
Scorch. The warehouse's name.

He was inside, exploring the walls almost everyday. And I used to wait outside in the green housed amidst which the horror stood, whenever accompanied.

Pink reminds of cute child and strawberry ice cream. But here the story was something else. The green slaps of mosses and decaying pink stimulated vomit. Once I went too close to it and heard muffled cries.

It used to be something very pretty. A fading two storeyed. The large oak wood doors, rusty windows, decaying porch all were examples transient world. Yet it was being stubborn. Felt had a big drawing room and was mostly empty as the footsteps echoed.

There was something very bad inside because it made Jeff red with tears and his voice hollow with fears. And he would grow agitated if comforted. Why?

I wouldn't sniff about because he told me not to. Respect each other's priorities.

The green house had oxalis, calla lilies, pitchers, purple calotropis, red guavas, berries, orange roses, creepers. All others along these supported each other to sustain the harsh world. A few squirrels hoped about and occasionally a bird perched infront of you though I had no idea how many hid in the greens. The tall eucalyptus surrounded the borders. And most the plants were around my height, more or less. I had dug around the back side but soon would if came regularly.

I took in a deep breathe and sighed. It smelt petrichor. Somewhere it was raining and soon it might crawl here to. I don't have the keys so I would want him to hurry up. I hate drenching.

He was taking more time than usual today. Also the drive in the velvet box was poking my mind continuously.

I idly touched the soft of petals thinking crap. Lyvia felt like that in the morning. From heart.

When the breaking was heard. I turned my head to the house with anguish smacked on my face. It was not glass shattering but when bones are broke in movies, that kind. A few cracklings followed. This time like when you walk on crumbled concrete.

For the first time in forever, the red eyes screamed anger from his face. He had never shown that side of him but today. Furiously he stormed to me and grabbed my wrist so tight that it felt I had lost my fingers by the time we reached the car.

He was standing motionless and with each passing second the grip amplifiyed its strength.

That man had sinful aura, as I continued to try to free my hand to allow the blood supply, and he would regret when he comes back to his senses.

"JERRY!" I finally gave up and he, my wrist.

I groaned in pain and red bracelet of his fingers deepened. It stared tingling so bad. I wanted to dig him into grave. That damn idiot.

By the next minute, he was inside, waiting for me. I sat in caressing me and gave a weird stare to him. The car purred to life and rolled and bam! A heavy jerk almost hitting the tree behind and the bottle infront of me fall aside my feet.

"Jerry." I spoke quietly. I avoided putting a hand on his shoulder. Who knows it could be flying out of window in the next moment.

"Drop me to the lib, Get to a shop, grab a cola and run to me back. We won't talk if you don't want to but I'm afraid to leave you alone."

He just nodded to it. And hit the pedal again.

This time all good.

I was left to the library as we had the deal. Despite the sunshine, the atmosphere had felt misty in the car.

The usual corner where the light was plenty and private, I was sitting there gazing outside the window. A woman was feeding her child with ice cream, two grandpas chilling out plus a few more randoms.

Annoyed at me, I pulled out my laptop and pendrive. The silver pendrive, now seen carefully, was quite old as the named was on the verge of vanishing.

The desktop picture was me and Kevin swinging, he had his puppy face.

The courage was screaming in me to not to do. She was so hideous that it was only meant for those who truly were reading in the paper and not their bare emotions on the paper.

A box popped on screen.

It read 'Open 'distractionsUwU''. Solemly weird.

I expect a video with her face on the screen, her voice in the earphones or a document with another letter in her language. You would, since it was suicide.

First video. 00:10.

"My nose is a bit ticklish."

"One sneeze a curse.

Two a bless.

And three illness."

"The fuck?"

"I heard it from my grandma. 12 years ago, when the tumour had kicked in, she chanted this."




The two boys hugged each other."

I clicked on the second video. 5:01.

A voice whispered singing.

"'Sunshine on my bare feet,

Veins in my skin.'

A girl panting. The dark curtain started to rustle. And we were walking in a forest. Full of boards and ropes. Itching to flung around neck, suffocating you. Some one beside the cameraman.

Still walking. A creature slaughtered. Its jaw ripped open.

'Do you think this would work?' A man's voice.

'Should. Have to.' A boy. A teenager may be.

Rustling continues.

'Rave? Rave?'

'Dad, what is that?'

A white something loosened from the branches.

'Huh!? but where's Rave.'

'Holy fuck!! RAVE!!'

The screen cleared its lenses.

A girl of 11 hung there chained, broken from her pelvis. Fresh juices oozing from her mouth.

'We need to get out.' The boy said.

'The hell your siste...' The man angry.

Everything stopped. Slowly the camera turned left. Another body hung. With its neck. Its been so long that the neck had streched from the rot and feet were touching grounds. That was a man. His eyes chocked out. The jeans decaying and the iron chains rusting.

And as the dark cover started to lift more, all of it made sense. The forest was the graveyard, the trees the coffins and the chains cement. Every tree had a container if soul. Each tree had a scratch for owner. Rave's was zoomed.

'Rave Avalanche.

Sin: Curiosity.

Penalty: Disabled to Death.'

'Son! Run! Don't look back! Don't wait for anyone!! Just fucking keep running!!'

'Oh my God! Dad! your eyes!! B-Blood!! '

The camera was not of any use. Only glimpses of the dark soul of the forest.

'H-honey, what happened? Where's Ravie?' A woman. Screen all black again.

'I-I don't care. We need to LEAVE. LIVE! We won't come back here ever.' The father panting hard.

'B-but...' sobs from the woman. Mother perhaps.

'Shut up' He shouted.

Muffled voices now.

The camera closed with blurred red face of the boy who had spectacles and was wearing something grey, was in a van.

'Damn it.' The brother said."

I shut the laptop and threw the pendrive under one of the shelves.

Was it fucking him?