Chapter 20 - A Warm Dinner (Rev.)

As the conversation unfolded, Grandfather Zhou remained composed, sipping his tea and gently petting the dog, while attentively listening to what his son and daughter-in-law had to say to his grandson, Xun Wei.

"I'm not against their relationship," Grandfather Zhou shared, affirming his support for his grandson. "Xun Wei had already confided in me about his sexual orientation before he joined the army, and I fully support whatever decisions he makes. Now that he has found someone special and introduced him to us, it shows his earnestness and seriousness in wanting our blessing. Whether or not I personally like his partner, I have no right to hinder him because it's Xun Wei's happiness and life. My role is to support him and ensure he is content with his choices."

Grandfather Zhou's demeanor was calm and solemn as he spoke, emphasizing the importance of respecting his grandson's autonomy and supporting his pursuit of happiness. His words carried a profound understanding and a deep sense of love for his family.

"Dad, Mom, Grandpa," Xun Wei addressed them with shining eyes, filled with a mixture of excitement and joy. Even though he had anticipated their acceptance of Huang Jin, the reality of this heartwarming moment overwhelmed him. He felt a surge of happiness throughout his entire being, leaving him momentarily speechless as emotions swirled within him.

Huang Jin shared in the same elation. His heart felt light, as if he could soar through the air. The warmth of the family's support and acceptance enveloped them both, making this occasion truly unforgettable.

In the presence of their loved ones, Xun Wei and Huang Jin knew that they were embarking on a new chapter in their lives, one filled with love and support from their family. The atmosphere in the room was one of celebration, and both of them couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and happiness in this significant moment.

"Don't misunderstand, Xiaowei. We're genuinely happy that you shared your relationship with us. We know how important this is to you," Xun's mother reassured him gently.

Xun Wei nodded, feeling a bit foolish for not immediately addressing his other agenda. In reality, he was nervous about revealing the truth to his parents regarding Huang Jin's dimensional space. Though he didn't want to believe they would react negatively, his cautious nature made him doubt and hesitate, even when it concerned his parents.

He confided in Huang Jin, explaining that he would first talk to his grandfather about this matter. He knew that his grandfather cherished him dearly and wanted to ensure everything would be alright before taking any further steps.

By sharing his thoughts and concerns with Huang Jin, Xun Wei demonstrated his cautious yet considerate nature, prioritizing their well-being above all else. The bond of trust and understanding between them grew stronger as they faced these important decisions together.

"Yes, it's not a big deal, Mom. I just wanted to seek grandfather's advice regarding the army," Xun Wei clarified, observing his mother affectionately rubbing Huang Jin's hair.

Amused by Huang Jin's reaction, Xun's mother reached out and gently stroked his soft and smooth black hair. However, when she tried to do it a second time, Xun Wei quickly held her hand, playfully remarking, "Huang Jin's hair can get quite messy, and it takes some effort to tidy it up."

As he held his mother's hand, Xun Wei suddenly felt a bit embarrassed by his actions, so he hastily looked for a reason to justify his actions. "You know how much effort it takes to maintain his hair, and I just wanted to help him with that," he said with a hint of playfulness, finding a lighthearted excuse for his actions. The atmosphere in the room was filled with affection and laughter, as the family enjoyed this joyous moment together.

Xun's mother playfully exclaimed, "Is this lovesick son of mine really born to me?"

Meanwhile, Xun's father and Grandfather Zhou casually sipped the specially prepared black tea by Aunt Hei, enjoying the delightful taste.

As they continued chatting, Xun's father raised a question about the bottled water that Xun Wen had brought for them in the last month. He expressed how refreshing and healthy it made them feel, and he was curious about its source.

Xun Wei responded with a smile, "It's actually Huang Jin's product, based in N County. So, there's no need to worry about any shortage. If necessary, we can always have Xun Wen send more."

The room was filled with a light-hearted atmosphere as the family shared laughter and relaxed together. With Huang Jin's thoughtful product benefiting them, it was another example of how he had seamlessly integrated into their lives.

After receiving Xun Wei's family's blessing, he and Huang Jin no longer needed to hide their relationship when visiting and spending time together at Grandfather Zhou's home. The newfound openness allowed them to enjoy their moments together without any reservations.

In a playful and affectionate manner, Xun's father and mother playfully changed their dessert offering into filial son's dog food every day. They lovingly referred to it as the "forget your mother with your daughter-in-law" brand dog food, showing their acceptance and support for their son's relationship with Huang Jin.

The light-hearted atmosphere in the family continued, filled with love, acceptance, and joyful moments shared by all. Xun Wei and Huang Jin's bond grew stronger as they felt the warmth and love from Xun Wei's family, making their relationship even more special and cherished.

It seems like there was a misunderstanding in my previous responses. I apologize for any confusion caused. Based on the new information provided, let's rephrase the situation:

During their last meeting with Xun Wei and Huang Jin, Xun's father and mother initially thought that Xun Wei was simply showing normal affection and love towards his partner. However, as they observed their interactions, they soon realized that their displays of affection escalated beyond what they had anticipated. The excessive sweetness and closeness between the couple overwhelmed Xun's mother to the point where she jokingly expressed that she wanted to "kill" Xun Wei for being too affectionate.

On the other hand, Grandpa Zhou remained composed and collected about Xun Wei's relationship with Huang Jin. He took the displays of affection in stride, understanding that love takes different forms for each individual. His calm and relaxed demeanor showed his acceptance and support for his grandson's happiness, regardless of how it was expressed.

In the end, despite the initial surprise, Xun's parents also came to accept and embrace Xun Wei's relationship with Huang Jin, understanding that their affectionate displays were simply an expression of their deep love for each other. The family continued to share moments of joy and love, cherishing their time together.

Auntie Hei called the family to gather around the dining table, where a lavish and colorful dinner awaited them. Each dish exuded a sense of love and meticulous care put into its preparation. Huang Jin's senses were overwhelmed by the aroma of honey-glazed vegetables, a delightful mix of chestnut, mushroom, and cabbage, all tossed in savory black bean sauce. The chicken dish boasted an array of different chilies, promising a deliciously spicy kick. A heartwarming bowl of chicken soup graced the table, offering comfort and nourishment.

The main course was a delectable stir-fried rice with tofu, infused with a medley of flavorful spices and sauces. Huang Jin's eyes caught sight of a plate of Vegetable Hakka Noodles, perfectly complemented by a steaming basket of dim sum in the corner. The feast before them showcased Auntie Hei's culinary expertise and her unwavering dedication to providing a wonderful dining experience for the family.

When Xun Wei noticed a bit of saliva at the corner of Huang Jin's mouth due to the mouthwatering meal on the table, he couldn't help but chuckle affectionately. Pulling Huang Jin closer, Xun Wei gently wiped the stray saliva away with his finger, teasing him playfully.

Seating Huang Jin by his side, Xun Wei proceeded to serve him a portion of rice and chicken, showing his caring nature. He then glanced at Grandpa Zhou, waiting for him to start eating before he began his own meal. The dining atmosphere was filled with warmth and happiness as the family savored the delicious dishes Auntie Hei had prepared, cherishing these moments together.

As Xun Wei's parents began their meal, Huang Jin continued to enjoy the delicious food with enthusiasm. His cheeks were bulging, and his mouth was filled with a delightful combination of rice and chicken. Observing Huang Jin's happy eating, Xun Wei couldn't resist adding a plate of dim sum beside his bowl, much to Huang Jin's surprise. Huang Jin's eyes twitched as he shot a playful glare at Xun Wei, but Xun Wei only smiled back at him with affection and adoration in his eyes.

The playful exchange between them added a touch of charm to the dinner, and the loving atmosphere among the family members made the meal even more enjoyable. Everyone relished the scrumptious dishes prepared by Auntie Hei while cherishing the joyous moments they shared together.

As they watched their son, once single and reserved, now happily serving food to Huang Jin, Xun's parents couldn't help but chuckle with joy. It was a stark contrast to how he used to be around women. Witnessing this transformation in their son's demeanor filled their hearts with gratitude towards fate for bringing Huang Jin into his life.

They recognized the happiness radiating from Xun Wei's smiling face and knew that Huang Jin played a significant role in his newfound joy. They felt blessed to see their son in such a loving and caring relationship, and they hoped that Huang Jin would reciprocate the same love and cherish the affection that Xun Wei showered upon him.

As the family continued to share laughter and fond moments during dinner, they were grateful for the love that now surrounded their son. They cherished this bond and the happiness it brought, knowing that it was a blessing that couldn't be replaced by anything else.

As the family enjoyed their meal together, they couldn't help but notice the genuine care and affection that Huang Jin showed towards Xun Wei. It was evident in his actions and demeanor, further reassuring them that he cherished their son deeply.

Curious to learn more about Huang Jin, Xun's parents turned their attention to him and asked, "So, Ahjin, what are you currently doing? Little Wen mentioned that you both attend the same school. Is your school still in session, or do you not have any classes right now?" They were genuinely interested in getting to know Huang Jin better and engaging in a friendly conversation with him.

"I'm on medical leave right now. But don't worry, it's not severe. I just need some time to rest and recuperate," Huang Jin replied between bites of food.

Hearing this, Xun's mother felt relieved and offered her motherly concern, "That's good to hear. We were worried it might be something serious. Ahwei, make sure to put more vegetables on Ahjin's plate, and after eating, let Auntie Hei know to serve Huang Jin some green tea."

"Of course, Mom," Xun Wei responded, showing his attentiveness to his mother's request as he added more vegetables to Huang Jin's bowl. The family continued to enjoy their meal, cherishing each other's company and taking care of one another with affection and consideration.

As Xun Wei's mother showed her concern for Huang Jin, he couldn't bring himself to answer, feeling emotionally overwhelmed. He fought back tears and managed to smile, trying to hide his emotional state from the family. His eyes were red, and he bowed his head to prevent anyone from noticing his vulnerable moment.

Xun Wei, understanding the depth of Huang Jin's emotions, gently patted his thigh in a comforting gesture. In that moment, Huang Jin felt immense gratitude for Xun Wei's support and found solace in his touch. He placed his hand on top of Xun Wei's, holding it tightly, appreciating the comfort and love they shared.

In this touching moment of understanding and support, the bond between Xun Wei and Huang Jin grew even stronger. Their relationship transcended words, demonstrating the deep connection they had forged, and the willingness to be there for each other in both moments of joy and vulnerability. The dinner table became a place of love and compassion, where the family's care extended to include Huang Jin as one of their own.