
"Some years later, Carendlus in the capital city of Arcnea,

It was a very bright day out judging from the light filtering in through the window of the study. Jaekel was leaning over the desk, but his eyes were not on the papers on it. Instead he was looking at his soon to be Court Sorcerer.

Caldron was drumming his left hand on his arm, a golden ring catching the light, 'That about sums it up.'

'Good,' Jaekel sighed, looking out the window at the garden, 'Things have finally quieted down huh?'

'Seems so. And its good seeing how your mother's health is recovering.'

'I wasn't really worried – I knew she would recover.'

'Your father was a lot more worried than you were.' Caldron agreed. 'So anything you sense coming?'

Jaekel laughed, 'Not that I can see. I don't have as many dreams anymore. Though… we may need to prepare a congratulatory gift.'


'I dreamed of this a long time ago and in about three seconds we are going to have a visitor with some good news.'

About then, the window flew open as a tall man perched there. He had shoulder length green hair and silver eyes. Lips just slightly crooked up. He was dressed all in green, except for a simple brown band on his finger. A silver locket hang from his neck, engraved with a tree. He stepped down from the window, and it shut behind him.

'Sylvanus,' Jaekel greeted warmly, 'It's been a while.'

'Jaekel.' A bare hint of a nod showed some respect, but not deference. 'You may already be aware of this, but the High Queen is pregnant.'

'Is she?' Caldron asked, tilting his head. 'I suppose we should prepare a gift.'

'I am sure she would say it would not be necessary.'

'What do you think?'

'A letter would be nice. Or she'd like it if you and your wife visited.'''

Jaekel woke up, a bit befuddled by the dream for several reasons. One, there had been no High King or Queen for many many years – though from his dreams he had been becoming slightly aware of the long empty office. Was there going to be one again then?

And two. Caldron had been wearing a wedding ring – that was the first time he had seen a vision of Caldron with a ring. He was curious as to what sort of woman would marry the Wyrd sorcerer. And now he wondered, would Caldron change any by the time they got home from this trip?

He crawled out of the tent and immediately saw that Niliah was already up and cooking them breakfast. He glanced around to see if Rune was up yet.

She did not appear to be and so instead his eyes landed on Talon. Today his hair was completely black and his eyes were almost violet. He was watching Niliah cook, but his face was hard to read.

Well, he hoped there was nothing bad about the shift in personality today. His thoughts were interrupted by Rune coming out of her tent, stretching. He immediately walked over. She seemed troubled by something, but he was not sure what.

"Everything okay?"

"…" She looked down, and then picked up her amulet. "I picked up something strange last night. And now he refuses to leave."

"Pfft." It was Talon, "Are you really worried about that? That thing's harmless."

She looked at him, "Do you know something about it?"

He glanced away, sighing. "I know most of the creatures that roam these lands – and that one won't harm you."

There was something stand-offish about Talon today, even though he was answering Rune's questions. It was in his stance though, his arms were crossed, and his head had turned away. Even so, he seemed okay answering questions. It was very different than yesterday though.

"Who was he? He doesn't seem quite like a normal wraith."

"He isn't." There was a sharp note to Talon's voice. He turned his head back to regard her. A thoughtful look came into his currently purple eyes. He pursed his lips together. "I think its better if he tells you himself who he is. He shouldn't hide it from you forever – don't you agree?" That last part came out incredibly sharp, but it wasn't directed at Rune, rather at her amulet. A glint came from within, but there was no response.

"I don't think he's going to answer."

"Oh, he might not be a wraith, but he probably can't respond as well in bright sunlight." Talon turned away, walking away now. "Anyway – you of everyone here, he would never harm."