Take me as a joke

Today was the day for their meeting. Lee Soohyun checked the time on her watch before entering in through the glass door.

'Perfect! Ten minutes late.'

Her hair was tied into a long ponytail that swung by as she walked, and in order to maintain her public appearance, she wore an elegant dress, which went to her knees. Heels were not something Soohyun trusted herself with, and therefore, a pair of sneakers were worn by her.

Looking around, Soohyun finally saw Eunwoo sitting at one corner of the room. An idea came into her mind at that moment, and she took out her phone from her bag.

Opening the camera, she held the phone up and clicked a photo. In the photo, a bright smile sat on Soohyun's face whilst she did a peace sign. Eunwoo sat in the background as he stared at the window.

Opening her social media, she instantly posted the picture with a caption beneath it. A mischievous smile sat on her face the entire time.

The caption read, "When your exes are too desperate for you <3 This ex of mine is waiting for a whole thirty minutes, so being sweet, I decided to grace himself with my presence."

Thirty minutes were surely an exaggeration, but no one was going to investigate that. Judging from the background, one could easily say that he was the one waiting for her.

Putting her phone back in her bag, Soohyun wore on the expression of a docile girl and walked towards where Eunwoo was seated at.

"Aigoo! Oppa, it seems that I was late. Forgive me; It's just that my hubby was too reluctant to let me meet up with my exes," Soohyun said while pulling the chair in front of Eunwoo.

With a shy smile on her face, Soohyun looked down and added, "He gets jealous very easily."

"Moon Jiwoo, do you take me as a joke? Do you think my time means nothing?" Eunwoo questioned. Annoyance was written all over his face.

'I swear, I liked you so much in the novel, but why do I find you so vexing now? Must be your face!'

Innocently, Soohyun shook her head and stated, "Of course not, if I found you a joke, I would've laughed at you."

"Moon Jiwoo," Eunwoo enunciated, "Why did you invite me here?"

"Me?" Soohyun pointed to her and then shook her head to indicate a 'no'.

"It's my sister who said that you want to meet up with me and arranged this," Soohyun voiced out. Her sentence wasn't a complete lie since her sister was actually the one who arranged this.

'Congratulation, Soohyun! You've unlocked the rewards section and more mission!" The irritating voice in her head exclaimed.

'Why do I sense more trouble?'

Ignoring Soohyun's word, Minnie said, "After every side missions you complete from now on, you'll be receiving small rewards."

'Can I be sure that the rewards are not something bad?'

"Of course not, Soohyun! The rewards will help you with your main missions. Your mission is to embarrass Ahn Eunwoo today."
