Facing Your Fears


There was no backing out on this. Katherine was wheeled towards the room where the MRI scan would be taken. She had already taken a sedative almost thirty minutes ago, but the moment she saw the huge machine, it was as if the sedative wasn't working. She wanted to get out of there fast. The ceiling of the machine where she would go into was too near for her. The thought of just having the walls around her closing in made her want to run out of the room.

Funny how she could sleep in a closet room in CRG's office, but she couldn't do it for an MRI. Well, obviously, the two weren't the same. At least that closet, she could still stand, she could sit up without hitting the ceiling. This massive machine...was not like that at all. She'd rather sleep in that tiny closet than be confined in the MRI machine for about an hour while staying still.