Give positive results

Following behind Ahn Eunwoo, Lee Soohyun walked over to where the fight was taking place. Standing on top of a cliff, Ahn Eunwoo made sure that Soohyun was watching everything from a safe distance.

Scanning her eyes across the crowd beneath her, Soohyun tried to search for the familiar faces. There was Kim Dohyun, Seo Jihyun, Seo Jaesung, and Lee Kwangsoo on the field.

Then, her eyes fell on Han Minhyun. From the look in his eyes, she was able to see that he was enjoying the entire battle, and his lips curved to a wide smile. His attire was stained with blood.

As those Ferals came towards him, he destroyed them one by one, as if it did not require any effort from him. His bloodthirst was clearly visible in his eyes.

This was the first time she was seeing such a side to Han Minhyun, and discovering this side of his gave her mixed feelings. However, over all, she did not find herself and being disgusted with it.