Part of his charms

"This is part of his charms, Jeon Minhyuk. No wonder girls avoid you," A woman vocalised.

Sitting on an old couch was a woman who appeared to be at late twenties. Dressed in a low cut red dress, the beautiful woman walked towards his desk and sat on top of his. Her long hair laid on top of her shoulder, and her plump lips were painted red.

Jeon Minhyuk scoffed and said, "Nice to know that you're one of his admirers, Park Jieun."

Park Jieun shrugged her shoulders and voiced out, "All of us prefer the charming ones better than the dull ones like you."

"Hey! What did you just say!? Take back those words of yours!" Minhyuk exclaimed.

Wearing a bored expression on his face, Eunwoo walked towards the direction the elevator which was present at one corner of the room and clicked the switch. As the door opened, he stepped into it.

"Good luck, Ahn Eunwoo! You're going to need that!" Jieun voiced out.