Notes of Departure

"Where's he?" The dining area was covered in obvious shatters, making the floor almost white.

"Sorry Madame! It seems..." Aloe and Kasmeré were disappointed in themselves.

"Don't worry, it was quite a shock to him. Hearing the demise of his sister must have awaken napping memories" I continued nonchalantly "Clean this mess. I'm in study in case."

"Yes Madam." Lyvia always laughed how they bring out the minions in themselves.

As I happened to reach there, the draft eyed me. Instead I opened the drawer and re-reading her letter. Trying to find something more than the mere words dipped in blues of Parker.

"You're again at it?" Kevin stumbled upon my door.

"Hmmm. Who's Klate?"

"I don't know." He said flatly "And I'm quite frustrated about it even though..." He choked.

"Quev, would you comfort me for a moment?" He met my eyes with his once prideful ones.

"Sure. Sit here. Let me read to you." I put the letter back and went around the shelf pulling out a life.

"Notes of Departure?" I aksed.

"Her?" I gave a nod. "You know me well." He grumbled. I couldn't hold back my smile.

"Shall I begin?" I cleared my throat while he made himself comfortable.


Are you really drugged on love?

Shall I hold you up so bright?

You had a face you hate.

It's not you but me instead.

Close your eyes and let it down

Sorrow never shook my hand

She hugged me tight straight.

Should I tell to let it go?

But I'm afraid I would be alone.

Stink is in the air with greys.

Let's hire some scent in stake.

But it drenched my bruises in lime,

Really I think I wanna die.

Hope it's not a joke in day.

Cause it brings in rings of gay.

A brothel was in despair

Juvenile's eager

Glimmer and shine gone

Demise may bring me back

Cause I'm a box of lies.

Held up in air, you dream.

Shadows beamed peace.

Taste my summer 13 times.

14, 15 jumped to high.

Ego was you choice.

Respect  was my voice.

Eternity you hopped to taste.

But let go of me instead.

And now I'm back in light

Pretty question I would ask.

Once in heart, you recall thrice?

Hope you never understand,

The silence rung in me,

Looking at the shiny sheets.

~Lyvia S."

And the very next moment I made a run for the garden. I started searching, like a manic, for the silver ladder. It was around some corner. I picked it up and rolled till the highest it could reach under the tree which marked her presence as living for the last time.

I climbed higher and higher, till I could not any more. There was it. A soft velvet box in brown, camouflaged, for only the sharps. I took into my hands and shuffled into my pockets. No one is worth the trust till my intuition approves it.

"Quev, what is it?" Kevin had followed me.

"Nothing. I wanted to feel close to her. I...I miss her." I really do. A small tear rolled onto my cheeks.

Kevin went all silent. He sat on the grasses in thump and vision blanked out. Did he regret taking her out on her last date? I am starting to doubt him. Almost everyone who were close to her when my phone started ringing.

The screen read Jeff. I picked up. Kevin short a glare and went back inside. I knew why.

Jeff started rambling about the kittens he went to see today in soke cat café and how badly he wants a pink kitten with a fluffy tail. He missed me and I should have been there. I really should have gone there. He was so cute sometimes in his puppy voice.

"Madam. It's time for you breakfast." Aloe stood beneath looking at the flowers. He looked too good for a butler. I once heard that he is doing 'cause he owes. Whatever.

"Hmmm." I signalled him to go inside and wait.

"Dear, can we meet later? It's time for my breakfast." He made a disappointing sound and said okay anyways.

Jeff was short for Jerry Silverwrath, he is the once bore son of Lyv and Kev. They disowned him and are quite happy. Same on the otherside. He is almost a taboo in the house and I am dating the concern of taboo. I never asked any. Again taboo. My last name was not changed almost after I moved in here.

Quevina Koestler. My true mumma named me.

Quevina S. Koestler. Engraved in the documents.

Jeff admires it a lot, he often calls me by my full name, establishing I belong to him.

But it bugs me. Why was he diswoned like a toy?

Fucking complicated.