Chapter 18 - Being a daughter in law (Rev.)

October in A City is undoubtedly the best time of the year, with sunny and pleasant weather. The road is adorned with privet trees on both sides, sprinkled with small white flowers emitting a delicate fragrance, enticing passers-by to pause and enjoy the beauty.

At eight o'clock in the morning, two salesmen from a food house in the food city dutifully opened the door, ready to commence their day's work under the cheerful rays of sunshine.

Xiao Jia, dressed in an apron, noticed the lack of customers in the early morning, so he struck up a conversation with Xiao Li, another salesman. "Did you watch the news? There's a peculiar meteor shower tonight. I can't recall the specific details, but I heard it's easily visible."

"I heard about it too," Xiao Li replied eagerly. "My husband mentioned that he wants to go to Wanliu Park for a barbecue buffet in the evening and watch the meteor shower."

A tinge of envy flashed in Xiao Jia's eyes, and he was about to respond when he saw a long, white hand lifting the soft glass curtain at the shop's door. The owner of that hand stepped into the food house.

A young man entered the food house, clad in a crisp white shirt, khaki slacks, and stylish white casual shoes. His aura was fresh and vibrant, exuding an elegant and handsome charm. He had a straight nose, lips reminiscent of Danxia, and his long, shiny hair added to his energetic appearance, with bright, lively eyes completing the captivating picture.

As the young man walked in, Xiao Jia greeted him with a warm smile. Stepping forward, he said, "Welcome! What would you like to buy?"

The young man returned the smile politely and made his way to the counter. Looking down, he pointed at various cooked dishes on the bar, stating his order confidently, "I'll have roast chicken, smoked chicken, smoked rabbit, and roast duck—all in the same quantity. Additionally, please weigh some duck neck, duck tongue, and duck paw. Oh, and two pig feet and a piece of beef with sauce, and finally, some elbow with sauce as well."

Upon hearing the young man's order, Xiao Jia and Xiao Li swiftly packed and weighed all the requested cooked food. They handed the bags to the young man and even offered two durable and large shopping bags for convenience.

Seeing all the cooked food neatly packed, the young man took out his credit card from his wallet and handed it to Xiao Jia. After Xiao Jia skillfully operated the POS machine and prompted for the password, the young man smiled as he entered it. Once the machine printed out the receipt, he signed his name quickly, retrieved his credit card, and took both bags filled with cooked food out of the Food City.

After the young man's figure vanished completely, Xiao Jia turned to Xiao Li with a smile and said, "Today, I learned not to judge people based on their appearance. Who would have guessed that he was interested in food just by looking at him? Did you notice how his eyes were fixed on our counter the whole time after he entered? I even think that if he could, he would have bought even more. But those eyes of his were adorable."

As Xiao Jia held his cheeks in his hands, he seemed to have turned into a flower enthusiast, enchanted by the young man's captivating gaze.

Xiao Li didn't seem interested in discussing the customers further and replied nonchalantly, "Whether he eats or not, I just hope more customers like him can help us earn more commission."

Noticing that Xiao Li wasn't engaging in the conversation, Xiao Jia let the topic go and maintained his enamored smile. He picked up the signed receipt left by the young man and examined it closely. Speaking to himself, he mused, "Not only is he handsome, but his handwriting is also exquisite. 'Huang Jin,' it's a beautiful name to listen to."


Unaware of the salesmen's infatuation with him, Huang Jin sat in the back seat of the taxi, tightly clutching the two shopping bags filled with mouthwatering cooked food. The tantalizing aroma wafting from the bags tempted him, but he had to resist the urge to indulge immediately.

Feeling a sense of impatience, he shifted his gaze to the back of the driver's head, silently urging him to go faster. "Hurry up, hurry up!" Huang Jin repeated in his mind, eager to reach his destination as soon as possible.

Upon arriving home, Huang Jin plans to share the delicious food he bought at the cooked food city with Xun Wei when he returns. He had heard on the forum that the food there tasted amazing, and he couldn't wait to try it for himself.

Even though the cooked food city is quite far from their Villa, Huang Jin has been busy collecting essential items for the apocalypse. However, with the sunny day ahead, he decides to take a detour and visit the food city.

If the food from the cooked food city meets their expectations, Huang Jin and Xun Wei plan to include it in their list of ordered items. They will order as many lunch boxes as possible, disguising them as packed lunches for an event and keep ordering them for a month and store them inside the auditorium at the end of the day.

Before returning home, Xun Wei decided to go shopping in the town center to find a suitable gift for Huang Jin. After finding the perfect present, he remembered the information he read on Huang Jin's laptop about A City, prompting him to visit the Food City after his shopping trip.

"I found out two days ago that the original meaning of giving a watch as a gift is to express love," Xun Wei explained. "Everyone else has done it, so why shouldn't we?"

Huang Jin rolled his eyes playfully and pointed to the watch on his wrist. "Do you want me to wear a watch on both hands? People will think I'm ill. Besides, didn't you already give me this watch? So, you've already gifted me a watch."

Feeling a bit dejected, Xun Wei responded, "Alright then, I'll send you flowers."

Smiling sweetly, Huang Jin tried to appease Xun Wei, saying, "I'll send you flowers too."

Puzzled, Xun Wei asked, "You're also sending flowers? What kind of flowers are you sending?"

"I'll send you cauliflower," Huang Jin confidently stated. He had discovered a green farm yesterday that produced cauliflower far more delicious than the standard ones commonly available. Huang Jin had taken an interest in the agricultural industry in A City.

After pondering for a moment, Huang Jin added, "And also broccoli, osmanthus, Sophora..."

Xun Wei couldn't help but show an indescribable expression on his face. He teased, "Should I be moved? My daughter-in-law is different from the coquettish and flirtatious women out there!"

Xun Wei couldn't help but show an indescribable expression on his face, but Huang Jin found it amusing. He laughed for a while before pulling Xun Wei into a warm embrace. "You don't need to think that you have to do more than others. We are equal in this relationship. You are all mine. What else do I need as a gift?" he reassured Xun Wei with affection.

"I simply don't want you to feel inferior to anyone else," Xun Wei expressed.

Huang Jin playfully blinked and replied, "With your current qualities, you could easily be the top husband for anyone."

Then, he sealed Xun Wei's lips with a kiss, making all other thoughts vanish from Xun Wei's mind.