Piling up rubbishes

For a second, Soohyun felt that his wide shoulder brushed against her as he walked away without no replies, and she let out the breath she was holding in.

'Being ignored is better than being killed. Right? But does this count as a success?'

"I don't know. I can't read mind, Host 001," The System replied. "You'll have to wait for the results."

Now that the tenseness within Soohyun disappeared, all the eyes staring at her made her feel embarrassed, and wanting to escape from these, she quickly made her way to the glass door to take a leave.

The staffs were surprised at how their boss did not order for the female to thrown out, as it happened for previous females who approached him in the similar manner.

The only difference between them and Jiwoo was that they were frightened out of their wits before approaching him, and they were used pregnancy as a threat for their boss did not sleep around. Few with weak heart fainted in his presence.

Moreover, wasn't Moon Jiwoo engaged to Ahn Eunwoo? Didn't she declare publicly about her unwavering love towards Eunwoo? When did she change her target to their big boss, Han Minhyun?


"Now, let me sleep for at least twelve hours. Don't you dare disturb me, you annoying System!" Soohyun spoke out, "The name System sounds so weird. Don't you have some other names?"

"Host 001, you can also call me Minnie," The System answered. "I'll wake you up if there's any mission."

"Then, address me as Soohyun. Being addressed as Host 001 everytime doesn't feel pleasant," Soohyun spoke out before letting out a yawn.

Just as Soohyun was about to drift into the dreamland, her phone started ringing, disturbing her. Sitting upon her bed with an irritated expression, Soohyun took the phone from her nightstand.

"Who the fuck is calling now?" Soohyun groaned.

Checking the caller's ID, Soohyun let out a audible sigh. Moon Jimin was the last person Soohyun wanted to talk to. Putting down her phone on the nightstand while setting it on to a silent mode, Soohyun was ready to fall asleep.

'Soohyun, if you don't pick the call up and win over Jimin in the conversation, you'll be facing death route.'

Forced to do so, Soohyun received the call and spoke out, "Unnie¹, is something the matter?"

Soohyun prayed that Jimin would notice the bitterness in her tone and hang up the call as soon as possible. Before she could die from falling into the wrong hands, she'd pass away due to lack of sleep.

"Have you seen the social media? It is going crazy with your confession to Han Minhyun. Is that actually true?" Jimin said from the other side of the phone. Soohyun could see that her voice sounded shaken up.

"It's true. I spend a night with Minhyun the other day, and he felt really good! I think I will be chasing after him, unnie," Soohyun answered— her voice sounding happy.

"But don't you love Eunwoo and you're willing to do anything for him? Are you doing this for the sake of his attention? This way won't work on him. You need to pursue him straight on and not to make him jealous. You'll turn him off that way," Jimin explained.

With her soft and worried voice, she could convince many out there. Nonetheless, Soohyun remained unmoved for she had read the novel, and she dealt with numerous customers with such a tongue.

"Unnie, after spending that night with Minhyun, I found myself addicting to his body. Moreover, Eunwoo can't even compare to his size, and Eunwoo is just poor compared to him. Someone like me deserves the best, and Minhyun is the best one for me," Soohyun replied, making sure that her voice sounded as if she was infatuated with Minhyun.

"This is not what love is about, Soohyun-ah. Just because Minhyun is better than Eunwoo in some aspects, it doesn't mean you love Minhyun. You need to think carefully about these things.

Do you remember all those times Eunwoo protected you when no one was by your side? He even accepted your fiancée. You shouldn't give away that position to someone else who is much poorer and is at a lower status than you," Jimin voiced out as Soohyun silently mimicked her words the entire time.

"Ah, unnie, that Chaeyoung can take away that Eunwoo. Piling up rubbishes is not my hobby. For all those time he helped me, didn't I return the favour by giving him free publicity and let him the honour of being fiancée. He's a true example of give an inch and take a mile," Soohyun voiced out, and her tone showing absolute arrogance.

Soohyun could hear Jimin cough at the other end, and she was interested in listening about how Jimin would instigate her further. Soohyun truly wanted Jimin to think Jiwoo's body was invaded by a foreign spirit.