Chapter 4

"Magic? Does magic really exist?"asked Alexander with a lot of excitement and smile on his face.

"Of course, dear," said the Queen.

"But first let me teach you how to read and write. Later, I will appoint the best mage and knight to teach you about magic" said the Queen.

"Mom lets start right away" said Alexander.

"Haha, its already late. I will start teaching you from tomorrow, only if you get up early. Now let's go and have dinner. I will feed you personally," said the Queen and took Alexander to the dining hall.

On the table were bread, soup, some meat and fruits. The dining room was heavily lit. The Queen and Alexander sat on chairs side by side.

"Woo,wait a second... how come the rooms are so lit, I can't see any candles? I am damn sure there's no electricity in this medieval world," thought Alexander. He then looked up at the roof from where the light is coming from and saw a stone like thing emiting light.

After seeing it, "Mom, whats that?" asked Alexander pointing his finger towards the light.

"It's the light magic stone, dear," said the Queen.

"Light magic stone???Seriously??? There are magic stones in this world?" thought Alexander.

"Mom, how does it work? Does everyone and every room have them?" asked Alexander.

"Haha, of course not everyone have them. They are too costly for commoners to own them and not even all nobles have at least a single stone. Even in the royal palace, only rooms that are used mainly, have them. Magic stones are very very rare in this world and they work by absorbing light magic energy during the day and emiting stored light magic during the night" explained the Queen.

"Cool, so they are almost like solar, rechargeable and ever lasting energy. No wonder they are rare," thought Alexander.

She then fed the dinner to Alexander after answering all his questions.

"Yak, it still tastes like shit! So it's just the food that's worst in this world, and I can't imagine what normal people would eat when a prince is getting such trashed food. Wait, didn't Mom mentioned about nobles and commoners??" thought Alexander.

"Mom you said about the nobles and commoners, right?" asked the Alexander

"Yes dear, commoners and nobles are different and you can never compare a commoner to a noble. Slaves are much more worst than a commoner," said the Queen with a disgusting look.

Alexander was stunned for a minute.

"What the heck! Even his own Mom sees slaves and commoners as nothing but bugs," thought Alexander.

After finishing his dinner he went back to sleep.

Alexander woke up early by the time the sun was about to rise up. He then saw his mom sleeping beside him and woke her up.

"Mom get up, you promised to teach me how to read and write," shouted Alexander.

"Ugh,okay, okay, son, let me get up and freshen up. I will call the maid to get you ready" said the Queen getting down from the bed.

" No mom, I can do my daily stuff on my own from today onwards. I don't want the maid to take care of me," retorted Alexander.

Watching her son say it, Queen Diana felt so happy, gave a smile and patted Alexander's head and then left the room.

After Queen Diana left, "What's the point of a maid undressing me when I can't even unleash my little brother's potential," thought alexander.

Alexander got down from the bed and went to freshen up himself.

After a while he came back to his room where the Queen was already waiting for him with a parchment like thing in her hand.

After seeing that parchment in her hand "What the heck is that, there is not even a paper available for a prince?" thought alexander with a raised brows and he went and sat in front of her.

"Shall we begin?" asked the Queen to which Alexander nodded.

She kept teaching for a while. Later, they both went for breakfast and the Queen then left to deal with certain matters and told Alexander to learn the things that she taught him till she comes back.

Alexander went back to his room and tried to understand and memorise everything.

He kept studying until noon and then the queen came back and both went to eat lunch.

"Same crap everyday," thought Alexander while eating.

After finishing their lunch, they both went back to the room and the Queen started to teach him. But after some time, Alexander felt soo bored and sleepy since he just ate. Also, language lessons are the most boring thing to learn for him.

After a while the Queen left. Seeing her left the room, Alexander immediately jumped into bed and went to sleep.

In the evening Queen Dianabcame back and watched Alexander sleeping fo a little while. Then she woke him up and they went into the garden to spend some time. She taught him more lessons while in the garden. After that, they went back to eat dinner.bAfter dinner they both went to sleep.

The next morning after waking up , Alexander wasn't as excited as the previous day anymore, since he felt that language lessons are the most boring. But still, Queen Diana woke him up and told him to get ready and get cleaned. She then left the room.

"Damn it, I hate so much to learn this stupid langauge stuff! I just wanna end this crap fast and learn magic," thought alexander.

His schedule repeated the same everyday, for 10 months, 'till he finally was able to read and write.

And thus time passed by 10 months, his mother never allowed him to leave the royal palace, since she was afraid of anything might happen to her son as he was finally able to recover from his mental illness. She wouldn't even take a tiny risk to allow him to go outside until his safety was guaranteed.

"Phew, finally I completed this shitty course after 10 months of hell. Damn it, even on earth I am so horrible when it came to language studies," thought Alexander while sitting in a chair.

After a while, Queen Diana entered his room, "Finally, you completed the course Alexander! I am so proud of you my son! Even though your siblings are smart, I am still happy and proud for you, more than to them," said the queen with a wide smile.

"Mom, isn't 10 months a bit too long?" asked Alexander.

"Well I could say it's okay. But don't compare yourself with your siblings nor others for they never suffered your illness. And if you ask me my opinion, I would say, you're the most talented genius I ever met since even after suffering for 12 years you are able to fight away your illness and had overcome it" said the Queen trying to comfort his son.

"Hmm," said alexander.

"Well anyway, I at least hope that magic isn't boring like language" thought alexander.

"Anyway you're turning 13 in a month so let's celebrate it grandly since you also have finally completed to learn how to read and write. I am so happy for you my son," said the Queen hugging her son.

After a while, the Queen left the room and went to meet the King.

A tall muscular man is sitting on the throne with fist under his cheek and listening to a man speaking in the throne room.

After entering the throne room, Queen Diana waited for them to finish talking. When they were finished, she went near the King and said, "Arnold, I want to hold a grand banquet to everyone and celebrate grandly for Alexander's 13th birthday that's coming up in few weeks."

After hearing that, there were a lot of commotions in the throne room from the people sitting in front of the King.

A man thought "Why waste money on celebrating the birthday of a mad man? I am sure, he don't even know what is a birthday haha."

Another noble man thought "If he was born in my house I would have already killed him instead of wasting resources on such brain dead scum."

Several commotions like that broke out in the people's minds sitting there, but no one dared to utter a word since everyone present there knew how much the Queen loved Alexander and the King won't even hesitate about cutting the head of the person who would offend his wife.

After hearing Dianas words "As you wish," said the king.

Diana then looked towards his other children sitting in the throne room and said "okay everyone, it's decided then. I want you all to send invitations to all nobles around the country," in an exciting tone and left the room.

Watching her leave happily, the King felt relieved. Of course neither the king nor his children give a fuck about Alexander. The only one that cared a bit about Alexander other than the Queen is the 3rd princess Tilly.

Invitations have been sent to all the nobles across the empire and of course none of them were interested to attend the 6th prince's birthday. However, they are all attending the banquet for their own personal interests since after 1 year the battle for the throne will finally begin!!!