Secrets and Hidden Plots

> Neville's POV<

" Oww! My head! Why is everything spinning!"

Waking up Neville found himself lying in a very familiar place to him, the School's Hospital Wing. He'd been admitted here a handful of times already, causing him to know all of the nurses as well as Madam Pomfrey. One of those nurses was currently checking up on him with a very caring look.

" Ah, Neville you're awake now! That's Great!"

" Thank you, Ms. Mara do you know if there are still any classes left?"

" No, you slept through them all, in fact it's almost time for dinner. Would you like ne to go get the Madam to release you? Or if you're still feeling a bit light-headed you can eat here."

Slowly massaging his temples he was going to ask to leave when he noticed something on the night stand. He grabbed it and held it as he noticed it was a very old book that resembled a journal. The nurse saw him holding the journal and subsequently told him that a boy brought it to him. She'd forgotten the boy's name but did remember that he was supposed to have Crimson Hair.

" A Crimson Haired Boy? This is from Ron? Did he say why?"

Placing a finger on her chin the nurse tried to remember what she was told.

" Hmm, Madam Pomfrey said that it was yours. Or maybe It's a gift for you and he simply said that since he was shy."

"* Ron shy!? That's hard to believe, but why would he give me an old journal?*"

Being curious he opened the book and noticed the title on it and a small written note on the first page.

*Herbology Notes: Forbidden Forest.*

"* This book helped me, so I hope it does the same for you. P.S Keep it a Secret -Ron *"

" Herbology? And why is it secr-?"

" -lle? -ville? Neville!?"

" Huh!? Oh sorry... "

Snapping out of his own thoughts he remembered that he wasn't alone. Quickly placing the journal behind him he tried to think a way to not get caught with the journal. Yet It didn't seem as the nurse was even suspicious of him by the sound of her next words.

" If you want to stay here and read that's fine I'll go tell the Madam. I'll be sure to bring you some food a bit later, okay?"

" Thank you... "

She nodded before leaving him behind, waiting until she was gone he layed back on the bed. He wasn't a model student but he definitely wasn't a rule breaker. That being said his curiosity won out in the end as he opened the journal and started reading. As he did he found himself quickly becoming engrossed in it, and the guilt he was feeling vanished after the first few pages.

"* This is amazing! There's so much information on here! Where could Ron have gotten something like this!? Are there more!?*"


Headmaster Office

As if things were repeating themselves, Dumbledore was once again speaking to Snape. Severus was standing in front of the grand desk with both of his hands placed in front with a brooding stare. Dumbledore ignored the man's unwillingness and continued to speak, yet by the sound of it it wasn't a friendly talk.

" So you haven't heard anything to do with "Him"? Severus you know that he's planning his revival as we speak."

" I know that, but there hasn't been anything since the incident at Gringotts and I'm-"

" Your worried that since he failed to aquire it from Gringotts he'll come here. Where he's at."

Whenever the word "Boy" was said there was a wave of emotions that passed by the Potions Master. This didn't escape Dumbledore's notice but it did make him think about another boy.

" Albus you know that he won't be safe here if "He" comes here that's why I-"

Surprisingly the Headmaster completely changed the topic of discussion.

" Severus about Ronald, what do you make of him. What's your honest opinion of him, now that he's been in your class?"

Snape being caught off guard by his sudden question was tongue tied.

" That's... Albeit his judgement is obviously clouded by his arrogance. As a student I can't find any faults in him."

" Hmm, I see... And want about his skill in Potions?"

" Albus why are you so interested in that boy? Surely he's of no importance-"

" For now that is. I'm sure you've heard what happened with him and your godson?"

Remembering that Snape involuntary clenched his right hand into a fist. The humiliation that he felt was unmeasurable, not only was Draco flung to the ceiling when Lucius came seeking the boy's expulsion he left unable to do anything.

" Yes I do remember that. Why?"

" After that was sorted he asked ne about Phoenix Tears."

Hearing that did grab Snape's attention and also his curiosity. He knew how valuable a single Tear was worth for it's miraculous recovery abilities.

" What could a mere boy want with a Phoenix Tear?"

" That's exactly what I was wondering, which led me to a very interesting article in the Daily Prophet."

Dumbledore summoned a newspaper and sent it towards Snape who very quickly noticed the front page headline.

"* Young British Wizard Wins International Potion Brewing Competition (Under 12)"*

Placing it back down Snape was trying to figure out what exactly Dumbledore was referring to when the man himself clarified his words.

" The most reasonable explanation would be that he wants to brew a certain Potion. So how proficient is he, Severus do you believe he's able to brew such a Potion."

" Albus that's preposte... "

" Severus. Answer the question."

Switching between glancing at Dumbledore and the newspaper Snape hung his head and answered.

" I honestly don't know. I've yet to see him try anything of that caliber, as for his talent it's clearly above those in his year."

Dumbledore caressed his beard while he stared at Snape, making the man nervous.

" Starting today you'll escort Ronald around the outskirts of the Forest. I hope you'll be able to find a few more clues as to his real ability and nature."

" What about "Him" have you forgotten that he-"

" Severus, I have not forgotten about "Him" but I get the notion that Ronald will have a pivotal role in the future battles what we need to figure out is wether he'll be with us or against us."

" I understand... But what about his status as a Noble, if he was to suspect anything, we... "

" That shouldn't be a problem if you play your part perfectly. In the unfortunate event that something does go awry I'll step in and de escalate the situation."

" It seems you've put a lot of thought into this."

" Does it seem that way? I'm simply keeping a close eye on a very promising student."

As they settled on that matter they moved on to other subjects, with the most prominent being the Revival of the lost Dark Lord.

Unbeknownst to them however the man in a certain portrait had listened to their entire conversation.

"* Oh I've learned something very interesting today, and to think you tried to hide it from me... Quite despicable of you Albus.*"