Chapter 19 - Meeting the Family (Rev.)

On the first Friday following Xun Wei's resignation, he received a phone call from Du Feng around noon. Du Feng expressed a desire to have a conversation with Xun Wei. As thoughts about the information regarding the apocalypse crossed Xun Wei's mind, he didn't hesitate to accept Du Feng's invitation. They agreed to meet at a restaurant for lunch on Saturday.

As Xun Wei ended the call, Huang Jin, who was in the kitchen, diligently cooking and packing their meals into a box and storing them inside his dimensional space, asked about the caller, "Was that your friend?"

"Yes, it was Du Feng. He called and expressed his desire to meet up with me," Xun Wei confirmed as he helped Huang Jin pack the food into boxes and set everything aside.

"I mentioned to him that if he truly wants to understand why I made the decision to quit my job, I need him to have complete trust in me. But then again, with Du Feng, trust has always been a given. I can't help but trust him completely," Xun Wei explained, his mind filled with curiosity about their upcoming meeting.

As they continued with their preparations, Xun Wei couldn't help but wonder what Du Feng had in mind for their meeting. The anticipation of discovering Du Feng's intentions left him intrigued and excited for what lay ahead.

"It's going to be alright. You can trust your friend," Huang Jin reassured Xun Wei, planting a reassuring kiss on his cheeks.

When Saturday finally arrived, Xun Wei and Huang Jin arrived at the designated meeting place right on time. Upon entering the room, they noticed Du Feng and another man seated together, appearing composed and serious. As Xun Wei and Huang Jin walked in, both Du Feng and the man stood up, approaching them.

The atmosphere felt charged with anticipation as they exchanged greetings, wondering what this meeting would entail. Xun Wei's heart swirled with a mix of emotions, but Huang Jin's comforting presence by his side gave him the strength to face whatever was to come. They stood ready, eager to uncover the purpose behind this gathering with Du Feng and his companion.

Before this point, Xun Wei's father had only maintained a friendly acquaintance with Du Feng's family. They were not particularly close, and their interactions were limited to occasional gatherings or banquets. Xun Wei himself had only met Du Feng during one of these gatherings, which took place before he joined the army. Their encounters were cordial, but they hadn't developed a deep personal connection at that time.

Despite the relatively distant nature of their past interactions, fate seemed to have brought them together once again. Now, standing in the room with Du Feng and his companion, Xun Wei couldn't help but wonder how their paths had converged to lead to this significant moment. The unknown intentions behind this meeting sparked both curiosity and a sense of apprehension within him. But with Huang Jin's support and reassurance, he felt ready to face whatever revelations or challenges awaited them.

Du Feng made the introduction, revealing the man's name as Zhang Gu, who happened to own a conglomerate in a foreign country. Xun Wei greeted Zhang Gu with a warm smile, feeling a mix of curiosity and intrigue about this unexpected meeting.

Taking hold of Huang Jin's hand, Xun Wei proudly introduced him, saying, "This is my partner, Huang Jin." In that moment, the affection and connection between Xun Wei and Huang Jin were evident, and introducing him as his lover filled Xun Wei's heart with joy and a sense of completeness.

"Seniority isn't a concern here, Xun Wei. We've always been good friends," Du Feng spoke warmly. "You can call me brother Du. Let's forge a friendly bond and get along with each other."

Huang Jin, upon hearing and seeing Du Feng's friendly approach, responded with a warm smile and called out, "Brother Han, Brother Gu."

Xun Wei couldn't help but be amused by Du Feng's shameless demeanor, and he observed the man standing beside Du Feng, whom Huang Jin had just addressed as Brother Gu.

For a while now, Xun Wei had been speculating about Du Feng's intentions in wanting to meet with him. However, as he entered the room and listened to Du Feng's introduction of Zhang Gu, Xun Wei's confidence grew. The friendly atmosphere and Du Feng's demeanor seemed to suggest that this meeting might hold positive and meaningful possibilities. Despite the initial uncertainty, Xun Wei found himself feeling more assured about the encounter and eager to see how the conversation would unfold.

As the meal progressed and the pleasantries were exchanged among those present, Xun Wei began to sense that Du Feng might be approaching the moment of getting to the main purpose of their meeting. While enjoying the food and engaging in friendly conversation, Xun Wei kept an attentive eye on Du Feng, expecting that the time to address the reason for this gathering would come soon. He felt a mix of anticipation and curiosity, eager to finally understand the true motive behind their meeting.

Indeed, after some time, Du Feng broached the purpose of their gathering. "I've been pondering over what you shared at the barracks three days ago, particularly about trust," he began. "You mentioned having complete trust in me. Moreover, I'm well aware of your deep passion for being in the army, so I understand that your decision to resign must have a significant reason behind it. Thus, I believe it's crucial for me to be here today, ready to listen attentively. To show my sincerity, I've brought along important people who matter to me."

Beside Du Feng, a man stood, offering comfort and support, as Du Feng appeared visibly anxious and nervous. Three days earlier, after Du Feng had returned home, he called this man to share his concern about his best friend, who was serving in the army. Du Feng felt a mix of sadness and curiosity, eager to understand the reason behind Xun Wei's resignation. To gain some advice and perspective, he discussed the matter with his boyfriend, who was currently away in another country, busy with business affairs.

Now, as Du Feng had finally decided to meet with Xun Wei, he couldn't shake off the nerves and anxiety that had been building within him. He understood the importance of this encounter and the significance it held for both of them. With his friend's well-being in mind and a desire to support Xun Wei, Du Feng stepped into the meeting with a mix of emotions, hoping for a resolution and understanding.

"Do not fret. Though I may be a stranger to you, Du Feng holds great significance in my life, and I am willing to take any risk to be by his side," Zhang Gu said as he assisted Du Feng by serving him a piece of braised spareribs. Glancing at his boyfriend, who was enjoying the meal with delight, he spoke with a gentle smile, "You need not doubt me. Believe in the fact that Du Feng will not betray you, not just because he is mine, but because he is your friend."

With a nod of approval, Xun Wei reached into the fruit basket and retrieved a purple fruit, which he knew was Huang Jin's favorite. Having recently discovered its delicious taste, Huang Jin had grown fond of this particular fruit. As it had become a habit for Xun Wei to leave the purple fruit for him, he handed it over to Huang Jin with a smile.

After their conversation with Du Feng and Zhang Gu, Xun Wei and Huang Jin were determined to make whatever decision was necessary to ensure that everything would be prepared before the apocalypse occurred. Both Du Feng and Zhang Gu understood the urgency of the situation and didn't hesitate any longer. They bid their farewells and joined Xun Wei and Huang Jin in earnestly preparing for the challenges that lay ahead. With a shared commitment to face the impending apocalypse, they set forth on their mission, leaving no room for hesitation.

Agreeing wholeheartedly, Du Feng and Zhang Gu pledged to join forces with Xun Wei and Huang Jin before the three years elapsed. They felt reassured knowing that Du Feng had regular contact with Xun Wei, easing any concerns about staying connected.

With their plans set in motion, they decided to keep in touch and communicate regularly, providing support whenever needed.

After a week passed, and Xun Wei received the official notice of his resignation, he made the decision to take Huang Jin to meet his family. Eager to introduce his beloved partner to his family and share the news of his life-changing decision, Xun Wei embarked on this important journey with Huang Jin by his side. The prospect of this visit brought a mix of excitement and nervousness, knowing it would be a significant moment for both of them.

As Xun Wei and Huang Jin entered the villa, they were greeted by the sight of Xun's father and mother sitting on the sofa in the hall, engrossed in watching TV. Grandpa Zou sat on the left single sofa, entertaining himself by feeding melon seeds to their pet parrot, Cray. In the meantime, a cheerful, chubby maid was walking towards the couch, carrying a plate of delicious biscuits baked by Aunt Hei.

The warm and welcoming atmosphere filled the air as Xun Wei and Huang Jin approached their family. The villa seemed to exude a sense of comfort and familiarity, making them feel right at home. They exchanged smiles, ready to share their news and cherish this moment with their loved ones.

For the sake of convenience, Xun's father and mother had been living in the villa together with Grandpa Zhou ever since they found out about Xun's mother's pregnancy. Grandpa Zhou held a deep sense of attachment to family, and upon learning about the impending addition to the family, he eagerly took on the role of overseeing and caring for Xun's mother during her pregnancy. His excitement knew no bounds as he eagerly anticipated the arrival of his new grandbaby. The close-knit family bond and Grandpa Zhou's loving involvement created a nurturing and supportive environment for the expectant parents, making the villa a place of warmth and love.

Initially, they felt a bit embarrassed about the situation, but they couldn't ignore the fact that their son was always occupied with his commitments. However, once the news of their son's decision to retire spread, they understood the significance of the matter and decided to seek out some domestic help. After carefully considering their options, they eventually accepted Grandfather Zhou's warm invitation and moved into the villa.

As time passed and they settled into the villa, Xun's father and mother felt completely at ease, treating the place as their own home. Xun's mother's body had made a remarkable recovery, and she felt comfortable and well-cared for in the loving environment provided by Grandfather Zhou and the rest of the family.

Unbeknownst to them, when Xun Wen arrived in A City one month ago, he took precautionary measures by changing all the water bottles in the fridge and stockroom. He diluted the spring water to maintain secrecy. This way, anyone who drank the bottled water would only feel refreshed without suspecting anything amiss. If they noticed anything different, they would simply assume it was a new product from a certain company, completely unaware of Xun Wen's careful actions to ensure their safety and the preservation of their hidden plans.

Now that Xun's mother's health had improved, she could stroll around without the need for a wheelchair. Despite being busy at times, she always made time to patiently teach Cray some tricks, finding joy in the process.

When Xun Wei returned home, Cray, who had been enjoying Grandfather Zhou's company and being fed dog food, left his side and rushed excitedly to be with Xun Wei. Standing firmly on Xun Wei's arm, Cray displayed his affection for his beloved owner, delighted to have him back home. The bond between them was evident, and Xun Wei couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness in the company of his family, including their cheerful and clever pet, Cray.

Xun Wei's face flushed with embarrassment. He felt the urge to say something, but it seemed like words were caught in his throat. Suddenly, he coughed, and Huang Jin quickly stepped forward, gently patting his back to provide comfort and support.

"Haha, this little Cray, as soon as he saw you, he left us immediately," Xun's mother chuckled, delighted by the affection Cray showed towards her son. She playfully waved to Cray, who was ignoring her in favor of Xun Wei.

Turning her attention back to her son, she asked with a warm smile, "Wei, are you almost finished?" Inquiring about his well-being, she was eager to spend time together as a family.

"Dad, Mom, fortunately, I won't have much work to do in the near future," Xun Wei said, relieved that his workload would be light.

However, as Xun Wei continued, he added, "But I can't rest entirely. There are still many things to take care of." With Huang Jin by his side, he approached his parents and Grandfather Zhou, preparing to make another important announcement.

With a serious yet heartfelt tone, Xun Wei introduced Huang Jin, saying, "This is Huang Jin, he's my partner. We are deeply in love and will be together. We hope to receive your blessing on our relationship." He awaited his family's response, hopeful for their support and understanding.

Before this moment, Xun Wei hadn't introduced Huang Jin to his parents because he was preoccupied with arranging his resignation and their schedules didn't allow for more meetings. The couple had only briefly met Huang Jin once before, and his true relationship with Xun Wei remained unknown to them. However, as Xun Wei arrived at the villa with Huang Jin in tow, his parents refrained from asking any questions, sensing that there was a significant reason for his visit.

Now, as Xun Wei stood before them, solemnly introducing Huang Jin as his partner, everything fell into place for his parents. The pieces of the puzzle finally connected, and they understood why Xun Wei had brought Huang Jin home. The room was filled with a mix of emotions—surprise, understanding, and the realization that they now knew about their son's loving relationship with Huang Jin.

Xun Wei's father and mother were initially taken aback and found themselves at a loss for words. They were shocked by the revelation but quickly composed themselves. Sensing that it was the right time for Xun Wei to share this important aspect of his life, he wanted them to have the opportunity to truly get to know Huang Jin and see how good he was for their son. He had been waiting for the right moment to introduce them to Huang Jin, even if it meant coming out of the cabinet.

After the initial shock, Xun Wei's father took his son's hand and gestured for them to sit down.

He expressed, "Your mother and I had already suspected that you two were close. We were puzzled when you wanted us to meet him, but because the meeting was brief, we refrained from asking. It's the first time you've taken the initiative to introduce someone to us, so we guessed that there was something more to it. Your mother and I are not ignorant; we can see it clearly."

The atmosphere in the room was one of understanding and acceptance, as Xun Wei's parents reassured him that they were aware of his relationship with Huang Jin and that they were supportive of their son's happiness.

"Don't worry, we are not old-fashioned. We won't disapprove or be saddened by your relationship," Xun's mother assured them. She reached out, taking one hand of both Xun Wei and Huang Jin, and gently brought their hands together, conveying her support. She said with a warm smile, "You should live a good life together in the future. As long as you are happy, our hearts will be content."

Father Xun nodded in agreement and added, "Of course, your grandfather has no objections either. You know he always has your best interests at heart." He turned to Grandfather Zhou, seeking confirmation, and received a nod of approval in response.

The atmosphere in the room was filled with acceptance, love, and understanding. Xun Wei and Huang Jin felt a deep sense of relief and gratitude, knowing that they had their family's blessing and support in their journey together.