugged, "Let's teach Hisoka uno ten."

"No more singing then," Sakazuki said.

"But... But I like singing...," I said and pouted.

"....No sad songs, depressing songs, or angry songs," Sakazuki relented.

"What about Neon Moon? S.o.b.? Trouble? Trampoline? Happy song? One call away? Budapest? Took a pill in Ibiza remix?" I asked.

"No. No. Ok. No. No. Yes. Yes. Dont know that one," Sengoku said.

"Then that's the one," I smiled, "Cortana, play Took a Pill in Ibiza SeeB remix."

As the song played and I sang along, Netero looked at me like a monster. After the song, we played cards and I sang some other songs.


In the tower we ended up split up. However, as a group of assholes, we skipped to the end, being 1st to 14th. Haha.... We were soon joined by Hisoka, so we taught him uno and phase ten before uno ten.

"Okay. I have the uno cards, these are the rules. If I put down a yellow, the next person does as well. Unless they have the same card but in a different color or a wild card. Wild cards cant be stacked. Um... Left of dealer goes first... Am I forgetting something?" I asked.

"Uh... Once you get to your last card, if you dont call out uno, you lose. If nobody catches it, your safe but if someone else sees it or calls it first, you lose...." Sengoku said.

"Also. No mental distractions. It's not funny. And you have only 15 seconds per turn.... At least officially..," Dracul said.

"And draw a card if you dont have anything to play. Once you draw, your turns over," Jinbei said.

"And dont be mean to Chloe.... She can steal your luck," Sajin said sadly.

"Hey! You were mentally teasing me to make me lose!" I yelled, "Whatever, let's play a hand so Hisoka can get it down. Then we play Phase 10."


"Bwahahaha," I laughed maniacally as I won the game and collected the cards together, "So Hisoka, got it down?"

He smirks a bit, "Yeah, I do."

"Phase 10! Alright, pick up a card on your turn. It can be in the discard pile or the deck but it has to be the top card. Skip anyone you want. We wont play for points until we return.... Um... Hisoka, I think your friend wants to play too," I said.

"Indeed," Hisoka smiles and waves the guy over.

I re-explain the game and we made the circle bigger. As we played, I kept glancing at the human pincushion until he gave in, "What is it?"

"Uhm... that needle is .3 mm off... Do you care if I fix it?" I asked.

The duo seemed taken aback before needle guy tried to kill me. As the attacks passed right through me, I smiled, "You should stop before they kill you."

Most of the cards were ruined so after I fixed the needle, I waved my finger and the cards went back to normal. I turned to my husbands, "And I thought you wanted breakfast."

They quickly sat down and spoke together, "I'm sorry."

I smiled, "Let's finish phase 10 and play uno ten."


"Bwahahahaha," I again laughed maniacally as the crowd around us watched confused, "That's 10 games straight!"

"You cheated little girl," needle face said slightly upset.

"Fine. Have anyone from the crowd hold the cards, I'll only point without touching," I said and smirked.

"Fine. You!" Hisoka said and pointed to the ninja guy, "Come be her hands."

The ninja just nodded a bit and sat in my spot while I asked, "I'm weightless, can I sit on your shoulder?"

"Sure?" ninja said.

As I sat down, I giggled a bit, "I'd like to call to attention, I am not touching the cards, using psychic powers on them, or anything. My tails are still firmly around my body but I can move them for any doubters."

"Do it," Needle face said.

I nodded and let my tails unwrap, my furry tail went up like a cats while my chain tails went to the ground. I nodded, "No tricks, check my clothes."

They did so. I nodded, "Let the final game begin!"


"Bwahahaha," I laughed and smiled.

"You must have cheated!" Needle face yelled and ripped the cards.

I giggled and rewound time on the cards to fix them before separating the decks and putting them up, "Gentlemen, be grateful I didnt allow bets."

"You fell for it.... Next time, use a new deck and dont let her touch it. That's why we make her dealer only or play for second place," Sengoku tried to comfort the losers.

"Wait what? Fell for what?" Needle face said angrily.

"....While you have 'that' we have a seperate scale of powers. Even for us, we cant spot what she does to the cards so we dont let her touch without being dealer only," Sengoku explained.

"Why are you telling us?" Hisoka asked curiously.

"Odds are you, and maybe him, will join the ranks... Once we leave here, and I'm back in my body, I'm going to kill whoever turned me into a child," Sengoku said as if obvious.

"Uh... What ranks?" the ninja asked.

"Oh sorry, Hi, I'm Chloe. This is Sakazuki, Kuzan, Garp, Sengoku, Edward, Dracul, Jinbei, Severus, Sirius, Yami, Julius, Zaraki, Byakuya, and Sajin. My husbands," I smiled sweetly.

"Shes going to do it...." Dracul said quietly.

"No she wont. She agreed not to," Severus said.

"Shes going to do it," Sakazuki said.

"Damn...," Kuzan sighed.

"Do what?" the ninja asked.

"Accidentally blow up the tower?" Garp questioned.

"No, the island," Zaraki speculated.

"No, continent," Jinbei said with a nod.

"Hey! I said it was an accident... I put everything back and unkilled everyone...," I said quietly.

The area fell silent until a door opened and five more people came in. I waved at the group then turned and smiled, "I wont have to fix everything again if I could sleep like normal."

"Sleep, I'll carry you," Kuzan said.

The husbands argued while I sighed, "I cant sleep because the competition forbids it."

"You put rules," they asked.

"Yeah. You know how dangerous it is if I sleep," I giggled and started taking pictures, "This will be the best photo album ever!"

The group fell silent before I cheshire smiled, "Care for a dance?"

"I believe it was my turn," Dracul said and offered his hand.

Taking Dracul's hand, we stepped into the air and El Tango De Roxanne played. We went along with the dance as the group watched, our dance taking us into the air. At the end of the dance someone clapped and we softly floated down before exiting the tower with the others.


"How do we do this?" Sakazuki asked calmly.

"I have an idea," Sajin said with a smirk.

"Yawn, what's the idea?" I asked.

"We can get the other badges while you sleep and hold onto our badges," Sajin said.

"I get to sleep and everyone passes.... Okay, but dont kill anyone or maim them," I said outloud before mentally saying, 'Dont bother Gon, Kill, Red eyes, Blue suit, or Hisoka. I dont care about anyone else.... Okay, let the ninja pass, he was funny to watch.'

"Alright. Here's my badge," Garp said and passed his badge to me before the others did as well. I smiled and winked at the group.

"Are you sure you should do that? That guy is a ninja, he could steal it easily," Gon said.

"Hehe nobody can sneak up on me," I said with a cheeky smile, "Besides. Youd have to break my chains before you can take them."

"I bet I can break them, easy," Killua said.

I let my lightning millimeter thick chain lay onto his hand, "Break it then. Be careful, if it so much as cracks it will zap you. Harshly."

Without listening, Killua saps himself to death. I repaired my chain and brought him back, "Welcome back to the world of the living."

Killua stares off blankly so I sighed, gave him extra marshmallow cocoa, chocopanda, hershey kisses, and a bag of m&ms, "Chocolate helps."

"You killed him!" Blue suit wearing guy said angrily.

"No. My body retaliated because it was being broken. Would you not fight back if someone broke your leg?" I asked seriously.

My husbands stayed quiet. Red eye guy glared at them, "Why are you so quiet now?"

Sakazuki frowned, "You guys dont get it do you?"

"Dont get what?" red eyes asked.

"Babe.... Why not show them your kagane?" Kuzan sighed.

I sighed as well, letting my chains out of my back. The boat fell silent. I sighed again, "I am the key of my chains. The world is my body, void is my blood. I have massacred over a thousand worlds. Known to all yet never remembered. Having withstood sanity to uphold borrowed justice. Forever wandering, my chains are fathomless. So as I pay.... Unlimited Chain Worlds."

"She did it...," Sengoku sighed.

Hisoka raised an eyebrow at him, "What do you mean?"

"....Once you know, it cant be undone," Severus said behind him.

"Tell me," Hisoka smiled.

"Since she is in a childs body, she thinks its excusable to act as a child," Julius sighed.

"Childs body?" Needle face asked.

"Ask her," they said together.

I brought my kagane back in, "That was fun but now I'm more tired... Bye! I'm gonna nap." And so I left before anyone could say anything.


"NO! THAT COLOR IS HYPER SENSITIVE TO AIR PRESSURE CHANGES!" I yelled as I awoke from a horrid dream. Looking around, I found Gon's fight finished. I yawned and healed him, speaking to the people staring at me, "I swear, if Galfus uses that brand on my hair again, I'll shave him bald. I had a dream, my hair was dyed with a special dye that fluffs in different air pressures. Scared me half to death."

"Decided to change it again?" Yami asked.

I shook my head and yawned, "No. What's going on?"

"Well, we all passed. Now we are waiting for everyone else to finish their fights," Yami said.

I nodded and watched with the small group. Small change happened. Killua fought his brother like his life depends on it. He still lost but I kept him from killing that one guy by giving him chocolate and holding him back. After calming down, he thanked me and stayed where he was before his next turn. The bow user didnt pass.


The little meeting was weird. Needle head kept staring at us and Killua. Hisoka gave us his number and went off to play.

"What now?" Zaraki asked.

"Now... Well the only crazy left to meet is in September. Until then, we have nothing to do. Unless, ya know, we explore," I said.

"Explore? What?" Julius asked curiously.

[Map of the world please.] I sent.

I pulled the map out of my phone, "See this tiny island? That's the entire continent that is known to the world. All these other places are the 'Dark continent'. 1 in 10,000 come back after exploring. What say you?"


We obviously went. I wont speak of the shit we came across, if you promise not to bring it up....

Today is September 1st. Because we want to leave here, I skipped all the bullshit and just spirited us to Hisoka's side. Everyone but Hisoka prepared to fight. Hisoka, however, pulled me into his lap, "You didnt call."

"No service on the dark continent, sorry. We came to say either goodbye or welcome," I smiled.

"Oh? Where you going?" he smiled softly.

"Back to our world. I cant take being a child anymore. Our bodies dont respond but our minds crave for a party," I sighed.

"Hmm... Let me finish a few things and I'll tag along. Anyone else going?" He asked with a chuckle.

"My husbands, who else?" I asked confused.

"Why not Gon or Killua?" he smirked.

"....This will be tough to explain... I have their reincarnations as my kids... So, I think one pair is enough," I leaned back on his lap, looking at the stars, "We leave now or you can join after your death. Ask for me."

"Why not," he shrugged, "Let's go then."

As Hisoka stood to leave, the spider leader tried to say something to us. I ignored him and opened the space for us to enter and dragged Hisoka and my husbands in. After entering, our bodies cracked and reformed to our 'normal' size.

I stretched, "It feels good to be back to normal but all those pent up hormones..."

"I cant hold back," was the main thing said besides, "Let's drink as well."


So we did. We drank and partied. Hisoka became an official member. We cut the crazy vacation and learned nen as well as taught our techniques to Hisoka.

And so my 4 trillionth birthday came around and we were summoned to Galfus place.