
It had been several hours of walking, leading the horses who were docilely following, when Jaekel started. It did not always happen when he was awake but it had right now as he somewhat zoned out.

A vision of two people, only their shapes though, who made a sense of urgency come over him. While what they were doing currently was nothing too alarming, the feeling that came over him said that they were dangerous.

However it was not a danger that would come today, or tomorrow. He knew that – these people were in fact quite far away at the moment.

As he mulled this over, he heard Talon remark, "Looks like a storm is coming."

"How bad?" Niliah asked him.

"I could walk in it – but you all probably could not." His tone said that that was bothersome.

"Then we should probably take shelter."

"Rather than taking shelter – let's change our route." He remarked. "Come on. The entrance should be somewhere around here – it will take us almost right where we need to go as well."

"Entrance to what exactly?"

"A place you all normally would never get to go." He snorted. "Come on."

The followed him as the sky darkened further. Just as the first raindrops began to fall, they came to a slight raise in the ground that had a stone door – that was more rough looking than most doors were. It had no handle, just a seam down the middle.

Looking at this door, Jaekel felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. For his divine instincts told him this was a place filled with the energy of Xi'eli – more so than most places.

"This place…." He muttered. "Can we really just use it to get somewhere? It's…"

"Don't get lost and you should be fine."

"How does it open?" Rune asked, gazing curiously at the door. "It doesn't seem like it would push easily and there's no key hole.

Talon placed his hand flat against the door, "Lo Cytre Elmaras gris tertria."

At his words, a spreading pattern of green, weaving like vines spread from where his hand was pressed and the door came open. "Well, come on." Talon said as he strode in with no hesitation.

Jaekel hesitated before going in. He was surprised by how easily their horses came into the cave with them. As they all were now in, the doors swung shut behind them and yet it was not dark.

Everywhere in the cave was little rocks that glowed, shedding light to the point that this cavern was lit enough to walk without stumbling. Much like the doors, the cavern was rough, not at all like it was made by people.

Glancing at the others, Jaekel realized he was not the only one who was uncomfortable being here – so it was not just him that could feel the energy humming through this place. It was thick, heavy. And not like the power of priests – that would not have shook him like this. It was hard to describe entirely.

The only one who seemed unaffected by the heavy energy was Talon. No, that was not quite right. Talon was affected – but differently.

Where Jaekel felt almost smothered by it, Talon seemed to bask in it. His eyes had half shuttered as he tilted his head back, breathing in deeply. "Quiet." He muttered.

"What?" Niliah rubbed her arms, obviously uncomfortable. "Of course it's quiet Wind."

He glanced at her, "This is the only place where quiet would feel comfortable to me." The sharpness had gone out of his voice. "And I like the feeling this place gives me."

"I don't." Muttered Rune. "It feels oppressive, like… this place what is it?"

"Both a birthing place" He smiled. "....and a tomb."

"I keep feeling like we should not be here."

"It's okay. Don't come here alone of course, but if you are with me you are fine."

"Why? Why is it okay if we are with you?"

"This place had a lot of symbolism in the old kingdom." He remarked. "It was considered almost the birth place of the kingdom – though its nowhere near the capitol. That's why the Tower of the Stars was built close to the other entrance."

"Tower of the Stars?"

"That's where we are headed."

Niliah suddenly exclaimed. "We're heading where?"

"Is there an issue?"

"Why are we going to see the Enchantress?"

"Because if we are going to the old capital I need to go to the Tower of the Stars first."

"Less cryptically please?"

"…You heard my sister telling me I should take the test – The Tower of the Stars is the location I have to go to do so." Then he paused, "And calling her the Enchantress is a bit of a misnomer – she's the current Master of the Tower. Which means divination has become her strong suit – no matter what her bloodline is, she chose to be a diviner."

Niliah gave him an odd look. "You know, you're being really straightforward – it's out of character for your quirk of the day."

"This place – I don't feel like I'm going mad when I come down here – unfortunately, I can't stay here for longer than a day without feeling like I need to leave."


"My instincts grow stronger when I'm here as well. And that means I can only use it as a refuge but I would be unable to live here."

"So why do you feel this oppressive air differently than the rest of us?" Niliah crossed her arms. Jaekel too was curious to hear the answer – if Talon would answer.

"Two things. My race alone would make me more resistant to the energy here." He turned away, but his lips quirked up. "But my bloodline especially is suited to this place."

"Once again you make me wonder…exactly who are you?" She sighed.

That's a hard question to answer." He said, looking back at her, the smile fading from his face. "At the end of the day, though, I am a servant. None of my quirks will ever change that."