Attacked by an arrow

Walking out of that room, Lee Soohyun clapped both of her hands together as a wide smile sore on to her face. After that moment with Mihee, she felt extremely invigorated.

"Wow! That was indeed refreshing," Soohyun voiced out.

"Bullying is indeed something you will be finding refreshing," Minhyun commented.

"Hey! Take that back! That is actually offending, and I was simply having fun," Soohyun voiced out while she protruded her bottom lip to form a pout on her face.

"That is—"

Before Han Minhyun could continue, his eyes narrowed when he noticed something, and extending his hand towards Soohyun, he hugged her, making her move away from her current position.

Caught by surprise due to Han Minhyun's actions, a gasp left Soohyun's mouth, and her eyes widened. Her heart beat rapidly within her chest.