CHAPTER 2: Genie on the bottle

Fall has begun. Vacation is over. First day of school at Brooklyn University. The fact that Blake and James took the same course in college BA in Interactive Entertainment to be exact, made them in the same class. They have a dream, that is to develop a game where people who wants to play can be anything they want. In other hands, they also have other skills and talents that made them standout, compare to other students, James is athletically inclined. Yes, he is part of Basketball team of Brooklyn U, he is the MVP last year even though he is just a rookie at that time. And Blake is a smart student, he competes with other schools in different areas of academics and he always won. That's why they quite famous in campus. But Blake sucks at one subject , and that is Philosophy, He hated Philosophy because based on his perspective, understanding the perception of others is just a waste of time. We all have different opinions and perspective so all we need to do is respect that, so why do we need to make things complicated, according to him.

Their first subject is Philosophy, lucky Blake. While waiting for their first professor to arrived, Blake is getting bored as time goes by. James enters the room but he is busy texting with his new girlfriend or should I say, the new victim. Blake cannot take it anymore so he came up to a plan and he is so excited to tell it. He sat on a chair behind James's back and he continuously taps James's back.

Blake: Hey dude!

James: What? (still looking at his phone)

Blake: Hey! Look at me!

James: What is it? I'm listening.

Blake: LOOK AT ME! It's something very important.

James: Whaaaaaaat?

Blake: Okay. Here's the plan, after 15 minutes, I'll ask our prof if I can go to the bathroom and I'll sneak out and, you my friend will act like your sick. It's great right?

James: God damn it! Blake. Is that the very important thing you need to tell me? Its first day!

Blake: What? Like there are rules or something. This subject is boring as hell.

James: Its first day, 1st day okay? Not second but first! Plus your plan sucks, we are not in middle school anymore. Okay?

The two stop arguing when their professor came in and greets.

Mr. Anderson: Good morning class.

Whole class: Good morning Mr.?

Mr. Anderson: Anderson.

Whole-Class: ANDERSON!

Mr. Anderson: I'm Anderson Evans your Philosophy teacher. I hope we'll have a great year full of hope and understanding.

Mr. Anderson looked around the class and he seems not familiar to some new faces.

Mr. Anderson: It seems like there are many transferee here, may I ask who is new here? Just raise your hand and kindly introduce yourself here in front.

new students raise their hand as a sign of response, there are 4 of them.

Mr. Anderson: 1..2..3..and 4. Oh, you! On the back please come here and introduce yourself.

and everybody looked at the back of the room and saw a new student who has long hair, medium height, and tan skin. The student walked towards in front of the class holding a book. Blake and James seem familiar with his face.

James: Blake, do you know him?

Blake: No, but he seems familiar to me?

James: Yeah. Me too.

the two boys are confused for a moment until they both realized that the new student they are seeing is the one who saved them from trouble 3 months ago.

James and Blake: HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK!

James: Is that? ( voice cracking)

Blake: I know!

James: Oh….My....GOD!

Blake: We are pissed.

and Charlie, one of the new student start introducing himself.

Charlie: Hi everybody, I'm Charlie Johansson, originally I'm from New Orleans. I moved here about 3 months ago. I'm looking forward to knowing all of you. I hope that we'll have a great year together. And I just want to inform you that I'm gay so no need to call me a faggot or whatever.

James and Blake are continued chattering.

James: Why he is acting like an angel? (whispering)

Blake: I don't know. Maybe he ate something nice this morning.

But someone in the class throws an insulting joke to him. His name is Peter, he is a school bully. He got detention many times but the school doesn't or cannot expel him because his dad is one of the biggest investors of the school. He is the only child and that's one of the reasons why he has a rude attitude towards how to treat others. He doesn't know how to be a brother or be a true friend and his parents don't have any time to thought him some manners.

Peter: So you like sucking dicks? (laughing)

Mr. Anderson: Peter! Watch your language.

Peter: What? I just want to know.

most of the students laugh but some felt pity for Charlie. But Charlie responds


Charlie: No. Are you? (smirking)

Peter: What?

Charlie: You seem familiar. Aren't you a gay porn star?

James silently commented.

James: And there he goes.

His classmates are shocked but most of them are laughing and left thinking if what Charlie said was true.

Peter: NOO!

Charlie: Are you sure?

Peter: Yes! I'm sure.

Charlie: O K A Y then. Daddy!

Then Mr. Anderson stops the two from fighting but he, himself cannot hide the fact that he still laughing.

Mr. Anderson: That's enough guys.(smirking) Go back to your chair, Charlie.

The next student introduces herself and Charlie goes back to his sit but he run to Peter's desk and Peter whispers something.


But Charlie answers back.

Charlie: Go on then! Dare me, mister!

Everything went well for the first day. New classmates, new friends, and new enemies. But the two had no idea that their lives will change from that moment. The bell rang and the last subject has ended, yet Blake remembers something about what happened that day that he would be an embarrassment for the rest of his life.

Blake: Oh God!

James noticed something is wrong with his best friend so he asks if there something wrong.

James: Hey dude? Are you okay?

Blake: No. I don't know ( voice cracking)

James: Why? What's wrong?

Blake: Do you remember everything, what happened that day?

James is very confused about what he is talking about.

James: What are you talking about? What day?

Blake: That day we met Charlie on the empty building.

James: Oh that day. Yeah, many things like I almost killed by a gangster because of the lie you told them and the fact that he easily beat those men even though he is a straight gay or the fact that you...? Oh? Is that what are you concerned about? Hahaha. You are messed up Mr. Wet pants.

Blake: I know, please man, help me!

James: Wait, let me think?........... Ehhhhh NO!

Blake keeps begging for help to James.

Blake: Please man! Please, please, please, please, please.

James: What do you want me to do, talk to him and say " Hey remember me and my friend and about the thing that he accidentally peed on his pants. Oh yeah! Please don't tell anyone okay?" Is that what you want me to do?

Blake: Exactly!

James: Are you crazy? I'm not helping you this time.

Blake: Oh come on men!

And Blake is starting to have a childish panic attacked

Blake: Oh god. What if he tell it to everybody and then everybody would call me "Mr. Wet Pants" and then the words spread out to other schools and then they will call me that too and then everybody in Brooklyn will know it too, and then I need to spend the rest of my life being called as "Mr. Wet Pants"

No…! I can't take it anymore man. Please help me. Help me ( with matching tears)

James is just irritated by the way he reacted.

James: Hey! Stop overreacting!

Blake: I don't know what to do.

James: Why don't you talk to him?

Blake: I'm scared.

Apparently, while James is talking, he saw Charlie walking towards them while reading a book entitled "Murder Scene". Blake took the chance to make the two have a conversation and talked about Blake's little incident.

Blake: Here he goes.

James: Who?

Blake pushed him to Charlie's face and the leaves the two in the air.

James: Oh dear God!…lo? (stuttering)

Charlie is just staring at him and he had no clue about what's happening.

James: Remember me?

Charlie: Of course I remember you. What do you want?

James: I'm glad you ask. Well, remember my friend Blake?

But he didn't notice that Blake managed to escape.

James: Fuck shit!( whispering)

Charlie: Yeah why?

James: Well the thing is, my evil friend wanted to ask you for a favor like he didn't what you to tell anyone about what happened that day.

Charlie: Like what exactly?

James: Like the fact that he peed on his pants. ( smirking)

Charlie: Oh that.

James. Yep. That's the one.

Charlie: I' m sorry, but am I not supposed talked about that?

James: Pardon?

Then Blake rapidly shows up, he is just hiding beside the locker and eavesdropping the whole time James and Charlie are talking. And then he asks Charlie

Blake: Please tell me you didn't tell it to anyone right?

Charlie: I'm sorry but I already told it to everyone in our class.

Blake: EVERYONE? (in a loud voice)

Charlie: Oh wait, except from................ Oh no. EVERYONE!

Blake: Oh crap! Why would you do that?

Charlie: I thought it wasn't a big deal.

Blake: IT WAS A BIG DEAL! (stressed)

And then Charlie laughed so hard because of Blake's reaction.

Charlie: HAHAHA! Geez! Relax man. I didn't tell anyone, but now I have plans to tell them.

Blake: Don't! Please don't! I'm begging you.

Charlie: Give me one good reason.

Blake: I will do everything you want me to do, I will buy you anything or I can be your Genie!

Charlie: Genie? That's an interesting offer.

Charlie is thinking if he would accept Blake's offer.

Charlie: You know that the master of a Genie got three wishes, right?

Blake: Well, I didn't think that through.

James: Wait! Wait. Wait. Wait

Blake: Deal you have three wishes.

James: What the hell?

Charlie: DEAL.

So the two had a handshake as a sign of agreement. But James wanted Blake to reconsider because of his pathetic reason why he would do it. So he whispered to Blake and say.

James: What are you doing? (He whispered)

Blake: I know that it sounds crazy but it's better to do three wishes than to spend the rest of my life being called "Mr. Wet Pants".

James: You are definitely crazy. (sighs)

Charlie is waiting for them to finish their conversation.

Charlie: Are you done?

Blake: Yes

Charlie: So meet me on Saturday, at 8 am sharp at Gymnasium, okay?

Blake: Why?

Charlie: Because that where I will tell you my first wish, you GOON!

Blake: OH Okay.

Charlie: So if you excuse me. I'm gonna go and finish my book, goodbye!

Charlie walks away and continued reading his book and the two had a serious conversation.

James: What you're gonna do now?

Blake: Obviously, all I need to do is do his three wishes then I'm good.

James: NO! You don't even know what wishes he had in mind. Did you even saw what book he is reading? It's entitled " Murder Scene", what is he wants you to hide a weapon he used for murder? Huh? What are you going to do?

Blake: Relax man. I know that he is a badass but you know, he saved our lives before, remember? Plus, I trust him. He's different from other gays I know.

James: What? Maybe because he is a psychopath!

Blake: You know, you really need to stop watching American Horror Stories. Your mind is full of crap.

James suddenly realizes that he is overreacting to what's happening.

James: Yeah you're right! But are you sure, you're going to be okay?

Blake: To be honest, I have no idea. But I'm counting on it.

James: ( Sighs)