CHAPTER 1: Sugar saved Coffee and Milk.

Charlie moved in Brooklyn. New apartment means new life, Charlie lives on his own since the day their house in New Orleans caught in the fire. He's only 5 years old at that time and unfortunately, he is the only one survived. He grow up in a foster care center in New Orleans, living in foster care is not as easy as you think. He felt incomplete all the time. When he attends school? he always bullied by other students because of the scars he has on his arm made by the fire when he was a kid. That's when he realized that no one will protect him from the harm of this world, only his self. He causes a lot of trouble in school a lot that's why he decided to move into another city when he turned 18. And that's where he met James Dawson and Blake Smith.

2 months ago, Charlie is walking with his bike on a street with his earphones on. While listening to a song entitled "Someone like you". He heard some loud voices coming from an empty building. Out of curiosity, he entered the building and found out the two bastards kneeling in front of a group of boys who look a gangster wannabe. He heard that they have a problem with a girl.

Boy #1: Who's the two of you make a move on my girlfriend?

Boy #2: I think this one with curly hair? (While pointing to Blake)

Boy #3: No, Loe told me he is black and basketball player

Boy #4: Dude, Sarah told me that he is white.

and the argument continues....


the rest of the boys stop the stupid argument.

Boy #1: You two (staring at James and Blake) I'll ask again and better to answer me this time you motherfuckers. Which of you two is hitting on my girlfriend? (the silence continues) ANSWER ME!!!!

James answers.

James: No one! Okay. We are not hitting on your girlfriend. We don't even know who your girlfriend is.

Blake: Yes, It was him, I saw him, he's having a conversation with your girl last night.

James didn't expect that Blake will sell him those guys.

James: WHAT?!!!!! (He angrily ask)

Blake: (whispering) Sorry my friend, but one of need to stay alive so that someone will continue our dreams.

James: Seriously!? What makes you think that they will let you go after killing me because of the lie you told.

Blake suddenly realizes that they would probably kill him also, so he takes his answer back.

Blake: You're right. Uhm Uhm. (And he looked at the boys) I'm taking back what I said, the truth is he had sex with her last night.

The group of guys is in shock and their leader is pissed off. They continue murmuring.

James: WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!

Blake: Ssshhhh. And I recorded it on my phone but it is at my house right now so if you'll let me go I'll go get it to show it to you. Please?

James: You BITCH!

the leader of the gang is staring at James like a wolf preparing to eats his meal. He picked a piece of wood that has a size of an arm of a bodybuilder and he attempted to hit James in his face with it, but he heard a voice, whistling, coming from their back and they all turn their back and see a guy standing in the corner. It's Charlie.

Charlie: What you doin?

Boy #1: Who the fucked are you?

Boy#2 : What the fuck are you doing here?

Charlie: Language! Well, I'm just passing by when I heard voices, moaning and I thought somebody is having sex so I'm here to check it out but it seems like you're about to kill those idiots.

Blake: Hey!, we're not idiots. Okay?

Charlie: Oh you're not? Then why are you here?

and that leaves Blake thinking

Boy # 1: Stop it! Get out here! It's none of your business. FAGGOT

One thing that I haven't told you is that Charlie is part of the LGBTQA+ community. Yes, he's gay but he has a strong personality and behavior that keeps him different from the other gays that people usually saw. Rough time makes him the person he is now. And he doesn't want to be called faggot, because it's fucking insulting.

Charlie: Pardon?( with a strong facial expression)

Boy #1: I said, it's none of your business. FAGGOT

Charlie: Say that again!

Boy#1: Are you deaf? I said FAGGOT!

And as quick as thunder he punched his face with his bare fist. Charlie loses his temper and gave them an experience they'll never forget. The other boys attempted to hit him with a chair, woods and metal tubes but instead, Charlie uses those things to hit them back. Charlie is quite a fighter back then and uses his experiences to beat off the fucking gangster. James and Blake found a place to hide and watched while Charlie is beating the group of boys. James is convincing Blake to sneak out and walk away but Blake is persistent and wanted to have a conversation with Charlie. When the fight is over and the boys decided to leave the building, Blake and James are continuing to argue whether they leave or not. Until Charlie notices and looks at them that made them freeze out.

James: Let's go, Blake

Blake: Wait. Let's talk to him

James: Are you crazy? Don't you see what he did to those men?

Blake: Yeah I know that makes me want to be friends with him.

James: Oh God! He is looking right through us.

Charlie: Are you good?

James: YE….ah

Blake attempted to have high five to him, but he only ignores it.

Blake: Hey my friend? (while raising his hand for a high five) No? Alrighty then

James pulls Blake's arm and says…

James: Thank for saving us. ba bye

Blake: Wait!

James: Not again.

Blake: I'm Blake and this is my best friend James.

James: Ex- best friend!

Blake: What? (With a question mark on his face)

James: What do you mean? What? After what you did, you really expect me to be your best friend?

Blake: YES!

James: What the…?

Blake: By the way, do you live around here? (asking Charlie)

Charlie: NO

Blake: Are you also studying at Brooklyn University?

Charlie: No

Blake: Do you know us? Well, that is obvious, we're famous.

Charlie: No

Blake had a blank face and the interrogation continues

Blake: Perhaps you can tell me your name?

Charlie: No

Blake: Okay, No. We are very thankful that you saved us today!

Charlie: Who told you that I saved you? Let's be clear okay! I didn't save you or your friend (while looking at James) I just don't want to see a dead body right now. Okay?

And James rapidly agrees.

James: Yep. We are very clear about that.

Both of them try to walk but before they leave Charlie to give Blake a piece of advice.

Charlie: Blake, right?

Blake: Yeah, why?

Charlie: Next time you have sex with a girl make sure that she doesn't have a masculine boyfriend that can beat you up or much better she doesn't have any boyfriend at all.

Blake and James are both confused about what he's talking about.

Blake: How did you know?

James: THAT WAS YOU? ( with a loud voice)

Blake: Shhh..Long story! But, how?

Charlie: Check out your pants. ( while having a smirk on his face)

And they both look on their pants and saw a big park of pee on Blake's pants. He rapidly walked to go outside and doing the walk of shame while James is laughing so hard…

James: Where are you going Mr. Wet Pants.? HAHAHAHAHA

And they both left the building while Charlie stayed.