Potion Battle

With Mr. Greengrass's help the match was easily put together. The match would be held outside atop a well lit stage, allowing all of the party's guests to spectate.

Lucius was adamantly against this idea, but being the master of the house, Aster went forward with it. His reasoning being the match would provide his guests with much needed entertainment.

The two competitors were already on the prepared stage, with Ron and his father off to right side. The Malfoys meanwhile were casually tending to some of their friends in the crowd.

" Ron, can you win?"

His father nervously asked, he actually wanted Ron to renege on his word. He feared his son would suffer a humiliating defeat, but it turned out to be far too late. Now he only hoped Ron could somehow save face or at least not wallow in his possible defeat.

" Of course, you know me dad I'm far to lazy to waste my time on something I'm certain to lose. Besides dont you want to see that snob Lucius face when his dear son losses to me?"

" That's..."

Although he wanted to say, that he shouldn't think that way, his father remained silent. He couldn't bring himself to utter those words, since they'd be nothing but lies. Of course he wanted to see Lucius take a loss, compared to the years of ridicule he'd suffered what was one match.

" Don't worry, I'll prove to Lucius how wrong he was to call us, Weasley's mediocre."

Ron then steadily walked towards the center of the stage where two large tables had been placed. On top of each was a bag containing the cauldron and ingredients they'd use. A bit farther away stood Aster Greengrass who'd be conducting the presentations.

" Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight you're in for a real treat! Two young promising wizards will compete in Potion Brewing!"

" Promising!? Since when has a Weasley ever been promising!?"

An unknown guest shouted that joke before roaring in laughter with many of the other's joining him. Unfortunately Aster didn't emjoy being interrupted, Immediately ordering for that person to be removed from the party.

No one fought for the man to remain and after clearing his throat Aster continued.

" The match will have each youth, brewing a Cure For Boils Potion! With the winner being decided by our panel of judges!"

On a separate table set just below the stage sat three people, Thaddeus Nott, Angela Bulstrode and Maxima Flint. All three were Purebloods and not once even glanced at Ron, he obviously didn't care. He'd more or less expected this situation to unfold as such placing him as the underdog.

" Now let's welcome the two young men who are going to be facing off! First from the honorable and esteemed Malfoy Family, Draco Malfoy!"

Expecting the loud cheers Draco turned to Ron and threw him a smug smirk before walking out.

" His opponent, Ron Weasley!"

' Damn, that obvious huh? Well, let's get to work.'

Contrary to Draco's loud cheers no one even clapped for Ron, he of course raised his head up high as he strut to his table. Every step he took was louder than the last, so when he reached his table everyone couldn't help but think that he knew how to carry himself.

' Did you lot honestly believe I'd be bothered by your obscene display of favoritism? Pathetic.'

" Alright lads, you each have one hour to finish the Potion, remember that if you're unable to finish on time you'll be disqualified!"

Ron and Draco stood behind their table waiting for the start of the match. Draco was so confident in winning that he turned towards Ron and began trash talking.

" (I'm amazed you didn't run away Weasley, I'd thought you'd be running to your mama by now.)"

" ..."

" (Nothing to say? Just watch how I-)"


Before Draco could finish talking the match had begun, startling Draco who almost fell face first into his table.

Ron for his part, took his time and carefully took out the necessary ingredients one by one after inspecting them thoroughly. A process he'd picked up from his days working at Slug and Jiggers.

' These are in perfect shape, I thought they might try to give me subpar ingredients. Guess I was wrong, now let the real show begin.'

Taking his robe off, Ron neatly folded it before placing it on the table away from his work area. Using a small water basin he washed his hands, organized the ingredients in order of use and inspected the cauldron.

Ron's every action done perfectly with no wasted movements. Draco on the other hand was already brewing, feeling confident he excitedly waved at the audience. The feelings weren't mutual as they were all facing somewhere else. Curious, he turned around to see his ginger counterpart slicing his Horned Slugs.

' Why's he doing that!?'

" Draco, your cauldron!"

Hearing his father's voice he turned back to check up on his cauldron which had begun to bubble.

' Damn it!'


> Daphne Greengrass POV <

' Today's my birthday, a special day turned into a business opportunity for my father. Every year since I can remember it's been the same, the same people with the same reactions. Mother's telling their son's to flatter me while fathers order their daughters to befriend me. I came to despise my birthday, and soon enough just become numb to it. At least until today when the most unexpected thing happened.'

" Happy birthday, Lady Greengrass. Please accept this insignificant gift."

' A small red headed boy, presented me a small vial, ignoring the numerous glares and whispers. At first I doubted if I should accept his gift, since I'd never met or even seen the boy before. Only for my curiosity to win me over, yet as I outstretched my hand to receive it. That insufferable Draco stepped in and ruined everything, things escalated but that boy didn't falter. Rather he fought back and issued a challenge to Draco.'

' Now, here I am seated mere feet away from that brave boy, trying to watch his impressive performance. While blocking out the annoying chatter around me, as my eyes are on his elegant movements.'

" Beautiful"

" Huh? Daphne, did you just say something?"


> Theodore Nott POV <

' To think that my dad and I got here at the perfect time, where else would you see anything like this? A brewing competition between a Malfoy and Weasley, two bitter rivals who completely loath one another. Father said, Lucius focused on raising Draco, obtaining him the best of everything. From food, clothes, and tutors, so I expected him to be the clear favorite.'

' Seeing the actual competition, all I see is a monster playing around with it's food. I'm certain father and even Lucius himself has noticed it. While by no means perfect, the way in which that kid works is astonishing. Draco is solid for his age, probably a bit better off, but compared to his opponent he looks like an amateur. I'm honestly surprised Lucius hasn't called this match off already, soon that kid will make his precious son into a laughingstock.'


As time was running out, Draco's movements and focus waned, while Ron's remained the the exact same. Shortly thereafter, Aster Greengrass's voice rang all around the garden.

" One minute! One Minute!"

By this point a large portion of the guests had stopped placing importance on the match. Unlike them, Lucius was a nervous wreck, because he understood that his son was about to lose.

' What am I going to do!? We're Malfoys! We're winners, champions, leaders, everything that the Weasleys aren't! So how is it that one of us is going to be defeated by one of them!?'

Worried that Draco would lose face, not only his but their family's. Lucius was seriously thinking of going over to the Judges table and secure a win. Sadly for him, Arthur knowing his nemesis quite well rushed over to block his path.

" Why don't we stay here and wait for the results Lucius?"

" Get away from me Weasley! What I do is none of your business!"

" So I'm guessing you weren't about to sneak away to the Judges table? Hmm?"

' This fucking annoyance!'


Back at his table Ron finished the final stirring with his magic prior to putting out the flame. Draco, who'd completed his brewing moments ago took this chance to mock Ron.

" Heh, took you long enough Weasley!"

" Hey, Draco what's the worst punishment your father's ever given you?"

" Huh, my father has never punished me! What, afraid you'll get beaten for making a fool out of yourself, Weasley?"

" Not at all, thought you'll be experiencing something new tonight."

Before Draco could ask him what he meant, Aster stood in the center of the stage to begin judge evaluations.

" It's time to find out who the winner of this face off is!"

A feeble house elf appeared in front of Ron, and filled three vials with his Potion, while another did the same with Draco's. The two elfs then took the Vials and handed them to the Judges. They took turns inspecting the Vials, but oddly enough never tested it's strength.

" Now, I'd like for our three esteemed Judges to decide the Winner!"

The first to answer was Angela Bulstrode quickly followed by Maxima Flint.

" I vote Draco!"

" I vote Draco!"

To some of the more gullible guests their votes came as a shock, while to a young girl in a white dress and a tall youth it made perfect sense.

' They voted for Draco due to his family name.'

Surprisingly Ron didn't seem fazed by the two women, but as the last Judge was about to cast his vote he stepped foward. Aster noticed his abrupt action, and went over to his to speak with him.

" Is something the matter?"

" Before Mr. Nott casts his vote I'd like to ask a favor from you, Lord Greengrass, if I may of course."

Lucius sighed in relief when the two judges voted for his son, but became furious at Ron's subsequent request.

Arthur feeling distraught that his son was openly being cheated, failed to stop Lucius from storming the stage.

" Aster, don't indulge this brat any longer, Draco has two votes, announce him as the winner!"

Ignoring Lucius's sudden outburst Aster turned to Ron and nodded.

" Thank you, could you please cast the Pimple Jinx and Jelly-Legs Curse on me?"

When everyone around heard his words they looked liked they'd been Stupified. That's because when you strike a person with the Pimple Jinx in conjunction with the Jelly-Legs Curse it causes the victim to sprout small tentacles all over their face.

' This kid... Fine you want to drag those three's faces through the mud? What the hell, I'll help you.'

With a wave of his wand, Ron's entire face was covered with tentacles, not being bothered by it Ron dunked his head into his cauldron.

" Did he just dunk his face into... a cauldron!?"

" Has he gone completely mental!?"

When Ron raised his head from the cauldron it was soaked in a blue liquid. Parting his hair out of his face, the tentacles had vanished without a trace.

" They're gone!"

As the guests burst into conversation, some of them looked towards the two woman who'd voted for Draco.

" Can Draco's Potion do the same!?"

" Do you honestly think they didn't know? They're obviously on Lucius's side, and acted against that Weasley lad."

Hearing such defamatory whispers, both Angela Bulstrode and Maxima Flint excused themselves leaving Mr. Nott by himself.

Aster glanced at the solitary man who simply shrugged his shoulders. Since the whole event fell apart, Ron grabbed his robe, then turned around walking towards his father.

" Let's go home dad."

" ... Sure thing."

As the both of them were walking off the stage, they heard angry shouting and a low whimper. Looking behind the stage Ron saw a red mark on Draco's cheek and tears falling from his eyes while Lucius was berating him.

' I'm glad he got to experience something new.'