Chapter 8 - Plans (Rev.)

Upon awakening, Huang Jin felt rejuvenated, as if he had been reborn. He turned to see Xun Wei, who was tenderly caressing him, and he knew in his heart that this man would never abandon him. This realization filled him with immense happiness, knowing that in this new life, he could begin anew.

With the knowledge of future events, he felt a sense of reassurance, knowing that he could amend things with the support of Xun Wei. Nestling deeper into Xun Wei's embrace, he felt the comforting hold of the other man, and a broad smile spread across his face.

Huang Jin felt a tender kiss planted on his forehead.

"Did you sleep well, Ahjin?"

"Yes, I did. I feel fantastic. Thank you for being here with me." Huang Jin hugged Xun Wei tightly.

"That's great to hear. When should I meet your father, Ahjin? I was thinking that before the apocalypse occurs, we should get married. What do you think? After our wedding, we can go on a honeymoon overseas. I want to seize this opportunity to give you the things you truly deserve and enjoy. I know you've endured far more than you've ever shared with us."

With a sense of urgency and deep affection in his eyes, Xun Wei rose from his place and clasped Huang Jin's hand tightly. He gazed into Ahjin's eyes, filled with love and concern, and asked earnestly, "Ahjin, will you marry me? Will you grant me the privilege of being your husband?"

Tears welled up in Huang Jin's eyes, streaming down one by one as he couldn't contain his emotions. He embraced Xun Wei tightly, trying to convey through his hug the depth of his feelings for him.

"Yes, yes... Let's do it. Get a marriage certificate and couple rings," he responded, his voice filled with sincerity and joy.

Xun Wei held onto Ahjin even tighter, as if he never wanted to let him go. After leaving the space, Xun Wen left them, carrying boxes of spring water. Xun Wei, together with Ahjin, headed towards his father's company.

"Ahwei, do you think it's possible for me to share what happened to me with my dad?"

"Yes, don't you think we should do that? If you have confidence in him, it's best to proceed this way. I understand that a large company like your dad's would require time and proper channels for transferring money."

Upon arriving at the company, some employees paused their work as they noticed Huang Jin and Xun Wei approaching. The two individuals walking in had a striking presence — one exuding a dominant aura, with tall stature, jet black hair, a straight nose, sharp eyebrows, and thin lips. This person wore boots, jeans, a v-neck shirt, and a leather jacket, holding hands with the other person who emitted a gentle and warm aura. The latter donned a black turtle-neck long-sleeved top paired with a wool jacket, black jeans, and black boots.

Inside the private elevator, Huang Jin pressed the button for the 56th floor and swiped the card to access it. With Xun Wei's arms around his waist, Huang Jin leaned on him while they waited for the elevator to arrive.

The elevator doors opened up to reveal a fully carpeted floor adorned with large potted plants adorning every corner. As Huang Jin and Xun Wei stepped out, they caught the attention of employees and secretaries, who momentarily paused in their work to take notice of the two individuals. A secretary approached them, and Huang Jin was taken aback by the sight of the familiar face. He recognized the secretary as one of the people who remained trustworthy and had assisted his father during the apocalypse. If he hadn't decided to visit the company today, he might have forgotten about the man who played a crucial role during those trying times.

"Young Master Jin, your father is already waiting for you inside his office. I've canceled his other meeting, so rest assured that no one will disturb you both."

"Thank you," Huang Jin replied with gratitude.

Huang Jin knocked on the door, and he heard a voice from the other side inviting him in. As he entered the room, he saw his father seated behind his desk, engrossed in reading documents. Upon catching sight of his son, Huang Jun smiled warmly, but his smile faltered slightly when he noticed someone else accompanying Huang Jin. Ignoring this, Huang Jin locked the door from the inside and proceeded to embrace his father tightly.

"Dad, how have you been?" Huang Jin inquired with genuine concern.

"I'm doing well, and I've made all the necessary arrangements we discussed earlier," Huang Jun replied.

Huang Jun then shifted his attention to the man standing beside his son. "And who is this? I don't recall meeting him before."

"He's Xun Wei, the brother of Xun Wen. Remember? He's my best friend," Huang Jin explained.

Huang Jun nodded, recalling the connection. "Ah, I remember now."

"Dad, can we sit down? I have something important to discuss with you," Huang Jin requested, turning to Xun Wei and holding his hand as he guided him to the sofa.

His father raised an eyebrow, curious about who this guy was to his son, but he remained silent as they all settled on the sofa. Face to face with his father, Huang Jin took a deep breath and began recounting the events that would unfold three years from now.

As he spoke, his father's expressions shifted from surprise to shock, then to a mix of anger and sadness. Huang Jin continued to talk for a long time, sharing all the details of what he knew.

Xun Wei attentively listened, offering support and comfort to Huang Jin, who appeared emotionally overwhelmed. He handed Huang Jin a glass of water to help soothe him during the difficult conversation.

Father Huang pulled his son closer, embracing him tightly, and they remained in a wordless hug for a significant amount of time, finding comfort in each other's presence.

Then, Father Huang shifted his focus to Xun Wei, still holding his son. "I can't express enough gratitude for what you've done for my son. Being there for him, providing support throughout those challenging years of the apocalypse. Whatever you may ask for, I promise to fulfill your request," he declared earnestly, acknowledging Xun Wei's unwavering devotion and care for his son.

"I want to marry your son; this is my only wish, and I hope you grant it. Despite the challenges Ahjin faced in his previous life, I am determined to marry him and ensure he experiences joy in these last three years before the apocalypse occurs. I trust Ahjin when he says that the apocalypse will happen," Xun Wei sincerely expressed his desire to Father Huang.

Father Huang looked at Xun Wei and then at his son, seeing the love and determination in their eyes. He smiled warmly and replied, "If this is what both of you truly want, then I wholeheartedly give my blessing to your marriage. You have my support, and I hope that your love will bring happiness to both of you."

Xun Wei turned his head to look at Ahjin, who was still embraced by his father, and continued, "It no longer matters whether Ahjin goes to school or not. These remaining years are precious, and we should take his our time to savor the peaceful moments before the apocalypse arrives."

Father Huang nodded in agreement, understanding the significance of cherishing the time they had together and making the most of it. He lovingly patted his son's back, affirming his support for whatever decision they made.

"Tomorrow, I'll inform the school about Ahjin's withdrawal, and I don't think they'll be suspicious. I'll keep this decision a secret from your stepmother," Father Huang confirmed. "Additionally, I'll start preparing the divorce papers. Two weeks before the apocalypse happens, I'll have her sign them and proceed with the process."

Hearing this, Xun Wei nodded appreciatively, grateful for Father Huang's understanding and support. He knew that these actions were essential to ensure Ahjin's happiness and safety during the remaining time they had before the impending apocalypse.

"I won't let them have a great life. I've already informed my secretary to make the necessary arrangements," Father Huang stated with determination.

As he pondered further, his eyebrows furrowed in thought. "There are so many things we need to take care of. Regarding the building, do you think it would be a good base for us? We can renovate what needs fixing and add whatever is necessary to make it suitable for our purposes."

Huang Jin listened to his father's words, and a glimmer of hope flickered in his eyes. He recalled a past memory during the previous apocalypse when the company celebrated its anniversary. His father had suspended work, allowing everyone to return home for a week. As a result, there were only a few zombies inside the building when Huang Jin entered.

However, his reminiscence was interrupted by the recollection of an earthquake that struck a month later. Despite the building being designed to be earthquake-proof, the damage was extensive, leading to the collapse of half the building.

Father Huang noticed the change in his son's expression and asked, "What are you thinking, Ahjin?"

"Oh, that's bot a good idea dad, I remembered during the apocalypse. This building was empty with dozens of zombies only. Many People squatted in this building because the building was in excellent condition — no damage except the 1st floor and parking area. But after a month this area was hit with an earthquake half of the building collapse, so we can't build our base here."

Hearing Huang Jin's explanation, Father Huang understood the situation better. He nodded and said, "I see. It seems this building won't be suitable as our base, especially given its history with the previous earthquake. We'll need to consider other options then."

"I've already thought of a suitable place for us to establish our base. It's located in N city, near the cave. The plot of land was up for sale before, but due to its challenging accessibility, being surrounded by dense forest and far from the city, the government abandoned it.

We can purchase the land and construct a fortified perimeter using thick, solid metal walls with gated entrances and exits," Huang Jin explained.

"That sounds like a great idea, Ahjin," Father Huang responded, impressed with his son's foresight. "N city is far enough from the main urban areas to avoid attracting too much attention, and the dense forest provides a natural barrier. If the government abandoned it, we have a good chance of acquiring the land for our purposes."

Xun Wei nodded in agreement, seeing the potential of the location as a secure base for their group. "Building a thick solid metal wall surrounding the area with gates for entrance and exit will offer excellent protection."

Huang Jin smiled, feeling reassured by their support. "Exactly. It will give us a safe and secure place to start anew and prepare for what's to come."

"That sounds like an excellent plan. We can also incorporate greenhouses to grow vegetables and fruits, warehouses to stockpile materials and food, and a factory for producing essential items like bath essentials, kitchen supplies, and clothing. We'll invest in various machines to manufacture the necessary materials for us.

To ensure a stable energy supply, we can install generators and solar panels on each building. And, of course, the Water Purification System is crucial," Xun Wei enthusiastically added his input to the discussion.

Father Huang and Huang Jin listened attentively, impressed by the thoughtful ideas and comprehensive planning. They exchanged nods, in agreement with the proposal. It seemed like they were on the path to creating a sustainable and well-equipped haven for themselves and others in the face of the impending apocalypse.

"Sounds like a solid plan," Father Huang replied with approval. "Once you've made the arrangements to purchase the land and finalize the layout, we can incorporate an underground bunker into the design. After that, we'll call the construction company to begin the building process. We'll aim to expedite the construction as much as possible, although it may take a week or two for all the preparations."

Huang Jin and Xun Wei both nodded, appreciating the strategic approach and the sense of urgency in their preparations. They were all eager to create a safe and self-sufficient sanctuary before the impending apocalypse arrives. With everyone on board and a clear plan in place, they set forth to bring their vision to life.

"Rest assured, Sir. I will personally discuss this with my father and ensure that the necessary funds are allocated. My family has ties with the military, so acquiring weapons, ammunition, and vehicles won't be an issue. Let's schedule another meeting in about a week to review the progress.

This base is of utmost importance to all of us, and we must ensure that everything is perfect. We cannot afford to be lax when it comes to our safety," Xun Wei confidently stated, emphasizing the need for thorough preparation and attention to detail.

"After finalizing the base plan, we can start planning for the wedding. During our honeymoon, we can visit pharmaceutical companies to order boxes of medicines and store them in the warehouse, disguising it as part of our business. To avoid any suspicions, we'll handle everything discreetly.

For machines that we can't find locally, we can purchase them during our travels and then transfer them to Ahjin's space," Xun Wei elaborated to Father Huang, emphasizing the need for secrecy and strategic resource gathering during their honeymoon period.

Listening to the conversation between the two people he loves the most, Huang Jin felt immense happiness. With a smile, he closed his eyes and peacefully fell asleep in his father's arms.

Chuckling, Xun Wei noticed Ahjin sleeping and inquired about a room for him to rest. Father Huang gestured to a nearby closed door beside the rows of bookshelves. Xun Wei gently placed Ahjin on the bed in that room before joining Father Huang outside to continue their discussion and planning.