Nice to see you

"What I am saying you is really one of the secrets, and regardless of what happens, you can not let it be known to anyone," Minhyun voiced out.

Soohyun nodded before commenting, "It's nice to see you trust me."

"It is merely the fact that you would run into trouble if I don't explain everything clearly to you," Minhyun vocalised.

Scrunching her nose, she said, "Geez! You make it seem like as if I am some naive and inexperienced kid."

Letting out a chuckle, Minhyun questioned, "Soohyun, do you remember how we got attacked in the apartment last time?"

Soohyun nodded. That was the beginning of everything and wasn't something she could forget that easily.

"The reason we were attacked was due to the barrier around the apartment breaking, and I suspect that one of the Leaders were involved. Of course, until this point, it is merely a suspicion. The Blue Clan could have developed some powerful techniques to break through the barrier as well.