Chapter 8

Alexander used all his magic power in that last spell RASENGAN. And due to a lot of loss of blood, he fell unconscious immediately.

After hearing a loud bang sound, all castle guards rushed in to the backyard.

A 5 feet man with black hair is lying on the ground with lots of blood on his right hand.

Queen Diana also rushed to the backyard to find out the cause of explosion and upon seeing her son bleeding, she was stunned. The guards then, immediately carried him to the priest to get him healed.

Queen Diana was nervously waiting outside the hall and waiting for the priest to examine him and heal him.

After a while, an old man in a white robe came out.

Diana rushed to him and asked "How is he? Did you heal him? What happened to him? Is my son in any danger?"

She kept spamming questions in worry of her son.

"Dont worry lady Diana, your son is alright. He fell unconscious due to exhausting his magic power and he will be conscious in sometime. He is out of danger and he will be completely healed if he takes some rest. But to cause that much damage, it's quite surprising! One must be at least Tier 5 mage to do that much damage. But I don't feel that much magic power from Alexander, I think someone tried to attack him and in the process of defending himself he used all of his magic power and the sourrounding damage was probably collateral damage caused by that assasin. Anyway, we will know the truth after he wakes up on what happened," said the priest.

On hearing that someone might had tried to assasinate her son, the guards closely checked the whole castle and the whole city.They in turn, increased all security levels. "If you suspect anyone, interrogate him immediately and find out who is that bastard trying to assasinate my son! Whoever it is, catch him no matter what's his status. This is the Queen Diana's royal order!" shouted the queen.

After issuing orders Diana went into the room to check up on her son.

After hearing that someone tried to assasinate his son, even the KING got furious and ordered his royal knights and magicians to increase surveillance and find out who did that.

In the Dragon city there was a lot of ruckus [1] made by guards, and many of them took advantage of surveying to cause problems to others.

After 5 days...

Alexander finally woke up


"Awh, my body feels so weak," Alexander exclaimed in a weak voice. After waking up, he tried to get down from the bed and tried to stand up but he was unable to. He felt soo weak.

After a while on trying to stand again, he fell down from the bed.

Upon hearing that sound, a maid immediately rushed and lifted him up and called Queen Diana.

Diana came rushed in, upon hearing that her son have finally woke up...

"Alexander, be careful, don't get down! You need to take some more rest, my son." warned Queen Diana with a worried tone.

Queen Diana then, proceeded to assist her son for him to lay down back to the bed. Sitting upon the bedside, she then touched softly her son's arm where he was injured of, but not touching the palm that was injured. She then rushly inquired, "Who tried to kill you? Did you know that man, or at least tell me what his face looked like?"

At this, Alexander was stunned, didn't answer her questions, but locked into his deep thoughts, "Hmm, they probably thought someone tried to kill me, 'coz the damage was at least a Tier 5 mage can do, and in their knowledge, I can't do that."

So Alexander decided to play along with the plot and told his Mom, "Someone tried to kill me and I defended myself using earth defense spell, Merlin have taught me. I don't know who the assassin was since he was wearing a mask to hide his face."

"Okay then, we will try to settle that matter then. As for you my dear son, take some more rest to regain your energy. Don't think of anything else, other than recuperating yourself. You got me soo worried you know!" with love and concern Queen Diana has given to her son.

Given that his body is still weak, he obeyed his Mom and rested more. But, without the knowledge of anyone, during his rest period, he continued on his research. With the lots of writings on the parchments, he created a book based on his theory. In that book many formulas and theories are written and do keep it simple they are electric laws and battery stuffs and he named the book as "ELECTRO-ETHER-THEORY(EET)"

After a few more days of resting, he finally got up, regained his strength and recuperated fully. But the palace guards were ordered to have a strict check on him, so doing their duties as they were ordered to, Alexander was not allowed to go out from his room still.

Realizing that he was closely guarded, he decided to sneak out, since it's limiting his freedom. And indeed, he succeeded, in sneaking out from the palace. No guards have noticed his disappearance since they were thinking, he is still resting in his room.