My sweetheart

"Dear wife, you are really too mean! But I will forgive you because I know that you don't mean those words. Come up to the dining room quickly. I will personally prepare the breakfast for you. What would my sweetheart—"

Before Minhyun could continue further, Soohyun placed her palm on top of his mouth, preventing him from speaking further. Disgust was clearly shown upon her face.

"Please stop. At least don't use that tone with me, Han Minhyun, or I might throw up for real. I did not think that you had such strange interests," Soohyun vocalised.

"Don't worry, Sweetheart; I will clean up for you after you throw up," Minhyun said, flashing Soohyun a wide smile of his.

"Is this how you have felt when you met me in the beginning? I am guessing that this is the karma," Soohyun vocalized as a dramatic sigh left her mouth.