He was frozen

Gripping tightly on to his cutlass, Hwang Yejoon cut through those who came at his direction. His cutlass went through the chest of the Feral.

It's blood splattered on top of his face, and Yejoon instantly jumped back from that position. After continuing this fights for while, Yejoon managed to earn a couple of wounds around his body as well, and since he was almost at the point of exhaustion, his wounds were not as well as they were supposed to.

His breathing started to get heavy, and as he was about to take a small break in order to compose himself, he felt the contact of a sharp object against him back. Instantly, he moved away from it before it was able to hurt him further.

Turning his back, he took a look at his opponent. The pain permeated through his entire back, and he could feel blood flowing out of it. Due to his slow healing abilities, the wound was not closing up.