A foul play!

Finally being able to see him after a period of time caused joy to spread within Soohyun's heart, and pressing her hand on the bed, she attempted to sit up on the bed.

Leaning against the bed, she turned her head to look at Minhyun and flashed him a wide smile. After using all of that power, her body felt completely exhausted and was desperate for rest.

However, more than that, she found herself craving to spend more time with Minhyun. It seemed that she had truly missed him.

"So, did you miss me?" Soohyun questioned, raising one of her eyebrows.

Her expectations to hear sweet words from him instantly diminished after he uttered, "Not exactly. I was too preoccupied to think about it."

"Wow! Both of us can be similar at times, Minhyun. Even I did not think about you once. How can there be such a coincidence?" Soohyun voiced out while a forced smile appeared upon her face.