Quite notorious

Han Minhyun's sudden message on how he was returning home was enough to perplex Moon Seungmin. There was just a message from him on how he is returning home and mentioned on how the cooperation will be going on.

Seungmin did not understand his reason for doing so or why Minhyun did not say anything to him before leaving. Did Han Minhyun not want the book

This left Seungmin wondering as he stared at the chess set in front of her. He wanted to defeat Moon Jiwoo in one round of chess. However, due to her leaving with Minhyun, he could not do so.

As he was about to call a maid for putting the chess set away, knocks were heard upon his door, and turning his head towards the direction of the door, Seungmin vocalised, "Come in."

The door to the room was pushed open, and a maid walked into the room. A worried expression sat on the maid's face as she bowed down towards Seungmin.