Chapter 5

Invitations have been sent to all nobles across the country. Few weeks have passed and the day of the banquet had arrived.

DRAGON CITY-capital of BRITANNIA and the place where royal family resided.

Just as the name suggests in ancient times a long time ago, it was a lie, for dragons today don't actually exist! Or at least, not in the Dragon City anymore.

City streets were busy heavily and there were people everywhere moving with lot of caravans going towards royal palace. Everyone was happy since more tourists were coming to their city, and it will boost their sales and so are their profits.

Lots of common people were watching the moving caravans towards the royal palace, from the sidewalks. Of course it's just but their dream to even touch the palace gate, not minding about it's entry.

Time has passed and all the nobles entered the royal palace where a huge banquet was set up in the banquet hall. The main superpowers of the country have arrived. For they wre the 6 main powerful families, excluding the royal family which occupied a region in the kingdom. They were as follows:

INVICTUS family in the EAST,

PHANTOM family in the WEST,

HAWK family in the NORTH-EAST,

OMEN family in the NORTH-WEST,

LEXUS family in the SOUTH-EAST,

BANE family in the SOUTH-WEST!

Lots of other nobles also had arrived and there were lots of professional mages and knights in the banquet hall. And they then, chit-chat among themselves.

Finally after sometime, a tall muscular man with black hair and a crown on his head, along with a beautiful woman, two beautiful young girls and four young men, all of them in exaggerating looks,l arrived at the banquet hall. Of course they were none other than the:



1st PRINCE GERALD,(20 years old)

2nd PRINCE FERNANDO,(19 years old)

3rd PRINCESS TILLY,(18 years old)

4th PRINCE REYNOLD,(17 years old)

5th PRINCESS ISABELLA,(15 years old)

6th PRINCE ALEXANDER!(13 years old)

They all went up to the top of the stage with KING, QUEEN and ALEXANDER in the middle, the king raised his wine glass with his hand and all the guest in the hall followed it.

"To my son ALEXANDER!"shouted the King with the wine glass in his hand.

All nobles followed it.

One of them from crowd murmured "See that 6th prince still holding onto his mommy. What a waste!"

Another man murmured "Awh, I pity that poor little prince. He is probably wondering what is going on."

"Ugh man, it's kind of uncomfortable standing in front of all the crowd. Even on earth, I was not so good socially and felt a bit of pain in the ass to deal with all those elders," thought Alexander.

After a while, he finally spoke, "Thank you all for coming, hope you all enjoy this occasion" said Alexander confidently.

After he spoke, all of them in the hall were in shocked for a second. They of course heard rumors that Alexander recovered from his mental illness but still it's their first time to see and hear him speak in his entire life!

Neverthless, none of them gave a fuck later on.

The Head of the INVICTUS family is LIONHEART. He is the most fearsome man in the kingdom, and INVICTUS is the most powerful family, apart from the royal family.

Even though LIONHEART is strong and had greater influence, he is completely loyal to the king and always had some pity towards Alexander. He even tried to search a way for his cure but it was futile in the end. Of course LIONHEART is none other than the father of QUEEN DIANA!

Watching his grandson recover, he felt relieved and happy inside.

After a while, the maids came in with tables carrying lots of varities of food and wine.

They contained lamb, chicken, fish, beef, lots of vegetables and white bread and variety of soups, wine, eggs, omelette and certain other foods.

All the nobles enjoyed the food and of course even Alexander went to eat, hoping it would have atleast some better taste compared to his previous meals since this is a huge banquet.

After eating meat he realised "It was a bit better than before but neverthless it still sucks compared to the food on earth and this soup is nothing more than boiled water with some meat in it" thought Alexander.

Then he went to taste the wine and after taking a sip "Yak, yak, yak, this is not wine, this is poison!" thought Alexander

He ran towards the basin to spit it out and he felt like even on earth he didnt liked alcohol much unless it had good taste or at least some strength on it but absolutely this wine tasted like a poison to him.

Watching him puke, all the guests were looking at Alexander with a disgusting look.

"Anyway, whom are you supporting next year Warren?"asked a fat man with tummy.

"Well, it's hard to choose between the 1st prince Gerald and 2nd prince Fernando and I think there's a chance even for the 3rd princess Tilly and the 4th prince Reynold. But I heard that 3rd that princess Tilly is not interested in the throne. So what about you, Josef?" said Warren to Josef.

"Hmm, even I, don't know whom to support this time. 1st and 2nd prince are both on equal standards and both of them are cruel and cunning,"said Josef

"Ya, let's wait for now and when that time comes, we jump onto the winner's side as always,"said Wlarren with a smile on his face.

People kept chit chatting and lot of alliances were already formed within that banquet.

After a while, Queen Diana came up onto stage and said "thank you everyone for attending todays banquet."

"MERLIN, head of the royal mages and RICHARD head of the royal knights, I invite you both to teach my son Alexander, magic and knight arts from today," said the Queen.

"What? Teach magic and knight arts to that dumbass? seriously?" a man in the crowd thought.

Lots of commotions and murmurs could be heard in the crowd.

"Queen Diana, I am sorry to say, but I don't think it's necessary to trouble higness Alexander with teachings," said MERLIN in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes, my Queen, it's not an offense but look at his body, he is so weak and as thin as a branch. There's no point training him in knight arts. It will instead affect his health," said RICHARD.

"Ya, who would even want to teach a brain dead moron that magic and knight arts from the head of the royal mages and knights, haha," said BRIAN head of Bane family

Lots of commotion broke out and everyone was laughing even though it cannot be heard much, there's still murmurs going on in the crowd.

Of course the Queen was pissed off hearing their laughters, and not even the royal family would dare to mess up with those 6 powerful families.

"Silence!" shouted the king.

Suddenly the whole hall was silent for a moment.

"Give it a try Merlin and Richard. Teach him for one month and continue if you feel it's worth it.Otherwise, I won't force you later to teach him then," said the king.

"As you wish your Majesty," both of them said and nodded in unison.

Alexander, while watching that conversation, got pissed to the core and thought, "Retarded mother fuckers, whom are you calling a retard? Just wait 'till I get my hands on magic. Then I will fry your old asses and show you hell for insulting me in the crowd."

After a while he left the banquet room and went back to his room.

A day had passed and the banquet came to an end and everyone went back to their normal lives.