Angry at hubby

"No, I am perfectly satisfied with watching my Sweetheart eat. You are so cute!" Minhyun vocalised, earning a bored gaze for Soohyun.

'Should I go violent with him? No, no, I can't do that. What if it makes him say more gross things? Finish your breakfast quickly, Soohyun. You have an early class today. You have to finish a lot within a week.'

With that thought in her mind, Soohyun was about to turn to look at the plate before her when she felt a thumb brush against the corner of her lips.

That action of Minhyun caught her by surprise, and her widened eyes stared at Minhyun. Seeing that Minhyun licked that off of his thumb, she gave him a disgusted stare.

"Han Minhyun, although I am not a cleanliness freak, that was extremely gross. Can you not do that next time around?" Soohyun vocalised as she picked up another piece of pancake with her fork and placed it inside her mouth.