Chapter 7

After Merlin left, Alexander kept looking at the sky for a moment and thought "Learning magic isn't as easy as I thought. I imagined before that I can be powerful in this world, but, it looks like I am as weak as a bug!" Alexander with a flabbergasted look in his face.

"Anyway, I'll keep trying then," thought Alexander and went back to his meditation to try to cultivate his magic power.

After a while, "Nah, this doesn't make sense, it's too hard! I'll just go and practice those spells at least," thought alexander and went into his room to check on the scroll.

He tried practicing spells in the backyard but they are way too hard to remember for him. He felt like it's a long sentence describing the process of a spell with so many hard words to prononunce and remember.

Sometime had passed. He got tired and went back to eat lunch. After done eating his lunch, he went back to his room as usual to take his afternoon nap.

When he got up in the evening, he tried to cultivate his magic power and practice spells. But by the end of the day, he didn't make any improvement.

He repeated the same schedule for almost a month, cultivating his magic power and practicing spells. After a month, Merlin came in to check his improvement.

Alexander was waiting in the backyard for his master Merlin to come.

An old man in his 50's with a blue robe came in Alexander, after seeing him, immediately bowed and said "Master."

"Today, I will assess how much you have improved. If you can't even perfectly execute those spells I gave you, then it's pointless for me to continue teaching you," said Merlin.

Alexander nodded and went to stand in front of wooden polls at a distance of few metres from him.

"Ok begin," commanded Merlin.

Alexander closed his eyes trying to remember the spell and casted the fire spell facing his palm towards the wooden poll. The outcome was barely a little fire from his hand which didnt even extend to 1 metre.

"Is that all you got in a fire spell?" asked Merlin.

Alexander nodded with depressed face and thought "This old man won't teach me anymore, I am pretty sure."

"At least, can you use other spells?" Asked Merlin

"No, all I learnt in this month is this basic fire ball spell" said Alexander.

"Please don't call it a fireball. You barely spouted any fire from your hand," said Merlin with a frustrated tone.

"It's just too hard, none of the things you thought make sense. There's no concept in it" said Alexander.

"Fool,shut up! How dare you talk back to me saying my spells doesn't make sense! It's just you who don't even have a common sense. You can never learn magic, your one month had ended. Don't ever show your face to me again. You are a disgrace to the royal family!" Merlin shouted angrily at Alexander and then left.

Alexander kept staring at Merlin spouting and leaving and was frustrated to the core, but shut his mouth.

"What should I do now?" thought Alexander.

He sat down there thinking about what to do but after a while he got bored and decide to take a walk to relax himself.

After walking a while he came in front of that place with a sign he saw before.

Since Alexander had learnt to read and write he can finally understand what is written on that sign "Royal Library."

"Umm, Royal Library. I'll go and check some stuff, I am bored anyway," he thought and went inside the library.

It was a huge hall and the roof was very high with a lot of shelves. Each shelf contained tons of books, arranged accordingly to the category they belonged and grouped neatly as commerce, economy, history, magic, knight arts etc...

He kept checking on the book names and wandered around in magic book section. He then picked up a book.

"Umm, spell book? I'll check it"...he kept reading for a while and then "Holy shit, this is same as Merlin's spells, they doesn't make any sense. It's like reading those stupid long poems in elementary school.... looks like there's no way I can become a master in magic like this" he thought.

He kept looking around and came across a book. It is very thick and had an very old appearance. He picked it up and opened the first page.

"Origins? What a fancy name.. author KRONOS? Hmmm.. interesting..." he kept flipping pages reading them all and before he came back to his senses it was already evening.

"Wow, I read for too long. This book is too big to finish in a day anyway. But this book actually make some sense about magic" thought Alexander and went to have his dinner. After dinner, he went back to sleep.

Next day morning after he woke up, he went to the royal library and continued to read the 'Origins' book from where he left.

"Ether! It's the basic component of any magic and the basic component in this universe. Everything in this world is made up of ether, whatever it may be fire, water, stone, air, or anything, they are all made up of ether. But the outcome depends on the process and structuring of different ether particles."

"The process of magic is basically linked to our imagination. The spells are created, and chanting them will focus us on imagining the outcome sub-consciously. The magic energy that was stored within our body is just like a storage device like how you store water in a bucket, thus, the bigger the bucket, the more water you can store, just like that! The more you can store, the more magic power you can express, and the power of spells depends on both the amount of magic power exerted and the processing of spells and imagination."

"Bloodline are also a form of abilities but they are not like magic. It's just that, they add some benefits and each have their own specs like some can increase magic energy recharging rate, some can increase the output of magic, some can increase magic penetration, some can increase defense etc..."

Alexander kept reading the book and he came to an understanding about magic finally

"So it was like this, all that cultivation is to increase my total magic power capacity. It is like increasing a battery storage capacity. And the higher my innate ability, the more faster I can increase my capacity. And, I can recharge myself fast after depleting magic energy in my body. This whole thing is just like electricity theory. But fuck, Merlin said I have a very shitty innate ability and I don't even have a bloodline. Damn it! If magic just works like electricity and follows the laws of electromagnetic theory, I need to find a way to overcome my innate ability," thought Alexander.

"Shit I need to improve my physique too. I look too weak. From tomorrow, I'll start doing gym workouts like that on earth to increase my physique," he thought and continued to read.

Everyday he made it a routine to wake up early and do physical exercises and have breakfast. And then, read in the library 'till evening and practice magic at night. He kept doing the same things for 5 months.

After 5 months..

A young man of 5 feet height with a moderate built was standing in the backyard alone. His eyes was closed and practising some weird posture. Yes it was none other than Prince Alexander. After a long time, he came up with this theory, he applied electric laws to magic and most of them worked. But due to his low magic capacity and longer energy refreshing cycles, he can only use a complex spell that would use little energy and give a huge output.

"Umm, finally I got the grasp on this magic. Physical laws in my world do apply here but this ether thing makes it more simple and also complex at the same time..." He closed his eyes and extended his right arm with his palm facing towards the sky and tried to sense the wind energy on his palm and kept trying to rotate it clockwise. If anyone could see his palm, they can find a small transparent wind rotating on his hand and forming a shape of a ball.

"Faster, faster, faster, I need to rotate it more faster," he kept trying and tried to rotate it faster and finally he was able to feel the wind rotating fast on his hand and he opened his eyes and saw it. "Yes I did it, after all this time hehe. I created it!" he shouted in excitement... "now I'll see what this can do," he kept the small wind ball rotating on his palm and rushed towards the stone wall and the moment his palm with wind ball came in contact with the wall...


A huge sound was heard and he was blown back due to the impact and lot of dust rose up.

Cough, cough, cough.

He was looking at the wall that he hit and after dust settled he saw that the whole wall was blown out and he felt a lot of pain in his palm and it kept bleeding heavily. But all that pain didn't matter to him anymore.

"Yes! I finally did it haha! I made the RASENGAN!!!" He shouted in excitement while lying on the ground.