Healing quickly

Lee Soohyun paced around the door of the room whilst anxiousness was visible on her face. Biting her lips, she was starting to get impatient on when Minhyun will be returning.

As she silently read out the speech she will be delivering when Minhyun will be coming, she felt slightly sick and had an inkling that she will be throwing up the noodles she had for breakfast.

Her nerves were a mess, and a groan of frustration left her mouth. She couldn't wait for Minhyun to appear so that she could get completely over with it. This was utterly nerve-wracking.

Hearing the door open, Soohyun turned her head to look towards the door, and she was close to panicking. Seeing Han Minhyun enter made her entire mind go blank, and she had no idea on what to say.

An impassive expression sat on his face as he walked in through the door, and Soohyun gulped whilst trying to keep her emotions in check. Out of nervousness, she did not want to babble out some nonsense.