That's fancy

Ahn Eunwoo and Moon Jimin stared at a painting. As nervousness settled upon Jimin's face, she turned her head towards Ahn Eunwoo.

Jimin then asked, "Eunwoo-ah, I did not disturb you by calling you here, right?"

Flashing a smile towards Jimin, Eunwoo said, "Noona, you did not, so don't worry too much about it. I love museum, and your presence just makes it better."

Hearing Ahn Eunwoo's words, Jimin's heart began to beat rapidly in her chest, and shyly, Jimin lowered her line of sight to stare at the floor.

"What are you talking about, Eunwoo-ah?" Moon Jimin questioned.

Extending his hands towards her, Ahn Eunwoo pinched her cheeks and vocalised, "Noona, you're really cute."

Lightly slapping his hand away, Jimin stared at Eunwoo whilst wearing a pout upon her face and voiced out, "Eunwoo-ah, stop teasing me."