I'll strangle you

Even if it is your most favourite song, after a while of listening to it, you'll eventually get bored or feel annoyed. The latter was what Soohyun felt when her phone rang for the seventh time.

'Why was this Moon Jimin so persistant!?'

Letting out a groan, Soohyun took the phone from the nightstand and received the call. 

"Hello, Unnie, is there something you needed?" Soohyun asked, using a sweet tone. "Sorry, I was in the shower and didn't hear your calls."

"It's okay," Her sister stated in her usual soft tone, which was capable of garnering pity and persuading. 

Trying to sound nervous, Jimin said, "Look, Jiwoo, you should not overreact when you hear this, and think calmly."

'Jiwoo, your sister is smart and good at acting. So, why the hell were you born so dumb and without any talent in acting.'

"Sure, but Unnie, speak fast. My phone is out of charge," Soohyun stated while pressing on the power button.

"You can't act rashly. Eunwoo—"

"Unnie, my charge is over and my phone is shutting down. Speak fast!" Soohyun stated— her tone holding tint of panicking. A smirk sat upon her face as she pressed on 'shut down'.

"Hello? Jiwoo? Hell—"

Soohyun exactly knew what her sister, Moon Jimin, was about to say; It would be something along the line on how Jimin saw both Chaeyoung and Eunwoo enter into this hotel room together.

Jiwoo created a scene at the hotel in the novel and embarrassed herself. Soohyun held no desire to involve herself in such a situation.

Nonetheless, Soohyun was curious on what Jimin was doing at a hotel though.

"I heard that you're an obedient little sister," A voice spoke out, attracting Soohyun's attention.

Raising her head up, Soohyun noticed Minhyun was leaning against the door whilst wearing a slight smirk on his face. A frown formed on Soohyun's expression

'When did he enter in? Is he a ghost or a vampire?'

Getting up from the bed, Soohyun replaced the frown with a smiling expression and spoke out, "Hubby, you wouldn't want your wife to cheat on you. Would you?"

Walking dangerously close to Soohyun, Minhyun voiced out, "Are you threatening me?"

Soohyun shook her head with an innocent smile.

"I'll show you fun."

Soohyun was about to peck on Minhyun's lips when Minhyun placed his hand on them to stop her from moving forward. 

'Wait a second! Do you I look like a desperate girl in his eyes?!'

"I know I'm attractive, but control yourself," Minhyun commented, embarrassing Soohyun further.


After Soohyun's countless tries last night, she was able to get in bed with Minhyun, but sadly, for her, she bottomed the entire night. Their session yesterday made Soohyun decide about joining a gym.

"Yah, Minnie, you here?" Soohyun questioned as she lied down on the bed.

"Is there something you needed, Soohyun?" Minnie asked.

"Finally, your lazy self appeared! Are you the laziest system out there?"

"Soohyun, I was always there, watching you embarrass yourself."

"Erase those things from your memories!" Soohyun exclaimed as red coloured her cheeks.

"About this entire story, many things doesn't make sense. It is on Minhyun. He was supposed to be a cold character towards most, but observing him, he is not like that. 

Moreover, he bought me to his apartment and even sleeps with me when he distanced himself from girls. 

He didn't even try to take revenge against me after he got drugged by Jiwoo neither did he do anything against me when I showed up at his office the first day. 

In fact, he is quite courteous to me. His character just seems completely different. Is there something you're hiding?"

Silence went on for two minutes.

"Minnie, you coward, stop staying silent, and answer me! You disappeared again, you asshole! I'll strangle you if I get hold of you one day!"