
Red is the colour of blood.

White is for death.

Green is for poison.

And purple is for black magic.

Lonliness is friends with black.

Though yellow and brown go hand in hand,

Mourning shits and rougues.

Blue glacier eyes and frozen corpse.

Rainbow, a supposed bliss,

Tossed and turned in cribs,

With walls as deep as devil's sins.

We ate in protest.

"Why did he call?" Kevin asked digging a bite from his food.

"Pending assignments. We would be meeting in library to finish that." I said finishing my chew.

"Ask him to meet me later." He said nodding.

"Sure." I nodded back. Today there were sandwiches, our favourite. So the air was not too evil. Geban, our cook, sure was clever.




"10 am..." I sighed to my self. Breakfast already over, so the home work thing. Jeff said he would be here at 12 or so. I would do some gardening I guess. In the front. Backyard is quite opressive.

And then I remembered. The brown velvet box in my pocket felt heavier than mammoths.

My bedroom was all empty.

None should be hearing but me.

None should be breathing but me.

None should be seeing but me.

None should be speaking.

None should be thinking about this but me.

My plams, already clammy, trembled its way to my pocket on right. I pulled the box out with my left, so silently, that only a fly would feel the air move.

I gently opend it, successfully avoiding the click sound.

A smooth silver pendrive and a neatly twice folded note in liliac. So clean and gentle.

No smell.

Otherwise someone would have suspected why was it smelling so Lyvia today?

I tip-toed to my butt rest, opposite to the entrance, near the big glasses, aside the study and shelf and sat on it. As I took out the note and placed the box on my lap, my heart ached and pounded, getting sinner and louder every second.

I opened it as gently as it was folded.

"I breathe, you sink.

Quevin, it sad.

But silly in mind,

Yet pain in heart,

Though cunning in head.

~Lyvia S."

Shit. Her words never get in straight.

I stared it. A fire would have started by now.

Sink. It says sink. A pun. But before that I need to dump the first part in somewhere safer.

And the shine of the pendriver blazed in my eyes. I frowned.

Right. I need to watch this also.

My damned laptop was atop the fridge I guess.

Suddenly my watch beeped. I jumped on hearing the sound. No it's only safe with me. I stuffed them back in  a rather cruel manner and put it back in my pocket.

I need to be in the library asap.

As I shuffled thorough my room to pack the books, pens, sketches, files, charts, meds, hankies, I slipped the earphones in the front pocket.

And I jingled downstairs. The laptop sat on the living room. I packed it after ensuring its charged. Then I left for the library with a motive of getting a peek on the crap in the drive.

"Love!! I closed the door in back when Jerry shouted from driver's seat.

I gleamed in return. Yes it felt good in heart to see him.

I hurried the pavement and slid in the passenger's.

"Did you wait long?" I asked as I settled me.

"It's always worth the wait when it comes to you, Love." He said flashing his beautiful pair of enamel. I timidly blushed. He pecked, of course making me redder.

"So pretty." He smiled and hit the pedal.

As we zoomed to the library, I positioned myself so that I could admire his reflection the window pane secretly.

His chisled jaw and broad shoulders belonged to the description of handsome. His ruffled caramel locks with black roots had the sexy aura. He did not like the abs ever. He said it looks uncomfortable to him as the 6 buns sticking out of nowhere. Still he was fit as fuck. His raspy voice prank called so many hoes. And his warm ivory skin sent commands to my brain to touch him unconsciously.

He was in his and sky blue tees and black jeans.

The sneakers were out of sight for now.

Then window rolled down. I almost groaned.

"Some oxygen, Love?" I gave him my what the hell face. I can live for eternity with his scent in lungs.

"No, I thought you were thinking something too hard. Is there anything to worrisome to you?" He placed his right hand on my cheek and turned to face him. I licked my lips in nervousness and saw through the corner of my eyes him taking the road on left instead of the right which led to library.

"The warehouse?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"Umhm. I want to show...and give you a thing. Assignments can wait." I smiled but only my left cheek moved up.

He took his eyes off me and focused on the road.

"You are not happy." He is disappointed. Dating a guy with psychology as his major is sure difficult.

"Yeah. Something is worrying me. I prefer to open up later, if you don't mind." I spilled as I cracked a few knuckles. My habit when I'm tensed.

"I won't ever." He was satisfied with the thought of me being honest.

Jerry Silverwrath, you are too good and caring. Wish I could fall deeper in those grey shades of yours.