Will be fine

After she was done with the shower and cleaning up, Soohyun decided to go outside in order to see how things have been holding up so far.

She was curious to see what decisions will be taken by the Leaders now that they have discovered who the mole was and what will Minhyun will be deciding now.

Turning the door knob before her, Lee Soohyun pulled open the door and walked out of the room. She noticed that the hallway before her was empty and eerily silent. Although this was the daytime, there were no signs of maids or butlers around the palace.

Hwang Yejoon's room was not placed at the secluded side of the castle, and this made the entire thing more suspicious. 

Walking on the hallway, Soohyun looked around for the signs of anyone. Something must have happened for everything to be so empty.

Thinking about Miyeon, Soohyun decided upon visiting the girl first in order to get a better knowledge about the situation.
