
Amrunela did not really understand what Talon exactly meant – but he seemed quite sure that this wraith like thing would not cause her any harm. So she picked up the amulet and addressed the thing inside, "You will answer my questions later right?"

Of course there was no answer right then, but it was quite sunny in this little meadow that they had camped in.

Niliah called them all to come eat. Amrunela ate the breakfast almost mechanically, her thoughts drifting away. She was wondering what was going on back home – were her siblings staying out of trouble. And she really hoped that Caldron was getting enough sunlight.

Well, their parents tended to make sure he at least went outside. Even if he did take a book. She chuckled thinking of her sibling who was closest in age to her. Caldron had plenty of issues tied up in his bloodline – but he was helped by the fact that their father shared his bloodline, and knew how to talk him through it. There were some things though only experience would be able to teach her brother.

She sighed, suddenly feeling a bit homesick. She turned and looked at Talon who was eating, fairly quietly. And noticed that he seemed to have sneaked an extra piece of bread. Well, Niliah had not said anything at least – maybe she had noticed but had shrugged it off.

"Hey, Talon. Where exactly are we headed?"

He tilted his head, as if thinking whether to answer or not. Finally he said, "You'll see when we get there."

"Well, when will we arrive."

"Depends how slow you all walk."

She was not quite sure how to respond to that so instead turned to Jaekel, regarding him. He seemed less disturbed than he sometimes did, so she figured his vision last night had probably not been too concerning.

Had he dreamt of his future child again? Thinking of that made her curious. What would her future queen be like?

What even was Jaekel's preference when it came to girls? She had never even seen him look twice at a girl before – though he would talk to them. But none of his looks towards a girl was the interest that a young man would have. Even with how little she understood the courting process, she was close enough to her prince that she was sure she would have noticed if he had shown interest in a girl. Well, he seemed to know exactly who he was going to end up marrying, so maybe that made it hard to notice other girls.

She had never given it much thought before but there was something disconcerting in thinking of a future where they would no longer be the most important person to the other. Since she had been born to this day, Jaekel had always been attached to her. It was a bit sad to think that someday another girl would be closer to her best friend than she would be. The more she thought about it the more the thought made her uncomfortable.

"Well. Come on." Talon's words were short as he stood up. "We should get moving before the daylight gives out."

"Its still morning." Niliah said, as she packed up her cooking equipment. "But we probably should get going. No point staying around after all."

Soon they had started out again. Talon walking briskly in front, fairly quiet as he led them. Niliah was following directly behind him, her feet sure and even as she walked. Jaekel and herself though walked together a few feet behind the other two.

"It's a nice day out."

Amrunela glanced over at him. "It is, isn't it?"

"You seemed deep in thought at breakfast. You also had a weird look on your face. What's wrong?"

It was very direct, and she smiled a bit hearing the obvious concern in his voice. "Not much. Just got to thinking. It's a bit odd to think of the future and how someday we both will marry. When that happens our spouses will, of course, become our most important person. Its just a bit lonely to think of that."

He didn't say anything for a bit, and because she had already turned back to watch where she was going she could not see his face. Finally he said quietly, "You're a bit more like your father than you think."

"What do you mean?"

"I'd tell you but I want you to figure it out on your own."

She was not entirely sure what he meant by saying she was more like her father than she thought – she knew she had some similarities to her father. Her curiosity had definitely been inherited from her paternal parent.

So she fell silent as she walked, puzzling over what her best friend had said. It was not the first time he had spoken cryptically. And probably would not be the last. Well, she could understand why he did not always answer directly – he did not want to overly spoil the future for her.

She could understand that. Even as she burned with curiosity on several things he'd hinted at before. But things he would not answer even if she asked. Still, she hoped that even once the future she could barely even think of came, once they each had a spouse, that they would always remain close – even if things would not be able to stay exactly the same.