Get him to marry

Soohyun's hand halted, and she found her heart skipping a beat. Her breathing paused as her eyes scanned the male walking in. Icy coldness was exuded from those black eyes of his, and his stance let out a air of tyranny oppression. This was similar to Soohyun's boss in her previous life.

"You have to get him to marry you or else you'll be facing death," The voice in her head spoke out.

By now, Soohyun was starting to dislike this system. With her cowardly soul, how was she supposed to inch closer to this dangerous male? Either Jiwoo was a complete idiot or filled with incredible amount of guts to go close to him.

The employees bowed obediently and politely whilst some went on to continuing their work although they were on edge. Being near the man heightened one's senses to multitudes.

"Didn't you say you'll get him to fall for you within a week?" The system teased.

Sucking in the cold air, Soohyun let out a sigh and handed the little girl her things. Walking with utmost courage, Soohyun prayed that nothing goes wrong. Was it late for her to turn her back now? If things went wrong, this person will not let her have a peaceful death.

Soohyun wanted to cry out.

'Even my school's principal wasn't that scary when I broke the school's lighting!'

Her footsteps were distinctly heard as she made her way to Han Minhyun, and everyone was staring at her with widened eyes, contemplating on whether or not the female was stupid.

Putting on a brave front, she stood in front of Han Minhyun. Her dark eyes staring at her nonchalantly was capable of causing shivers within in. This was too similar with her boss. It was good thing that staying with her boss, she learned to cope up with such attitude.

Immediately changing her expression into something sad and causing tears to form in her eyes, Soohyun spoke out, "Don't tell me you're abandoning me after that passionate night of ours."

Soohyun worked for the public relations department in her previous life and mastered a huge amount of acting skills.

Nonetheless, Soohyun felt that Minhyun's piercing gaze on her could see beyond her act. It was against Soohyun's pride to be intimidated by a male, who was four year younger to her.

The staffs there gaped at Soohyun's words, and they were baffled. Her eyes must be upside down¹ for confronting their big boss like this.

Moreover, Moon Jiwoo is accusing their boss of sleeping with her when it was clear that their boss preferred staying away from women. Moon Jiwoo was sure to be killed today!

Keeping on her pitiful expression, Soohyun continued, "Yesterday, it was not my safe period, and there are high chances of me being pregnant. Are you going to abandon this child of ours?"

Soohyun rubbed her belly softly whilst her tear-filled eyes stared at Minhyun. Initially, she wanted to take same approach as Jiwoo, but as she was planning to make him fall for her, it wouldn't be in her favour if she accused him of a rapist.