Mexican Standoff?

Currently in front of Ron stood three teens all wearing tidy jade green robes. The trio glaring at him menacingly with wicked smiles. Slowly getting closer to Ron, who they perceived was an easy target.

How could he not, he was a first year with a weeks old education while they were third years. Sure the rumors surrounding Ron painted him as some sort of genius, but those were just ramblings of children.

They only cared for the facts, not rumors, with two in particular. The first, they three years older than him and it was three against one. The trio even shared the same thought as Ron stopped dead in his tracks.

' This kid's nothing, he's already scared stiff. So much for the school's most popular first year.'

On the other side, a grinning Ron welcomed them with arms seemingly tied behind his back. His posture might appear odd for someone being confronted by three bullies. However that was only because it gave the teens a false sense of security while allowing him to inconspicuous draw Longinus.

Now, those familiar with Longinus would say brandishing such a wand on mere third years was overkill. Which might actually be true, but then again it provided Ron with the most precise control over his magic. Guaranteeing that he didn't accidentally injure them severely or leave them with inexplicable side effects due to a spell.

Having secured not only his well being but also theirs, it was about time he knew he'd been stopped.

" Now what could you three fine looking gentlemen be looking me for?"

Ron's words were ignored by the trio, as they kept advancing towards him. Interestingly, the reason for that was all due to Millicent, who told them all about Ron's honeyed words. Drawing ever closer to the motionless Ron, the teens evil grins grew wider.

' Hey, I'm trying to settle this nicely with you, but of you won't listen. I don't particularly mind blowing some steam. Just don't blame me for any injuries you might sustain. Then again who'd believe you? Heck, now that I'm thinking about it, I might be able to get some house points out of this.'

Gripping Longinus's intricate interwoven handle, Ron readied himself to cast a quick curse. However for some inexplicable reason found himself hesitating. Something he would ever rarely ever do, much less when facing nobodies. The sensation then slowly escalated into a body numbing sense of dread.

' What's going on!? I'm certain that these guys pose absolutely no threat to me. So why am suddenly overcome with fear!? Just what on earth is behind those three, and why aren't they affected!? Even the air has become hard to breathe, it's suffocating, almost like that time in the fore-- Shit! -- I have to conceal Longinus as fast and carefully as possible. He cannot find out about it, if he does, well let's not think about that right now.'

Becoming a nervous mess overwhelmed with anxiety, Ron forgot all about the Slytherin trio. His mind at the moment was solely focused on his next move. I which he released his grip on Longinus, while simultaneously drawing his other wand. Thankfully he'd maintained his hands and Longinus behind his back. So hopefully whatever hid behind the trio would focus on his drawn wand. Which he almost immediately utilized, as he placed it directly under his throat.


With the help of the voice augmenting charm Ron shouted at the top of his lungs. In hopes of calling as much attention onto himself as possible.

Not wasting any time, the second his voice boomed out he made another quick incantation. Non-verbally as to not rouse any suspicion from the trio or the unknown spectator. However unlike when casted with a wand, non-verbal magic requires constant and complete focus. Something he had trouble achieving when he wasn't sure who or what he was facing.

Not expecting him to so brazenly scream for help, the Slytherin's trio were quickly thrown into disarray.

" What's wrong with you!? Why'd you go and do that!?"

" Why you little punk!"

" Oh man we have to get out of here! Before-"

Before they could run away, a very unique but familiar voice rang out right behind them.

" W-what's g-going o-on h-here?"

To their happy surprise the person who answered Ron's cries for help, was Prof. Quirell. Witnessing Ron hysterically screaming for help, fear instantly gripped their hearts. Now, seeing who'd actually showed up, that feeling vanished. As there wasn't one student in the entire castle who respected the stuttering Professor, much less fear the man. However they also wouldn't act out in front of a professor no matter how pathetic he was. Putting an abrupt and unexpectedly end to the standoff between them and Ron.

Not bothering to explain themselves to Quirell the trio walked passed Ron. While muttering several threat's and insults under their breath.

" Watch your back, you filthy blood traitor."

" Heh, so much for the famous Black pride."

" We'll catch you later, Ronald."

Turning back the Slytherin trio were elated as Ron stood completely motionless. In their minds they believed they'd successfully scared him and were the reason for his behavior. The first part of that sentence was a complete and utter lie, but the second did hold some truth. Ron was scared only that his fear had nothing to do with them.

' Is no one else seriously going to show up!? I don't want to be anywhere near this psycho! Although that certainly explains why I was suddenly overcome with fear. Who wouldn't be scared when a genocidal maniac is stalking them. What I don't understand is why he's out and about, shouldn't he still be recovering from his injuries? And why would he come looking for me? Wait don't tell me he somehow figured out that I was the one who...'

With the trio gone, Ron and Quirell were the only ones left in the entire corridor. A young crimson haired boy and a turban wearing Professor. Both standing their ground neither of them conceding to the other. Tensions rising, the silence became deafening, until Quirell finally spoke with his signature stutter.

" It s-seems th-they're g-gone, n-now!"

" That does appear to be the case. You have my thanks Professor. Now if you'd please excuse me, I have somewhere to be."

" Oh, i-is th-that t-the case..."

" Yes, I'm meeting with some friends."

Giving what he believed to be a more than appropriate response, Ron took a step forward to leave, when Quirell's next words stopped him dead in his tracks.

" Are they in the third floor?"

" What!? What did you say?"

Unsure of what he just heard, Ron's mind started racing trying to figure out if his absentmindedness caused him to mishear. If that wasn't the case, the situation just became a whole lot more dangerous.

Originally being from another world, Ron was completely aware of the Professors dark secret. That of him being a loyal subject and host to the fallen dark lord, Voldemort. That was aleo the reason he wore such a gaudy turban and why he stuttered. It was all an act to fool everyone into believing his innocence. Leaving Ron completely perplexed as to why he would suddenly drop his act now in from of him specifically.

' Now isn't the time to be overthinking, my mind has to be focused on what's above. If he even tries to look at me funny only with a cool head can I retaliate. So calm down and remain focused!'

Stabilizing his mind while facing one of the biggest threats to his life was no easy task, yet Ron somehow managed to pull it off.

Thankfully his internal turmoil was just that, internal, and didn't spill over to his outward appearance. Showing any sort of weakness to a dark lord wasn't a mistake he could afford to commit. Otherwise he risked becoming another one of his prey, he definitely didn't want that, not yet at least.

" W-what's w-wrong R-ronald?"

Quirell asked, his voice sounding unnaturally worried. Almost as if he forced himself to come off such. Which had the completely opposite effect as a cold shiver ran down Ron's back.

' Well that's unsettling as hell.'