Do You Trust Me?

Ronald was currently facing a problem he never had to face in his previous life. Which stemmed from his lack of knowledge and interactions with girls. He was15 when he was gunned down and subsequently reincarnated in this world. Since then he fully submerged himself into learning and researching everything to do with Magic.

He did have relationships with women in this life but they were either familial or complicated. With the two girls currently waiting for him in his room falling into the latter. After his clash against Lucius, it won't take long for the entire Wizarding World to learn of his engagement with Daphne.

That in of it's self was both complicated and delicate due to the immense impact it would have on all of the Noble Houses. Yet what worried him most of all was Hermione, and how she would react to their engagement.

Ron knew that she was easily the most gifted witch of her generation, making her the perfect candidate to become his.She was so talented that he couldn't possibly replace her, that's why he didn't want her to learn of the engagement before she was his.

That being said he'd already made it public, so now he had to find a way to make sure she wouldn't distance herself from him.

"* One of the reasons the old man beat that Psycho was because of how loyal his followers were. While Voldemort had a handful of loyalists, countless others surrendered when faced with the prospect of going to Azkaban. What I want are those faithful followers just like the old man's, so I can't mess things up with Hermione right now. I need to tread lightly lest I lose her to the old man.*"


Not bothering to knock Ron entered his room, where the two girls were impatiently waiting for him to return. Daphne was the first to react and quickly jumped up to hug him while Hermione looked on.

" Ron! You're back! What happened!?"

" Ron are you okay?"

Smoothly freeing himself from Daphne's embrace Ron took a seat in his arm chair. Daphne was annoyed that he'd seperated from her but she was currently more worried about his situation.

" Ron, did you... "

Only now when she was facing him did she realized how nervous she really was. So much so that she wasn't able to properly speak to him without feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"* We barely got engaged... If he really did get expelled will things stay the same? Or will our engagement be... *"

Seeing that Daphne wasn't able to formulate a complete sentence Hermione asked the question in both their minds.

" Ron did you get expelled?"

" No, I did not get expelled. I received late night detention for what happened. Did you two honestly think that would happen? That I would get expelled?"

" Yes... "

" Sorry."

" It's fine, don't worry about."

Hearing how the person actually involved spoke about the whole ordeal made them think that maybe they had over exaggerated. Sitting back down Daphne couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief since Ron was staying in Hogwarts with her.

Hermione in the other hand kept staring at Ron with eyes filled with expectation. Daphne next to her noticed her blatant stare but then also remembered what was the likely cause of it

" Ron, now that you've settled the issue about your punishment, you'll tell us were you went to these last nights right?"

" Oh, so you two still remember that... Well I'm actually feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment by everything that occurred... So could we do this some other time maybe?"

" Yeah that's not going to work."

" We want to know Ron. Where did you go?"

As his subtle attempt at changing topics failed, he shrugged his shoulders in defeat.

" Alright, alright I'll talk."

After he successfully calmed them down Ron took out a piece of parchment from his item and passed it to Daphne.

" What is this?"

" Daph let me see!"

While the pair was busy eyeing the map, Ron drew his wand and aimed it towards the parchment.

" I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

In an instant the blank parchment was filled with black ink lines that formed into passages, walls and filled with names. Always the curious one Hermione's couldn't believe what she'd just seen and to get a better look at the map pushed the still Daphne out of the way.

" Mion! Don't shove!"

" Sorry Daph, but isn't it amazing!? I've never seen or even read about anything like this before. Ron where did you get this? Wait what are those!?"

Helping her up Hermione turned towards the smirking Ron who was now taking out three odd books from his item bag. After placing them on his desk he addressed the both of them with an almost ominous voice.

" Do the both of you trust me?"

Not expecting for him to suddenly question their loyalty they were stunned momentarily. Daphne was the first to answer which made Hermione sigh in relief as she was still confused.

" Yes, of course I do Ron."

Having gotten Daphne's answer Ron turned to the nervous Hermione. He noticed how she was struggling with her answer as she was fidgeting around. In hopes of getting her to fully commit he walked towards her and tried to reassure her. That did garner a odd look from Daphne but he paid it no attention.

" Hermione, what I'm willing to share what I've found but I need to know that you're on "Our" side. Okay?"

Pulling in the seams of her robe it was obvious that she wasn't sure what shé should do it say. Ron wasn't willing to give up so easily, grabbing on to her hands he looked at her eyes as he entered into the same warm, kind, trustworthy facade as the old man.

" Hermione I'm sure you have numerous questions which I promise I'll answer them all, in due time. What I'm asking you now is to place your trust in not just me but also in Daphne. Surely you know that neither one of us will ever harm you, isn't that right Daphne?"

Without skipping a beat the Porcelain like girl turned to her friend and with a smile reassured her.

" Of course, we're friends after all, you can trust us Mion."

Ron could see the wall around her starting to crumble, seeing that he gave her the final push needed.

" Do you know why I didn't face any harsh punishment after that incident with Draco?"

" Because... You were defending us?"

Her innocent comment almost got him to burst out laughing, still he was able to gather himself and clasped her hands tighter.

" No, it's because I'm a Noble. Do you remember what Daphne spoke about in the train ride? In this world, the Wizarding World my status as a Noble places me above most of my peers and in some cases even my elders."

" That's... That's not possible!"

" Sadly it is, that's the reality. Had I've been a Half-Blood or Muggle Born I'd been expelled and faced charges for what I did."

" But.. but you were defending us! How could -"

" It wouldn't have mattered, the reason I'm telling you this is for two reasons; for you to understand how this world you've been thrust into works and that I can protect you."

" ... "

" I'm not simply asking for you to trust ne without being able to insure your safety and well-being. I'm not going to lie to you what I do and what I might ask of you is going to make you go against not only Hogwarts but also the Ministry."

Hearing that she pulled her hands away from his.

" Then you shouldn't be doing whatever it is that your planning! And please don't speak anymore nof this at least not to me"

" I only brought this up because I trust the both of you. As for the rules they can't contain me, at worst I'll be expelled, but so what!? Are you aware that there are countless Wizarding Schools all around the world? If the worst comes to happen I'll bring the two of you with me, the three of us will always be together. All that I'm asking is for you to trust me the same way I trust you. I'll make sure nothing happens to you. I'll protect you, from anything and anyone. So trust me... "

Standing up, Ron stretched out both of his hands, the left towards Daphne which she grabbed while his right was in front of Hermione.

" It's your choice."