Thousands of clues

The guard's leader walked over to the wall which the arrow touched and noticed that a mark was made on top of it. Extending his hand towards it, he touched the surface of the wall, and a burn mark was made on top of it.

"This was made by a fire user," the guard's leader vocalised, "If I have to permission on it, Master Minhyun, I would want to check on all the fire user's inside the mansion."

"I am not the Leader, and it would be better to ask the King's opinion on such a thing," Minhyun vocalised, "As for the Maid who informed you about it, send her to my office later on."

Nodding, the guard's leader bowed at Minhyun and voiced out, "Yes, Master Minhyun, I will be doing so. Was there anything more that I will be needing to do?"

"Send the final results of the test to me," Minhyun vocalised.

With that, Han Minhyun turned his back on the guards, and while he walked forward, Soohyun followed behind him.