Haven't been going well

"Ahjumma?" The woman voiced out in shock.

'Oops! Did I use the wrong words?'

"Yah! Moon Jiwoo, Unnie! Unnie is what you should call me! Just because I did not invite you in that party of mine doesn't mean you have to insult me like this!" The middle-aged woman exclaimed— attracting many attendee's attention.

'But you clearly look like a ahjumma. Most definitely, there is an age gap of more than twenty years between Jiwoo and you.'

Nonetheless, arguing with this middle-aged lady will only waste Soohyun's time and make the plan she had in her mind less dramatic.

"You clearly don't look like an unnie to me," Soohyun voiced out, "So why should I call you one?"

The middle-aged looked as if she was about to hyperventilate and glaring at Soohyun, she yelled out, "Do you know who I am!? Even your Moon family has to show me respect! Bow down to me, and I'll consider forgiving you."

'That cliché line! This middle-aged woman watched too many dramas!'

Looking down at her coloured nails, Soohyun put on a casual expression whilst she spoke out, "I'm pretty sure you know who my husband is."

Staring up from her nails, Soohyun gave an innocent smile to the middle-aged woman. Nonetheless, the middle-aged woman knew that Soohyun was simply mocking her with that smile.

Since Han Minhyun was her husband and feared by most, Soohyun did not mind using him to get rid of some bugs.

Ignoring the scowling middle-aged lady, Soohyun walked towards the couple with a friendly looking and respectful smile.

Both of them were watching her arguement with the lady earlier, and she could see that they were surprised— most probably because she had mentioned Han Minhyun.

Seeing Moon Jiwoo standing in front them, both of them concealed the distaste they felt for her and plastered on a big smile.

Soohyun was not someone naive. She was well-aware that the Han couple was feigning their expression, but she had no interest in exposing them.

As she was thought to be Ahn Eunwoo's fiancé by them, they invited her here, and therefore, when Chaeyoung came with Eunwoo in the novel, they did not show any objections towards it.

That's why, Soohyun was looking forward to the drama that will be created.

"You're looking very beautiful today, Jiwoo dear!" Han Jaehee commented.

"Not as beautiful as you, Jaehee-ssi," Soohyun replied, "No one could actually tell that you're a grandmother."

"One of my friends were looking for an actress for his new drama, and I think you'd be suitable for it," Han Minseok voiced out.

'Are you trying to actually curry favour with me?'

Soohyun desparately wanted to question that and check their reactions. However, she did not want the air between them to be awkward before the main drama started.

"Really? Thanks a lot, Han Minseok-ssi," Soohyun, humbly, replied, "Lately, things haven't been going well for me with the work."

Soohyun let out a despondent chuckle at the end as she stared at the around. Her eyes looked droopy, and it lacked the brightness. Seeing her currently, everyone would think of her as someone pitiful.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Soohyun had a hard time holding in her excitement and, biting her lips, stopped the smile from forming on her face.

"Uncle, Aunt, how have you been lately?"