No honorifics

As Minhyun stepped into her room, Soohyun excitedly questioned, "Is Chaeyoung here yet?"

Han Minhyun nodded.

Lee Soohyun was dressed in a pair of black jeans and white shirt. After seeing Minhyun's response, the smile on Soohyun's face widened, and as she was about to rush out of the room, Minhyun grabbed her collar, stopping her.

"Ouch!" Soohyun exclaimed as she took a step back so that the collar doesn't choke her.

Turning her neck in order to face Minhyun, Soohyun smiled and asked, "Do you need anything?"

"You'll trip if you rush like that, and don't create any trouble," Minhyun voiced out.

"You're going with me. Will you allow me to create trouble? Aigoo! Don't fret too much! I just want to make some girl friends, and as a bonus, Chaeyoung is cute."

"I really have a bad feeling about this, Lee Soohyun," Minhyun vocalised.