Monster Lady

Wiping his face with a napkin, Minhyun raised his line of sight to look at Soohyun and vocalised, "Ten minutes is over."

With the piece of toast in her mouth, Soohyun said, "I am done as well."

As Han Minhyun stood up and walked, Soohyun followed behind him. Soohyun then halted, and turning back, she picked up another piece of toast from the table.

Hwang Yejoon let out a chuckle at her actions whilst Junghyun mumbled, "Monster Lady."


Lee Soohyun laid down on the soft mat Minhyun had flipped her on. Although Minhyun was going really easy on her, Soohyun found herself feeling extremely exhausted. She did not want to get off the mat.

"Stand up," Minhyun ordered.

A pout formed on Soohyun's face as she said, "No, I don't want to get beaten up by you. You're abusing your wife."

Han Minhyun rolled his eyes and vocalised, "I only flipped you once, and you barely felt hurt over it."