Chapter 7 - Pocket Dimension (Rev.)

"I'm fine... Shh... Shh..." Huang Jin whispered, comforting Xun Wei. Even in this new life, he remained unchanged, always striving to uplift him. With a gentle, loving smile, he embraced Xun Wei tighter, expressing his affection.

"Ahjin..." Xun Wei planted a kiss on Ahjin's forehead. The fact that they had reunited in this life filled him with joy. Holding Ahjin close, he began to hum a tune, content in their embrace.

Xun Wen wore a smile on his face. In the past, whenever Ahjin had nightmares, he would struggle to bring him back to a peaceful state. However, now he could see Ahjin genuinely happy despite the recent events. Xun Wen was uncertain about how to process the information, but he was certain that Ahjin was speaking the truth.

"Ahjin, are you feeling better now? Would you still like to have some pudding?

Let's not dwell on what happened for now. It's important that you rest and find some peace.

I understand that what you're going through is not easy; I can see and sense the change in you.

I want you to be free from stress."

Xun Wen noticed that Ahjin didn't want to let go of his older brother's embrace.

"Hmm... but I still want to demonstrate my other abilities. Can you hold my hand?"

Without hesitation, the brothers held onto Ahjin's hand, and in an instant, he transported them to his own space.

In a mere instant, their surroundings transformed before their eyes. They were taken aback by the sudden change, but it wasn't the only sensation they experienced. They also felt a heightened sense of lightness and relaxation washing over them.

"What is this place? Ahjin, where have you brought us? It's incredibly beautiful here," Xun Wen exclaimed, observing their surroundings with the same sense of wonder as his older brother.

"This is my second ability, Dimensional Space, an enhanced version of my spatial powers. After the apocalypse, the only things I had in my space were this spring and this land. But after Huang Ren took my life..." Ahjin could feel Xun Wei's strong embrace from behind, as if he wanted to hold on to him every moment. Ahjin smiled, knowing that in this new life, they could begin anew.

"When I woke up this morning, and I entered my space, this is what I discovered inside. I was taken aback because it was unlike the space I had in my previous life. There were already mountains and forests, and my small spring had transformed into an expansive ocean. And if you look over there..."

He directed their attention towards the lake in the center, where they noticed a vibrant tree encircled by lotus leaves. Beyond that, they could see a path leading to another area, where a three-story house stood amidst apple and peach trees.

"This is what has transpired within my space. I'm unsure why it has undergone these changes, but I have one suspect in mind. It may be attributed to the rainbow stone I obtained in N City during my previous life. That's why I sought permission from my father to take a leave before heading to school this morning. I've decided to visit N City tomorrow and investigate the place where I acquired the stone. Perhaps that's the only way to further upgrade my space, aside from the trees whose fruits can enhance my abilities. However, in the past, whenever I used the crystal nucleus, it had no effect on my space—it remained the same. Hence, I desire to try my luck by going to N City."

Huang Jin wanted to share this information, as he wished for Xun Wei to accompany him on this trip.

"I'll go with you." Xun Wei reassured, maintaining his embrace around Ahjin. He placed a gentle kiss on Ahjin's neck and savored his comforting scent, a smile of contentment gracing his face.

"Thank you, Ahwei," Ahjin whispered, snuggling deeper into Xun Wei's embrace. His smile radiated love and happiness, a truly beautiful sight. Xun Wei held him even tighter, longing to feel the presence of Ahjin right in front of him, ensuring it wasn't just a figment of his imagination.

"I wanted to share this with you because the lake has the power to enhance the immune system and cleanse the body of impurities. Initially, it may cause discomfort, almost like an intense sensation. However, it will eliminate any impurities within your body, resulting in a revitalized and healthy physique. I wish to utilize this spring water to provide it to your family, Ahwei."

" If the apocalypse were to occur, providing the spring water to Mother Xu would significantly increase her chances of survival, especially since she is currently pregnant. It would contribute to her overall health and benefit the baby's survival.

Ahwei, one of your regrets was not being able to save your younger brother during the previous apocalypse. You felt powerless despite your abilities, as Ningning passed away after the outbreak of fever.

Therefore, I want to prevent a similar tragedy from happening again. By offering this spring water, we can ensure Ningning's survival. I don't want to witness you in sorrow, Ahwei," Ahjin explained, his words filled with deep sadness.

"Thank you, Ahjin," Xun Wei whispered into his ear, expressing his gratitude.

Huang Jin proceeded to explain the benefits of cleansing the body in the spring water by submerging oneself in the lake.

"At first, it might be painful, but there's no need to worry because the spring water will purge all the toxins accumulated inside your body. As a result, you will feel healthier, stronger, and have the potential to level up more quickly in the future."

The brothers proceeded to undress and entered the lake, scooping mouthfuls of the spring water to drink. They could immediately sense the changes taking place and the pain intensifying with each passing minute until it became unbearable. Eventually, they lost consciousness, and a radiant light enveloped them, forming a protective barrier that floated above the lake.

After their cleansing, Huang Jin grew exhausted and fell asleep at the edge of the lake. The brothers lost track of time during the process, but seeing how peacefully Huang Jin slept, they could imagine how comfortable he must be.

With a smile adorning his face at Huang Jin's adorable slumber, Xun Wei carefully lifted him into his arms and carried him inside the house, gently placing him on the bed. He planted a tender kiss on Huang Jin's peach-colored lips before heading outside to search for Xun Wen.

Xun Wei discovered Xun Wen seated at the lake's edge, with his feet and calves submerged in the spring water.

"Big brother, what should we do? Should we tell Mom and Dad about this? What about Grandpa?" Xun Wen inquired, his lips pressed together and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Not just yet, but we should begin gathering supplies and stocking up on food and materials. We also need to transfer our funds. Since I have only a month before I return to the Military Facility, let's make sure Mom and Grandpa have access to the spring water. We can store it in the fridge," Xun Wei suggested.

"I can handle it. We'll bottle the lake water discreetly to avoid any suspicions. We just need to be cautious."

"This place is truly amazing, but whenever I recall how Ahjin acquired it, the pain he endured, and the betrayal by his supposed siblings, it ignites a burning desire for revenge inside me. I yearn for them to experience the same hurt."

"I share the same sentiment, and we have three years to make them suffer. Hearing Ahjin's account of his immense suffering deeply affects me, and I don't want to witness him in such a state. It makes me feel so depressed for him, big brother," Xun Wen whispered.

"I'll have a conversation with his father tomorrow and plan our actions for the upcoming days before I return to camp. Let's take the opportunity to go travelling then gather food and materials along the way." After discussing with Xun Wen, he made up his mind and entered the room, lying down next to Ahjin, observing him sleeping peacefully. Xun Wei gently kissed him before closing his own eyes.