A ball I'll be late to

"Not the reporters," Soohyun mumbled as she got out of the car.

Outside the huge gate of Han Mansion, many reporters were present, and as Soohyun got out of the car, they surrounded her. 

They flashed their cameras on her, and some tried to push against each other, trying to be at the front. Many questions left their mouth.

"Moon Jiwoo, is it true that you have a relationship with Han Minhyun?"

"Are you really Han Minhyun's wife?"

"When did you two get married?"

"How did the two of you meet?"

Since Soohyun was in the public relations last time, it was not a big deal for her to take care of his reporters. 

However, when they were literally pushing up the microphone on to her face, trying to talk was a difficult task.

"Calm down. Calm down," Soohyun spoke out.

Nonetheless, this did nothing to decrease the eagerness of the fans. All of them were excited to get a good piece of news that would sell well.

"About Han Minhyun and my relationship, I'm pretty sure the video you have received yesterday confirms everything," Soohyun voiced out with a smile on her face.

Pushing forward through the crowd, a female reporter questioned, "When did you two get married then?"

Another female reporter pushed her from the back, and as she was about to fall down, Soohyun caught her by her shoulders and stabilised her.

"Careful there. We wouldn't want that beautiful face of yours to be hurt," Soohyun voiced out softly.

Getting on her feet, the reporter stared at Soohyun, and seeing that wide smile on her face, the reporter blushed at how beautiful Soohyun looked.

"Move away. Give space," Ryujin voiced out whilst she tried to make way through the crowd.

Soon enough, the security guards came and attempted to chase away those persistant reporters. 

"As much as I want to chat with you all, there's a ball I'll be late to if I don't hurry up. Bye!" Soohyun winked and waved a 'bye' to the reporters.


Entering into the mansion, Soohyun's eyes widened in how glamorous the mansion appeared to be, and since everyone appreciated beautiful scenes, a smile appeared on her face.

There were many faces in the ball, but Soohyun recognized none of them. Soohyun's eyes fell on the couple, who went to greet everyone that arrived. She had a guess that they were the Han couple.

Wearing a polite smile on her face, Soohyun maintained herself with elegance as she walked towards the couple whilst attracting the eyes of many with her charms.

Since her arrogance was replaced with a gentle and polite demeanour, she appeared pleasing to everyone's eyes.

Noticing all the attention Soohyun was attracting, she sighed internally. If she was in her actual body, none of this people would give her this much attention no matter how charmingly she carried herself.

Before Soohyun could reach the couple, a lady in her forties approached her and spoke out, "Jiwoo dear, long time no see!"

Staring at the lady in front of her, Soohyun was clueless. The female in front of her was not someone she could recognise, and this left her wondering to how to react.

"Ahjumma, how are you doing?" Soohyun asked with a wide smile. 

'This question can not go wrong.'