As you potray me

Raising one of her eyebrows, Soohyun decided to question about her previous prime source of concern and asked, "What about Junghyun's matter? Aren't you going to scold me about it?"

"Didn't you say you were forced to do it?" Minhyun pointed out.

Lee Soohyun nodded and said, "I did say that, but you're really going to believe that and not punish me. Well, according to Minnie, it was the fate's fault, but if I hadn't gone exploring in the first place, this wouldn't have happened."

Minhyun shrugged his shoulders and vocalised, "I have expected this from you, and if you're truly a Yellow Clan's member, you wouldn't have been able to go there."

"That's all you're going to say. I prepared myself mentally for it hours, and this was nerve-wracking. Heol!" Soohyun pointed.

Lee Soohyun had created possibly a very big mess for Han Minhyun, and seeing him so indifferent to her about it did not make her feel good; It made her feel guilty.