Traveling through the portal

This was her first time travelling through the portal alone, but Soohyun has managed to successfully pass through the portal.

Standing on the snowy ground, she recalled about the time she had come to this world last time with Han Minhyun, and remembering back about their snowball fight, a small smile formed on her face.

More than a week had passed since she had last transported, and thinking that it would be alright for her to do so now, Soohyun closed her eyes, concentrating her powers.

As she took in a deep breath, she recalled about the details of the room Minnie gave her— on the room Minhyun was currently— and while trying to figure out the location of that room, she used best of her abilities to transport at there.

Even though this will be draining a lot out of her, Soohyun was determined in using this, and within a matter of second, she found herself standing in the hallway.