Greengrass Manor

' Hey, how'd you like to go to a birthday party were everyone thinks you're a piece of shit?No? Yeah that's not what I picked.'


After a very long conversation with his mother, it was decided that one of his parents should accompany Ron to the party. The lucky winner was of course his dad, after his mom reminded him that she needed to stay with Ginny.

" Just look at how handsome my son is!"

Standing in the middle of their living room, was a surprisingly well dressed Ron ready to leave. He wore the robes he'd bought earlier, in which he looked absolutely stunning. Partially because unlike most of his regular clothes they were tailored made. That said he also didn't spend a fortune on mere clothing. By all accounts, Ron was a thrifty shopper just like his mum thought him.

The outside was made of Acromantula silk while the interior was made from some random cheap cloth. His mindset was that most people take clothing at face value, rarely do they inspect the interior.

His dad on the other hand was wearing the robes he kept for important occasions. As for his looks he combed his hair back which made him look a bit older atleast that's what Ron thought.

' I hate the thought that these robes costs me an arm and a leg but first impressions are important. Hopefully Draco is there, seeing as he'd make the perfect pawn in my scheme...'

His mother obviously wanted a picture of the both of them all dressed up which Ron obliged.

" Alright mom, we have to go it's almost time."

" Fine, fine, Arthur look after him Okay? I don't want to hear that someone bullied my son."

" Yes, Mollywobbles, I got it don't worry."

Ron couldn't help but scoff at the thought of himself being bullied.

' I'm pretty confident that no one my age could possibly bully me. Maybe someone a couple years older, but then again while I lack in power I more than make up for it with control.'

Grabbing a handful of Floo Powder, Ron got into their chimney, and loudly stated his destination.



Coming out of a beautiful white marbled chimney, Ron knew that he'd arrived at the right place. Replaced was his homes simple and modest living room, with a grand and lavish foyer. He was actually left speechless at the amount of wealth on display. It truly cemented how large the difference between their families was inside his mind.

" C'mon son, we should keep moving more people will be coming through."

" Oh, yeah. You're right."

' Damn, that was embarrassing. Not to worry thought I'll soon be living just like this.'

" Ah, Arthur! I didn't expect you to actually come."

A deep rough voice called out to his father who turned towards it, Ron did the same and came to see a grey haired well built man with glasses walking towards them.

" Aster..."

" I've sent you various invitations, but you've never replied much less attend. Can I take it that you've finally thought things through?"

' This should be Aster Greengrass, the current head of the Greengrass family. He never came out in the movies, but according to the news he has alot of pull in the Ministry."

Seeing as his dad was uncomfortable speaking with the man. Ron stepped foward bowed and introduced himself to the Aster's surprise.

" Lord Greengrass, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir. Thank you for inviting us to this grand event."

" Ah, yes, you're welcome..."

"It's Ronald, Sir. My name, it's Ronald Weasley."

' Eh, not bad for Weasley, this one seems like he knows his place...'

" Well then Ronald-"

" Please sir, call me Ron you're of much higher status than myself, it would make me feel uncomfortable hearing you call me Ronald."

' He's definitely interesting, I might have Daphne pay attention to him. Let's hope he's more than a brown nose.'

" Well then Ron, why don't you go and congratulate my daughter. She ought to be upstairs, I'd like to have a private conversation with your father."

" Of course, please excuse me, Father I'll go find miss Greengrass, if you need anything please call for me."

" Yeah, will do..."

Having introduced himself Ron left his dad who kept looking at him with eyes that screamed "Traitor".

" He seems like a very bright young lad."

" Oh, yeah he's special alright..."

' Hmm, that's an odd thing to say, no matter business comes first.'

" That's good to hear, but I wanted to continue our talk about your support for-"


Walking around the mansion Ron came across the same type of people with the same kind of haircuts, and same manner of speech. It really got him thinking if they were content with that, being so basic.

' I guess that's how Voldermort got their support, when one said yes they all followed suit.'

" Hey, you're a Weasley right?"

Just when he'd arrived upstairs Ron was met by a group of kids all around his age. The one that addressed him was a tall dark skinned boy, who he completely ignored. Walking past him, Ron made his way towards a pretty white girl in a long white dress. This caught the attention of everyone around them with some breaking into whispers.

Once he reached the girl Ron bowed before pulling out a small Vial from within his robes.

"Happy birthday, Lady Greengrass. Please accept this insignificant gift."

The girl didn't respond, instead glanced at the Vial for a couple of seconds before she stretched her hand out to accept it.

" Daphne, don't accept it! Who knows what cheap and inferior potion he's trying to give you!"

' Just when I starting to doubt if he'd come, Now that the antagonist has arrived, let's get this show on the road.'

The owner of that shout was Ron's nemesis Draco Malfoy, who angrily stomped his way towards Ron. Who barely reactes to him, much less move rather it appeared that he'd waited for him. As Ron gleefully greeted Draco almost as if they were childhood friends.

" Ah, Draco didn't think I'd see you here. Long time no see, have you come all the way here to see me?"

" What!? Why would I come to see you!?"

" Then why are you here? Are you sure you're not here to see an old friend?"

The onlooking party guests were having a hard time understanding anything at the moment. It was public knowledge that the Malfoys and Weasley's detested one another. Everytime they'd meet it ended with the two sides screaming insults at eachother.

However, right here and now, were two people from those same families bonding. They didn't seem to be enemies but rather old friends reuniting after a long time. This inexplicable sight left their spectators struggling to remain conscious. Others believed they were dreaming, yet both groups were wondering the same thing.

' Since when do the Malfoys and Weasleys get along!?'

For those struggling few, Draco's response was the last nail in the coffin.

" I just saw you giving her a gift, what was it!?"

Those guests couldn't handle it anymore and fainted, others had to sit down and reflect about life. Again their minds all clicked on the same exact thought.

' Why does it sound like Draco's, Ron's scorned Girlfriend!?'

Noticing everyone's reaction Draco thought about how he'd worded his answer and became red from embarrassment.


" It's alright Draco I'll gift you something on your birthday."

" Damn You Weasley! I'll kill you!"

Before Draco could lunge at Ron, a white gloved hand grabbed his shoulder pulling him back.

" Draco!"

" Father! This Weasley has openly insulted and embarrassed me!"

Instead of getting the support he seeked Draco was given a hard tug by Lucius that almost made him stumble backwards.

" Draco, behave yourself! And you boy, since when do the Weasleys leave their little pig sty?"

" Oh, hey there Mr, Malfoy good to see you again!"

Ron's response garnered some light praise from everyone around him. They were all taught, etiquette before everything and thats exactly what he'd shown. Everyone not surnamed Malfoys of course, both of whom were at a lost for words. They'd almost come to expect some sort of retaliation from their Ginger counterparts.

" Good, very good... I see one of you finally learned some proper etiquette. Come now Draco, let's leave before the Weasley mediocrity rubs off on us.

" Yes, Father."

" I heard from my father that you used to be in the Slug Club, Mr. Malfoy! I wonder if that's true."

Listening to Ron's words Lucius stopped dead in his tracks and slowly turned around. Being apart of the famed Slug Club was a honor he carried with pride.

" Yes, I was. Something that no Weasley has or will ever achieve!"

" Then I'm sure that talent is something that runs in the Malfoy Family?"

" What are you getting at, boy!?"

" I'd like to have a Brewing competition against Draco, to see if that talent is still there."

Gasps quickly filled the entire Mansion, summoning his father who was barely informed of the incident. Then just as he arrived next to his son, he heard the challenge.

" Ron..."

Quickly turning around he smiled at his father who didn't know what to say. Something that he shared with Lucius who couldn't understand what was going on. How could a poor Weasley boy think that he could best his son who'd been tutored by his godfather an actual Potions Master.

' Is this some sort of trap!? Why else would he openly challenge Draco!? We obviously can't back down now, not with all these acquaintances here...'

Trying to come up with the best course of action, he heard a loud shout next to him, causing him to shake his head.

" I accept! Just watch how I embarrass you, Weasley!"

" We'll see..."