What are you saying?

Katherine told him all about her nightmares. The running, seeing Chris, more running, Parker pushing her into a black hole, and the recent one this morning where her family and friends were killed before her, Damien getting killed in front of her. 

It was painful to recall what she saw in her dream, but it felt suffocating not talking about it. The whole time, Damien was quiet as he let her speak, though she knew he felt sorry for her because she was suffering.

"You know they're just dreams, Katherine. Sometimes, they're figures of your fears haunting you in your sleep. Your friends are safe. Your family is safe, and I'm right here with you. Parker's locked away. Shadow is over," he told her.

"I know that. But I can't help it. I just sleep, and suddenly I see it. It's happening all over again."

"I know, baby… You should have told me about it. Why would you keep that from me?"