Sense the longing

Han Minhyun's and Eunwoo's eyes scanned the barrier in front of them as Soohyun touched it. Their eyes then fell upon Soohyun, trying to check for any change in her expression.

However, there was none. 

A small smile sat on her face as she walked forward towards the glass casing as if she was unaffected by anything. No barrier was felt by her.

This elicited a surprised reaction from Han Minhyun; Nonetheless, seeing how Eunwoo was present, he quickly covered him. Could it be that the things were not as he thought of them to be?

Minhyun was aware that this was not enough to cover up everything, and this made him more eager to see the DNA results. That would confirm everything.

After Lee Soohyun had stepped in, the barrier immediately deactivated, and oblivious about the entire thing, Soohyun turned back to look towards them.

Joyful that she might have come to use to Minhyun, Soohyun questioned, "Did I do it correctly?"